Nr 7

Spis treści

  • Author: The Editors
  • Year of publication: 2019
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 3-4
  • DOI Address: -
  • PDF: pbs/7/pbs7toc.pdf

Prominentny przodek pogromcy Spartakusa – Publius Licinius Crassus Dives, konsul w 205 r. przed Chr.

  • Author: Maciej Maciejowski
  • Year of publication: 2019
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 5-37
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: pbs/7/pbs701.pdf

The author attempts to answer to question, to what extent eulogy written down by Livy and concerning title figure of Publius Licinius Crassus (consul in 205 B.C.), corresponded with the facts (Liv. XXX 1, 4-6). Article presented stages of political and military career of the above-mentioned member of nobilitas and his competences. This activity can be followed by analysis his activity during holding consecutive offices (pontifex maximus, censor, magister equitum, praetor peregrinus, consul, proconsul). Where therefore we should seek origins of so high assesment given him by Livy? Analysing his activity the course Second Punic War (218-201 B.C.) author arrived at the conclusion, that it were not relatively modest war deedes, particularly in comparison with Roman outstanding leaders in this range, which decided about standing of Crassus. In his career, he placed himself in the role of the client of powerful gens Cornelia. He gained support from Cornelii during elections for pontifex maximus. In return for patronage and help in promotion on consecutive magistracies, he reciprocated undobtedly using his extensive juridicial knowledge. As a pontifex maximus he was also important link in the system of political control over sphere of the religion. Thus, origins of prestige of Crassus we should perceive above all in his mastery of the law. He was known not only as a expert in pontifical law, but also in advising Roman people and senate. It is emphasized not only by Livy, but also by Cicero, whose testimony, although late, it seems valuable, because it revels to us good memory of Crassus, which was preserved in Roman tradition. By advising in lawsuits, he was able to build own clientele, anywaythe network of obligations. This activity was also probably origin of his substantial profits (hence cognomen Dives). Example of the Crassus shows to us, that in Republican Rome, even in tumultuous times, it was there possibility to gain high political standing beyond sphere stricte military.

republika rzymska III/II B.C. roman republic Publius Licinius Crassus Dives III/II w. przed Chr. biografistyka biography

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Siostra Maria Józef Franciszka – Irena z Jezierskich Tyszkiewiczowa (22 maja 1887 – 23 kwietnia 1964)

  • Author: Elżbieta Przybył-Sadowska
  • Institution: Uniwersytet Jagielloński
  • ORCID:
  • Year of publication: 2019
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 39-65
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: pbs/7/pbs702.pdf

Sister Maria Józef Franciszka – Irena née Jezierska Tyszkiewicz (May 22, 1887 – April 23, 1964).

Article devoted to the countess Irena Tyszkiewicz (1887–1964) – founder and creator of the Library of Religious Knowledge in Warsaw – private library functioned in the outbuilding of the palace belonging to her family at 6 Litewska Street in Warsaw. She collected about 20 thousand books, including 3 thousand books for children. The library were used also as a place for discussion meetings by the most important Catholic intellectuals of the interwar period in Poland. Library was opened between 1919 and 1939 and later operated underground until 1944, when was destroyed by the Germans. After the Second War library was renovated in 1956 also by Irena Tyszkiewicz (then she was already sister Maria Józef Franciszka in the Congregation of the Franciscan Sisters Servants of the Cross) and began operating as the Primate’s Library of Religious Knowledge. This library, still operating in the Monastery belonging to the Congregation of the Franciscan Sisters Servants of the Cross at 9/11 Piwna Street in Warsaw, has become a model for other religious libraries created in many cities in Poland. In the years 1919–1939, Irena Tyszkiewicz was also involved in the activities of the Society for the Care of the Blind founded by Mother Elżbieta Czacka and other related institutions. Among others, she was a co-founder of a bookshop and the „Verbum” Publishing House. In this article to trace her life archival materials collected in the archives of the Franciscan Sisters Servants of the Cross (AFSK), Father Władysław Korniłowicz (AWK) and Mother Elżbieta Czacka (AMCz) were used.

Catholicism in Poland Library of Religious Knowledge in Warsaw katolicyzm w Polsce Biblioteka Wiedzy Religijnej w Warszawie Irena Tyszkiewicz (1887-1964) okres międzywojenny interwar period

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Generał broni Lucjan Żeligowski (1865-1947) przyczynek do biografii

  • Author: Andrzej Wojtaszak
  • Year of publication: 2019
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 67-93
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: pbs/7/pbs703.pdf

Generał Lucjan Żeligowski pochodził z polskiej rodziny szlacheckiej, herbu „Bończa”. Jego przodkowie walczyli ze Szwedami w XVI wieku, a jego ojciec brał udział w powstaniu styczniowym w 1863 roku. Jedna z najbardziej kontrowersyjnych postaci w korpusie generałów II RP. Walczył w wojnie rosyjsko-japońskiej (1904-1905). Podczas Wielkiej Wojny, po zgodzie władz rosyjskich na tworzenie polskich formacji wojskowych, był współorganizatorem Brygady Strzelców Polskich, walczył w szeregach Polskiej Dywizji Strzelców i w Pierwszym Korpusie Polskim W ostatnim okresie wojny współorganizował 4. Dywizję Strzelców Polskich, z którą dotarł do Polski przez Odessę i Besarabię. Walczył z wojskami Zachodnioukraińskiej Republiki Ludowej i w wojnie polsko-radzieckiej - na Froncie Północnym (10 DP) oraz w walkach pod Radzyminem (podczas bitwy warszawskiej). Po wojnie na czele 1. Dywizji Piechoty Litewsko-Białoruskiej zajął Wilno i doprowadził do powstania Republiki Litwy Środkowej. „Bunt Żeligowskiego” zaowocował przyłączeniem tego obszaru do Polski. W Wojsku Polskim był dowódcą Inspektoratu Wojskowego nr 2 w Warszawie i Ministrem Spraw Wojskowych. Po zamachu stanu Piłsudskiego (zamachu majowym) stanął na czele Komisji Likwidacyjnej powołanej w celu wyjaśnienia okoliczności i przebiegu wydarzeń majowych w 1926 r. Był także inspektorem armii w Generalnym Inspektoracie Zbrojnym Siły. 31 sierpnia 1927 r. przeszedł na emeryturę. W 1928 r. został przewodniczącym Kapituły Orderu Odrodzenia Polski i członkiem Trybunału Stanu. W 1935 r. został wybrany posłem na Sejmu IV kadencji z listy Bezpartyjnego Bloku Współpracy z Rządem - przewodniczył Komisji Wojskowej Parlamentu, a następnie był posłem na Sejm V kadencji z listy bezpartyjnej. Podczas II wojny światowej był członkiem Rady Narodowej Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, przewodniczącym Komitetu Wojskowego i kanclerzem Orderu Virtuti Militari. Zwolennik słowiano filstwa. W okresie powojennym opowiadał się za współpracą z ZSRR. Zmarł w Londynie w 1947 r. Spoczywa na Cmentarzu Wojskowym na Powązkach w Warszawie.

Slavophilism World Wars coup d’état in 1926 generals of the Polish Army Russian-Japanese War słowianofilstwo wojny światowe zamach stanu w 1926 roku generalicja Wojska Polskiego wojna rosyjsko-japońska biografia biography

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Młodość Alfreda Wielopolskiego w świetle korespondencji rodzinnej

  • Author: Piotr Siemiński
  • Institution: Uniwersytet Szczeciński
  • ORCID:
  • Year of publication: 2019
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 95-114
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: pbs/7/pbs704.pdf

Alfred Wielopolski was belonged to a close group of people involved in creation of the beginnings scientific and cultural life in Western Pomerania. In Szczecin, with which the final connected his life after World War II, he was known above all as a devoted lecturer, inquisitive archivist, selfless social worker and activist of most scientific societies and institutions. An interesting information is that, he performed a number of important state functions in during the interwar period – such as holding the deputy chief of Wieluń, managing the Civil Secretariat of the President of the Republic of Poland or acting as the director of the Senate Office. Because of his birth, he was belonged to the strict elite of the landed gentry. In addition to diaries, from this period of his activity remained family correspondence located in the team of the Myszkow ordination of the State Archives in Kielce. It is a very valuable and interesting addition to the above memories. Reading epistolary allows us to see, what worries accompanied the young aristocrat during his studies, studies, military service and work. The materials describe happy and sad moments, they do not hide youthful weaknesses to alcohol or tobacco. They also describe love, often complicated in these difficult Times. In most cases, young Alfred shared his insights with his father, asking him for tips and advice. Description of military service and work in the state administration apparatus allows the reader to see the image, that has gone forever. This article is an attempt to quote the main content of letters interested in this period.

epistolography biographies epistolografia dwudziestolecie międzywojenne Alfred Wielopolski biografistyka interwar period

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„Prace Polonistyczne” (1937–1939) – pismo i środowisko łódzkich polonistów w latach trzydziestych XX wieku

  • Author: Wioletta Poturała
  • Institution: Centrum Doskonalenia Nauczycieli w Koninie
  • ORCID:
  • Year of publication: 2019
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 115-129
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: pbs/7/pbs705.pdf

The article presents the circumstances of creation the magazine titled “Prace Polonistyczne” which focuses on the study of literature and didactics of literature and Polish language. The history of the magazine in 1937-39 was described as well as the forms of editorial activity. The main focus is put on bringing closer profiles of editors and contributors of the magazine: Stefania Skwarczyńska, Wilhelm Falleka, Tadeusz

dydaktyka „Prace Polonistyczne” Łódź press didactics prasa

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Prymas Stefan Wyszyński wobec rzeczywistości społeczno-politycznej PRL 1974–19781

  • Author: Rafał Łatka
  • ORCID:
  • Year of publication: 2019
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 131-178
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: pbs/7/pbs706.pdf

In the seventies, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński was not only the undisputed leader of the Polish Church, but also a widely respected authority in society, whose voice was of great importance. In the above analysis, the attitude of the „Primate of the Millennium” to the socio-political reality of the PRL was discussed. A comprehensive view of this hierarch was presented regarding the functioning of the communist system in Poland; his approach to the state-church relationship; to key political events (amendment to the constitution, events of June 1976, election of Cardinal Wojtyła as pope) and attitude to the rise and activity of the pre-August opposition. This analysis does not aspire to the full exhaustion of the topic, it focuses on issues most for Cardinal Wyszyński important in the socio-political sphere.

political opposition church and state relations political reality communism system primate Stefan Wyszynski Edward Gierek rzeczywistość polityczna system komunistyczny prymas Stefan Wyszyński społeczeństwo opozycja

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Sukcesy w niechcianych zawodach. Udział polskich sportowców w Mistrzostwach Świata Par na żużlu (1971–1981)

  • Author: Tomasz Sikorski
  • ORCID:
  • Year of publication: 2019
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 179-196
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: pbs/7/pbs707.pdf

The article analyzes the participation of Polish athletes in the World Speedway Pair Championships (1971 –1981). The article is located on the border between the history of sport and biography (collective portrait). Not only the conditions of purely sports rivalry were taken into account, but also the influence of ideology, pressure of the communist party and national/industry sports associations (e.g. PZM/Polish Motor Association and GKSŻ/Main Speedway Sport Commission). A collective portrait of Polish athletes was also drawn, exposing the most outstanding figures, such as Andrzej Wyględa, Paweł Waloszek, Antoni Woryna, Jerzy Szczakiel, Edward Jancarz and Zenon Plech. The article is based on sources (sports and daily/party press) and subject literature. Research methods specific to historical sciences were used.

World Championships collective portrait Mistrzostwa Świata portret zbiorowy speedway sport

Polska „wobec Rosji” w 1941 r. Nieznany memoriał Ksawerego Pruszyńskiego jako attaché prasowego ambasady polskiej w Związku Sowieckim

  • Author: Ariel Orzełek
  • Institution: Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie
  • ORCID:
  • Year of publication: 2019
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 207-240
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: pbs/7/pbs708.pdf

Poland „towards Russia” in 1941. Unknown memorial of Ksawery Pruszyński as a press attaché of the Polish embassy in the Soviet Union)

Ksawery Pruszyński, one of the most talented Polish writers and publicists of the first half of the 20th century, underwent significant political evolution in his short life. His first articles unequivocally testified that he was an anti-communist, fiercely fighting all sympathy for Soviet policy, and at the same time an apologist of Józef Piłsudski and a spokesman for the Promethean concept. Pruszyński, a conservative, having respect for the Polish traditions of this movement, but seeking his new formula adequate to the requirements of modern times, and a spokesman for „superpower Poland” was at the same time a socially sensitive creator and reluctant to any dictatorship. This quarreled with his colleagues from the editorial staff of „Youth Rebellion” and led to the ranks of cautious apologists of the republican side fighting in the Spanish Civil War. However, he formulated the concept of the Polish-Soviet alliance against Germany, for which the price could be Polish eastern lands, and the prize - German eastern lands, only after the outbreak of the German-Soviet war. In 1941–1942 Pruszyński was a press attaché at the Polish embassy of the USSR. At that time he prepared the presented memorial, probably directed at the hands of Prime Minister General Sikorski, in which he wrote about the need to recognize the importance of the Russian factor in Polish politics. The text anticipated the article Towards Russia, published in 1942, in which the author has already ambiguously suggested the necessity of the assignment of Polish eastern territories in the name of correct relations. This caused a wave of criticism of the publicist, but he was more and more consistent in his views. This led him to return to Poland in 1945 and to accept the post-Yalta reality. He was not an ardent admirer, but he considered her the result of geopolitical realities. This, too, seems to have been the main reason for changing his views on the Soviet Union and communism – adopting hard policy rules as unchanging, perhaps colored by some social spell on Marxist radicalism. At the end of his life, Pruszyński held diplomatic functions. He died tragically in 1950 in a car accident, leaving unfinished texts and questions about the further fate of his views in the changing post-war conditions.

Ksawery Pruszyński ZSRR myśl polityczna political thought USSR

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Przemyśleć historię (Anna Mandrela, Duchowość i charakter Witolda Pileckiego. Sylwetka ochotnika do Auschwitz, Katowice 2019, ss. 160)

  • Author: Maciej Kowalski
  • Year of publication: 2019
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 241-266
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: pbs/7/pbs709.pdf

Choć wrogi pocisk przetnie czyjeś życie, Kto pozostanie – wywalczy wolność swą.
(Henryk Rasiewicz „Kim”; fragment utworu „Przełamać los”)
Młodym-ci, prawda: ale kto w serce bogaty, Wczas poczyna i męstwo nie czeka za laty.
(…) wiem doskonale, że pobożność nie pozbawia inteligencji (…).
Prawda nie zależy od ilości, a ilość nie tworzy Prawdy.
(Marcel Lefebvre)

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