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Inwigilacja mieszkańców Przeworska przez komunistyczny aparat represji w latach 1944–1956

  • Author: Arkadiusz Machniak
  • Year of publication: 2014
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 120-135
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201410
  • PDF: ksm/19/ksm201410.pdf

During years 1944 to 1956 the communist repression apparatus has kept under surveillance every aspect of civilian life of Przeworsk’s community. There were not people, professions or business entities which could stay out of interest of. Special attention was directed to people who were connected with former Polish Armed Forces on the West and military structures which acted in occupied Poland (f. e. Homeland Army). In the area of interest communist’s security services added inhabitants of Przeworsk city who had private connections with foreigners, listened west radio broadcast or stated negative opinions about communist’s party.

Also economic problems in the Przeworsk’s nationalized industry were assessed as planned by enemies of communist system and in order to weaken socialist economy. However, analysis of the documents which were made by communist repression apparatus stated that inhabitants of Przeworsk were not connected with the alleged activity of foreigner intelligence services or harmed city nationalized industry.

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