The Importance of Ink in Chinese Contemporary Art [book review Breaking the Ink: Abstract Ink Art in Mainland China]
- Institution: Slovak Academy of Sciences
- Year of publication: 2021
- Source: Show
- Pages: 184-189
- DOI Address:
- PDF: npw/31/npw3113.pdf
Важность чернил в современном китайском искусстве
[рецензия книги Breaking the Ink: Abstract Ink Art in Mainland China]
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- Zhang Cziráková, D. (2014). Abstrakcia ako dôležitá súčasť čínskej experimentálnej maľby tušom [Abstraction as an important Part of Chinese Experimental Ink and Washes Painting]. In: M. Slobodník, L. Gajdoš (eds.). Miscellanea Asiae Orientalis Slovaca. Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Katedra východoázijských štúdií, FFUK, pp. 59–89.
- Zhang Cziráková, D. (2020). Breaking the Ink: Abstract Ink Art in Mainland China. Veda: Publishing House of the SAS.
- Zhang Cziráková, D. (2016). Crossing Ink River. Zhang Yu and his Contribution to the Movement of Experimental Ink and Wash Painting. In: A. Rácová, M. Bucková (eds.). Studia orientalia Victori Krupa dedicata. Bratislava: SAP, pp. 259–217.
- Zhang Cziráková, D. (2017). Modern Tendencies in Contemporary Ink and Wash Painting in Mainland China since New Wave 85 up to Present. Studia orientalia Slovaca, 16(1), pp. 143–174.
- Zhang Cziráková, D. (2010). Subjektivita a semiabstraktné prvky v starej čínskej maľbe tušom [Subjectivity and Semi-abstract features in Chinese Ancient Ink Painting]. Anthropologia Integra, 1(2), pp. 71–90.
- Zhang Cziráková, D. (2015). Theoretical Sources for Abstract Painting in the Ancient Chinese Art Theory before the Tang Dynasty. Journal of Sino-Western Communications, VII(1), pp. 176–187.
- Zhang Cziráková, D. (2014). Writing without Words: An Influence of the Chinese Calligraphy on the Contemporary Ink Painting in the Mainland China. Journal of Sino-Western Communications, VI(1), pp. 102–116.