Spis treści

  • Author: The Editors
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 5-8
  • DOI Address: -
  • PDF: pomi/04/pomi4toc.pdf

Table of contents


  • Author: Agnieszka Matusiak
  • Institution: Uniwersytet Wrocławski
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0329-1379
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 9-10
  • DOI Address: -
  • PDF: pomi/04/pomi400.pdf

Слова-символи у творах Григорія Сковороди як ознака художнього мислення

  • Author: Наталія Лисенко (Natalya Lysenko)
  • Institution: Донбаський державний педагогічний університет (Donbass State Pedagogical University)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2371-448X
  • Author: Надія Тендітна (Nadiya Tenditna)
  • Institution: Донбаський державний педагогічний університет (Donbass State Pedagogical University)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2001-5379
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 15-22
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.01.01
  • PDF: pomi/04/pomi401.pdf

Words-symbols in the works of Grigoriy Skovorody as a sign of artistic thinking

The article analyzes the words-symbols in the artistic and philosophical world of Gryhoriy Skovoroda. Based on the classification of D. Chizhevsky, in the symbolism of the Ukrainian Baroque poet considered concepts-symbols by the following meanings: biblical words-symbols, archetypal symbols, cosmogonic words-symbols, symbols-names of creatures, natural phenomena, to denote the peculiarities of the environment. The poet-philosopher in his works uses such biblical words-symbols as God, Christ, the Bible, the heart, the angel, the prophet, the cross. In the works of G. Skovoroda there are archetypal images-symbols of fire, light, water, blood, circles. In the works analyzed by us, G. Skovoroda uses such cosmogonic words-symbols as: sun, moon, star, star. The word-symbol of the wing in the poet’s works is closely connected with biblical symbols, creates a positive characteristic and means «take-off». In the works of G. Skovoroda the main function of symbolic names of birds, such as: crow, dove, nightingale, eagle and hawk, characterological, it carries an emotional load. In the collection «Fairy Tales of Kharkiv» words-symbols to denote the names of animals represent certain human qualities. Gryhoriy Skovoroda also used symbols-names of natural phenomena in his work, in particular, such as: thunder, lightning, clouds, rainbow. Quite often in the works of G.S. Skovoroda there are such words-symbols to denote the features of the natural environment, such as forest, sea, roads. According to research, Christian symbols were of great importance to Gryhoriy Skovoroda, but a significant part of the symbols came to his worldview from the ideas of the ancient Slavs.

архетип класифікація символів natural phenomena creatures cosmogonic names biblical symbols classification of symbolism archetypes

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Образ героя-художника на матеріалі творів Володимира Винниченка

  • Author: Наталія Кобзей (Natalia Kobzei)
  • Institution: Івано-Франківського національного медичного університету (Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8288-7079
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 23-31
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.01.02
  • PDF: pomi/04/pomi402.pdf

The image of the hero-artist on the material of the works of Vladimir Vynnychenko

In modern science of literature there is a growing interest in the subject of the artist and his creative process as one of the ways of self-expression of extraordinary personality in the real world in general and in the art world in particular, and to study the nature of the artist. Fine art occupied a significant place in the aesthetics and poetics of Vladimir Vynnychenko. The themes and issues of some of his literary works were influenced by the creative environment of Paris, where the writer spent many years, as well as personal acquaintance with individual Impressionist artists. Vynnychenko’s characters are the protagonists, they always conflict with the world, although they do not always win in these confrontations. They are often lonely, lacking support and understanding, but strong. Innovative artists are not afraid to loudly declare a decisive break with tradition, call for the improvement of technology and depiction of exclusively human material, choose emotional and highly psychological subjects of paintings, observe and depict feelings. This approach in painting was quite obvious for Vynnychenko, an artist, and the literary work of the great Ukrainian is considered in the context of the world’s leading psychoanalytic currents of the twentieth century. So it is not surprising that psychologism in the work of the writer was decisive. In Vynnychenko’s analyzed works of art we meet various images of artists, observe their work, hear their thoughts on painting, imagine the era in which they lived and worked. We understand that for both them and Vynnychenko, the focus is on the direct fixation of impressions and observations, on deep psychologism and philosophical understanding of reality. The themes of Vynnychenko’s paintings are diverse. However, unifying for all is the focus on the so-called “humanity” of the paintings. Artists focus on facial expressions, conveying expectations, hopes, inner anxiety. Psychological interpretation of images and expressiveness in the transfer of human character are welcome. The degradation of classical art with its primitive and stereotypical paintings focused on the rich bourgeoisie becomes obvious to all. Aesthetic ideals are also changing. Ugliness often breaks through external beauty, or the ugly manifests internal beauty. The concepts of “aesthetics of the ugly” and “beauty of pain” become identical with “new art”.

«нове мистецтво» artistic heritage fixation of impressions impressionism psychologism “new art” painting

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Концепт краси у ранній творчості В. Винниченка

  • Author: Ольга Матвєєва (Olha Matvieieva)
  • Institution: Інститут літератури імені Т. Г. Шевченка Національної академії наук України (Shevchenko Institute of Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0752-0485
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 33-42
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.01.03
  • PDF: pomi/04/pomi403.pdf

The concept of beauty in V. Vynnychenko’s early works

The article reveals the specifics of artistic manifestation of the beauty concept based on V. Vynnychenko’s early works. This is due to the presence of a number of search lines in the writer’s interpretation of aesthetic and to a significant number of works representing current issues. Beauty is defined as a fundamental component of life in the works by V. Vynnychenko and several author’s plots of its comprehension are revealed. Firstly, it is found that in writer’s early works the characters experience a crisis of faith, emphasize the relativity of absolute truth and Christian ethics, rethink the concept of sin and sacred Christian commandments («Love your neighbour as yourself», «Do not deceive», «Do not kill», and «In the sweat of your brow, eat your bread»), professing dual moral standards and the idea of «benevolent selfishness». The writer places material values into the center of existence instead of spiritual Christian ones. The former acquire absolute status and most importantly are able to ensure the realization of the fundamental goal – to maintain vitality in the project of «fullness» of earthly existence. It is emphasized that in his early works, V. Vynnychenko substantiates the concept of «life-as-a-market», where you can get financial or moral compensation through «selling/buying/exchanging» valuables, among which female beauty is one of the fundamental values. The analysis confirms the idea that woman’s beauty and love are mercantilized due to the devaluation of spiritual values, they lose their ideal metaphysical essence and are transformed into ordinary goods and vital cycle of values components. That is closely connected with the problems of «exchange-purchase-sale» of the values, money cynicism and the interpretation of the family as an economic contract (the case of the story «The Poor People», dramas «Bazaar», «Young Blood», «Crucified»). In V. Vynnychenko’s art world, several search lines are connected with the category of beauty, particularly the problem of coordination of bodily, physically expressed female beauty with spiritual beauty in the context of «exchange of values». The author also experiments with the concept of free marriage, which is considered an alternative to an unhappy family as an economic project.

theory of relativity category of disgusting «benevolent selfishness » idea vitality Christian faith crisis криза християнської віри

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Росія, терор, війна. історіософські меседжі Максиміліана Волошина

  • Author: Леся Генералюк (Lesia Generaliuk)
  • Institution: Інституту літератури імені Т. Г. Шевченка Національної академії наук України (Institute of Literature named after T. H. Shevchenko of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5095-5943
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 43-57
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.01.04
  • PDF: pomi/04/pomi404.pdf

Russia, terror, war. the historical philosophical messages of Maksymilian Voloshyn

The modern geopolitical situation represents in new light heritage Maksymilian Voloshyn 1917-1924 – his reaction to the tragic events in Russia of the early XX century. He, the poet, the artist, the thinker with the European outlook, has declared own understanding of October revolution and the subsequent Bolshevist terror in the full conceptual text. At the heart of this conceptual text the idea of relationships of cause and effect in history which has caused attempt of logical justification of the systematic destruction of the citizens by fellow citizens. Voloshyn has pointed to spontaneity, cyclic character of the Russian history, exposed the antihuman essence of the state structures at all times. The historical philosophy reflexions of the author, the Ukrainian by origin, who challenged the Russian Empire in his texts, are concentrated in the several given reason messages. These messages where there are parallels with Europe, survey of current events, the analysis of the historical past of Russia, visualisation of persons, it persistently broadcasts to descendants and all civilised world. Its purpose, the philosopher-documentarian in warning the world community against danger, which is represented by the country with «mad and awful destiny», the country-aggressor, bearing to the civilised world terror and wars.

Bolshevist terror aggressive policy autocratic slavery historical algorithms tyrannies predictions historical philosophy publicism civic poetry громадянська поезія

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Персоналії і простір пам’яті про голокост у сучасній українській літературі

  • Author: Наталія Горбач (Nataliia Horbach)
  • Institution: Запорізький національний університет (Zaporizhzhia National University)
  • ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7743-9845
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 59-67
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.01.05
  • PDF: pomi/04/pomi405.pdf

The personalities and the space of memory about the holocaust in a modern Ukrainian literature

The Holocaust theme was concealed and falsified for a long time because of non-literary reasons. Therefore, only when our country got its independence, a lot of aspects became clarified – especially the increasing of geographical markers of the Shoah, the aspect of memory and traumas of its victims and witnesses, the aspects of a woman history of the Holocaust etc. One of actual problems of nowadays is the problem of personalization of the Holocaust history with including the names of victims, saved and saviors for extending the space of memory about the tragedy of European Jews in the times of WWII. Literature, as well as historical science and commemorative practices, actively participates in this. The object of our attention in the following article is modern Ukrainian prose – novels “Sonya” (2013) by K. Babkina, “Me, You, And Our Drawn And Undrawn God” (2016) by T. Pakhomova, “A Story Worthy of a Whole Apple Orchard” (2017) by M. Dupeshko, “The Beech Land” (2019) by M. Matios. The aim of investigation is the characters of victims and saviors who have real prototypes: an icon of the Holocaust in Poland and Liublin, 9-years-old Henio (Henryk Zhytomirski), Righteous Among the Nations Maria and Stepan Vrublevski (Maria and Stepan Sichevliuk-Vrublevski), the Chernivtsi poet Selma Meerbaum- Eisinger, the mayor of Chernivtsi Traian Popovici, the diplomats Grzegorz Szymonowicz and Fritz Schellhorn. Implementation the life stories of real personalities into fictional form leads to expanding the memory about the Holocaust in Ukraine, and it’s also a way of creating a modern culture of memory, that is particularly important in a context of the international tendencies of finding the common understanding through awareness of a personal responsibility of others’ lives, and non-admission of repeating the tragic pages of the XX ct. history, one of those was the Holocaust. Since the long-term silence of the traumatic experience of the Holocaust victims didn’t create an intergenerational connection in the process of transmitting the memory of the Holocaust, modern literature, with its artistic construction of the past, becomes not only a tool for spreading knowledge about the Shoah, but also a way of creating the cultural memory about this tragedy. The prospect of further research of the following aspect is seen in a deep analysis of new examples of both Ukrainian and translated literature, including novels written by authors that are biographically related to Ukraine.

Ukrainian literature Голокост prototype character Holocaust memory

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Пам’ять про ІІ Світову Війну в романах Кейт Аткінсон

  • Author: Тетяна Белімова (Tetiana Belimova)
  • Institution: Інститут літератури імені Т. Г. Шевченка Національної академії наук України (Shevchenko Institute of Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7094-8460
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 69-80
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.01.06
  • PDF: pomi/04/pomi406.pdf

Memory of world war II in the novels of Kate Atkinson

The article analyzes Kate Atkinson’s novels «Life after Life», «Ruins of God» and «Transcription» in terms of memory studies. The current objectives of the study were: 1) to outline private memories in the textual structure (these are the main correlates of individual and collective memory); 2) revealing the relationship between the injuries suffered by the heroes and the «wounds of time» inflicted by World War II; 3) understanding the mechanism of «crystallization» of collective memory in a particular cell («place of remembrance» in novels); 4) delineation of the boundaries of the cultural archive, which is reproduced by the author. The study found that the main message of the novels is focused on the theme of World War II, its understanding and reflection in the collective memory of the British. Through the images of the main characters, the author recreates the memories of wartime. It is noticed that in all novels the chaotic, instead of chronological principle of reproduction of the past is applied: the plot acquires cyclic character. This image principle mimics the work of the human brain, which sporadically emits layers of memory. This kaleidoscope of memories follows the author’s logic: the scattered fragments of memory form a coherent history, correlated with the national archive. Teddy Todd is a survivor who survived to preserve the memory of his fallen comrades («places of remembrance») and to testify about war crimes, as well as to nurture a new generation of Britons. At the same time, Ursula Todd and Juliet Armstrong present a feminine but polar experience of war. At first glance, there are no significant differences between the heroines: both work for secret military departments, contributing to the approach of victory, both took the place of men who went to the front. At the same time, Juliet Armstrong is a double agent recruited for espionage in favor of the Soviet Union, who, through her own betrayal, separates herself from the collective memory. Miss Armstrong’s memoirs do not correlate with the National Archives, but are the antithesis of the British collective consciousness, constituting an unexplored «white spot» (the phenomenon of betrayal is indeed something of a native «stain»). The post-war duty of Teddy and Ursula Todd, the true heirs of national values, is to heal the «place of remembrance» and to preserve the memory of the fallen. Todd’s memories should be embodied in «places of remembrance» (monuments, museums, military burials, works of art, etc.). The conditional archive of the novel, the «place of remembrance» recreated in it, correlate with the collective memory of the peoples of Britain, thus encouraging the understanding of the traumatic experience of World War II.

archive «wound of time» «Place of remembrance» «Місце пам’яті» individual memory collective memory trauma

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Means of reproducing the individual past in W. Sebald’s novel Austerlitz

  • Author: Ivan Megela
  • Institution: Institute of Philology of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1315-6472
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 81-86
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.01.07
  • PDF: pomi/04/pomi407.pdf

The article is devoted to the coverage of the problem of bricolage as a method of memory reconstruction in the novel “Austerlitz” by the greatest German writer Winfried Sebald. The article notes that “Austerlitz” marks the transition from trauma to conscious identity as part of the historical memory of the Holocaust. It shows how the hero of the work, Jacques Austerlitz, acquires his identity by assembling from scattered information his personal history, reflecting a significant part of the collective tragedy. The genre feature of the work as a travelogue, memoir, investigation, as literature bordering on documentary and artistic experience, where the real is combined with the fictional, is highlighted. The article describes in detail the content of the technique of bricolage as a form of “wild”, “pre-rational” way of thinking, as a technique of fitting auxiliary materials (old photographs, newspaper clippings), a montage of disparate episodes, the technique of collage. The structure of the work’s storytelling is analyzed when the narrator does not tell the story but describes what he hears from Jacques Austerlitz. It is as if it is not a text, but the story itself, which someone tells, and also shows pictures for authenticity. The functions of the hero in the novel gradually shift from people to things, documents, bearers of the memory of individual and collective civilizational catastrophe. These indescribable witnesses break the blockade of traumatic silence around the childhood of Austerlitz, embodied in images of blindness, dumbness, oblivion. Before the protagonist of the work, the “man without a past,” the history of his family, the ghostly happy childhood that was rudely cut short by the separation from his biological parents, is suddenly revealed. Sebald demonstrates a contemporary form of novel narrative in which the truthfulness of the Holocaust narrative is revealed by incorporating the exile’s personal authorial biography, pain, and guilt into the memory of this tragedy. The role of photographs and descriptions of architectural structures in revealing the immanent semantic content of the subject, not manifested verbally, is analyzed. The latter is the key document that unites and structures the important for the writer themes of memories, memory, indifference, oblivion, return to the ghostly past, overcoming of the psychological trauma. Based on the analysis the author concludes that the attitude to the reader as a co-author brings Sebald’s novel closer to the tradition of the European intellectual novel and postmodern hypertexts, in which meaningful units are not presented in a traditional linear sequence, but as a multiplicity of links and transitions. The author notes that the acute experience of humanitarian catastrophe, the multilayered text, the density of meaningful meanings make this work a notable phenomenon in the context of artistic comprehension of traumatic memory.

visual fiction storytelling photography verbal bricolage documentary history memory trauma

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Аналітичний огляд сучасної Української літератури

  • Author: Тетяна Чонка (Tetyana Chonka)
  • Institution: Закарпатський угорський інститут імені Ференца Ракоці ІІ (Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5567-813X
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 87-95
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.01.08
  • PDF: pomi/04/pomi408.pdf

Analytical review of modern Ukrainian literature

The article gives a brief analytical overview of modern Ukrainian literature; presents the literary career of several bright, in our opinion, artists, who represent different geographical regions of Ukraine and also different generations of writers. The author of the article made an attempt to analyze the literary works by Lina Kostenko (the first prose novel, The Notes of a Ukrainian Madman, 2011), by Yuri Andrukhovych (collection of essays “Here was buried Fantomas”, 2015), by Lys Volodymyr (novel-chronicle “Jacob’s century”, 2010 and “Solo for Solomiya”, 2013),·by Yuri Vynnychuk (novel “Tango of death”, 2012), by Irene Rozdobudko (“LSD. Lyceum of obedient wives”, 2013), by Maria Matios (novels “Hardly ever otherwise”, 2007), by Yevgeniya Kononenko (novel “Imitation”, 2001), by Jana Dubinyanska (novels “The ghosts’ wives”, 2003). Emphasis is placed on the importance of studying these works in secondary and higher educational institutions of Ukraine, as they present existential issues relevant to our time, and, what is very important, show the true history of Ukraine, hidden for decades. The works depict the realities of Ukrainian life since Austro- Hungarian times to the totalitarian regime of the USSR, in particular , the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power station, its consequences and reaction of the Soviet government to this tragedy, the Cold War between America and the USSR and more. The originality of life and worldview of Ukrainians in Galicia (Yu. Vynnychuk), Polissya (V. Lys), Bukovyna (M. Matios) is illustrated. The modern issues in the works of Yu. Andrukhovych and Lina Kostenko, that is, problems of education, culture (music, books, cinema, radio, television), politics and economics, universal values and temporary fashion and the need to rethink them in today’s context are revealed. Now we can state that the works of modern Ukrainian literature presented in the article reproduce the main realities of the Ukrainian society in their historical context: they try to formulate the questions correctly and encourage seeking answers for these questions. In our article, we did not claim to make a full coverage of the research topic, because we are well aware of its scale. However, choosing the subject of our study to analyze the creative work of contemporary authors, we aim at proving the need to promote the texts of contemporary Ukrainian authors among young people to involve them in discussing important issues of our time and to make them be aware of responsibility for their own destiny, their people and humanity. We hope that the literary works by the proposed authors can be of interest to a wide range of readers not only in Ukraine, but also abroad.

Ліна Костенко Jana Dubinyanska Yevgeniya Kononenko Maria Matios Irene Rozdobudko Yuri Vynnychuk Lys Volodymyr Yuri Andrukhovych Lina Kostenko

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Категорія візуального в літературознавстві − міждисциплінарний аспект

  • Author: Катерина Ковалишин (Kateryna Kovalyshyn)
  • Institution: Дрогобицький державний педагогічний університет імені Івана Франка (Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1202-3424
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 99-107
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.01.09
  • PDF: pomi/04/pomi409.pdf

The category of visualisation in literary studies – the interdisciplinary aspect

The concept of “visuality” describes the image of the channels of perception presented in different forms. The text has visual features, due to the content, but also due to its symbolic, sign system. Philologists have been dwelling on the idea of the “visual” ability of a language, by means of fiction, which singles out the existence of pictorial art forms such as landscape, portrait and sculpture. The great interest in the category of visualization is said to be because of modern types of communication. The aim of this article is to review some aspects of the category of visualization, in its current state and its representation in the art of the modernist’s era. The category of visualization covers a wide range of concepts, such as creolized texts, some semiotic studies, intermedialism, iconic texts, the theory of ekphrasis and hypotyposis. It was established that the “escalation” of the image role has led to the need to highlight the concept of “visuality” within modern linguistics. Visual thinking is interpreted as a kind of non-classical rationality. At the moment, philologists know a wide range of concepts that include the term “visual”. For example: visual culturology, visual political science, visual sociology, visual anthropology, the theory of visual communications. We found out, that the modernist era, puts emphasis on the elusiveness, the mystery, the enigma and on the undeciphered inner, so that the hidden meaning was increased. It was believed that all references suitable for perception by the human eye are codes that hide an eternally existing idea. Such a visual presentation allows the recipient to understand the essence of the work on an intuitive level. Symbolism was an integral part of modernism. For optimal study of visualsm, a hypothetical-deductive method was used to get acquainted with the existing materials at this stage of development. Modernism is a set of artistic trends in the art of the second half of the nineteenth – mid-twentieth century. Its supporters were inclined to believe that life forms in the twentieth century exhausted themselves, and the periods that were considered successful for realism were in fact epochs of decline. The new literary phenomenon of the time was called modernism, and the search for positive ideal images began, in contrast to the destruction of public opinion and the crisis that appeared in the place of past ideas. Modernism has destroyed all ties with traditional aesthetics and the ideals of the past. At the same time, the visual aspect of modernism became a mixture of two oppositions the visual and the written text.

мистецтво modernism visualization visuality literary theory art literature

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Етнокультурні Українсько-Литовські контакти Литовсько-Польської доби

  • Author: Інна Мартинчук (Inna Martynchuk)
  • Institution: Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса (Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9665-3289
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 109-120
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.01.10
  • PDF: pomi/04/pomi410.pdf

Ethnocultural Ukrainian-Lithuanian contacts of the Lithuanian-Polish era

In the course research the problems of the common political history of Ukraine, Poland and Lithuania were comprehended, first of all, the influence of the Slavic world on the process of formation of the Lithuanian state, mutual influences of historical and cultural nature. The article focuses on the cultural interethnic contacts of Lithuanians and Ukrainians. Linguistic interethnic contacts, Lithuanian-Ukrainian interactions in family and marriage traditions of Ukrainians are revealed. Within the frameworks of the study the language situation was described. It can be argued that the Rus influence was stronger here, because the so-called “Rus language” was used both in everyday life and in official records. But it posed difficulties in its linguistic interpretation, many variants for its nomination were suggested which was described in detail in the article. Numerous Lithuanians in modern Ukrainian lexicon representing various fields undoubtedly testifies to the importance of Lithuanian-Ukrainian contacts in the Middle Ages and the historical contribution of Lithuanians to the formation of the Ukrainian ethnic group. The reciprocity of Ukrainian-Lithuanian contacts is evidenced by numerous Ukrainian borrowings in the modern Lithuanian language, most of which undeniably entered the vocabulary during the time of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. A striking example of Lithuanian-Ukrainian interaction presents such a sphere of spiritual life as marital relations. After all, in the Ukrainian lands beginning from the XVI to the first half of the XIX century Lithuanian Statutes were in force (before the introduction of new Russian legislation), to which the norms of Russkaya Pravda regulating marital and family relations in the Kyiv state were transferred. Thus, Ukrainians got their own marriage and family traditions. The institution of marriage in the Lithuanian Statutes is considered quite extensively, but to a greater extent they regulated relations between the more affluent sections of the society at that time. Meanwhile, certain norms were universal: a clear definition of marriage age, defining the rights and responsibilities of parents and relatives in creating a new family, the obligations of the groom, determining the position of women and their children, and others.

Lithuanians Lithuanian-Polish period Lithuanian Statutes marriage and family traditions language contacts мовні контакти Ukrainians

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On the Ukrainian-Polish forum of historians and related insights on policy making and international relations in Central and Eastern Europe

  • Author: Kyrylo Mieliekiestsev
  • Institution: Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4931-9576
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 121-127
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.01.11
  • PDF: pomi/04/pomi411.pdf

This paper focuses on preserving, translating and analyzing pieces of information on the 2015–2018 Ukrainian- Polish Forum of Historians, allowing for knowledge of this event to be spread beyond Ukraine and Poland. Through this article the author wishes to show that to the governments of Central and Eastern Europe, such as Ukraine and the Republic of Poland, history became a consideration in state policy, due to massive shifts of views on how to approach history between the era of totalitarian Soviet domination and the development of current democratic governments. Although it is something that would be considered outside of state purview in the West, possibly even called “undemocratic”, the government’s interest in how history is told to the population must be viewed in the context of both information warfare, and in how the countries of Central and Eastern Europe approach international relations. Because of this, the Ukrainian-Polish Forum of Historians, organized by Polish and Ukrainian Institutes of National Remembrance (differential in their approaches to what can be considered “shared history”) is of interest as an example of how joint discussions of history, attempts to find a common position, or a compromise, were considered relevant and needed for policy makers in Poland and Ukraine. Analyzing the prerequisites of the events, the topics discussed at the Forum (largely concerning mid-20th century history of Poland and Ukraine), and its results we conclude that, although the differences on how Ukrainian and Polish governments viewed their countries’ history eventually led to the Forum stopping, the initiative led to new actions from independent actors trying to support the idea of shared forgiveness and modern Polish-Ukrainian unity despite different views on various historical events. That shows that politics of memory affect Ukrainian and Polish policymaking, allowing an alternative perspective on the theory of international relations, one that considers not simply realist expectations, but emotional attachments to a country’s past and wishes to see that past respected, or at least not actively opposed, by other nations.

UINP IPN history politics history policy politics of history Republic of Poland politics of memory Ukraine

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Moskiewska i Kijowska wizja interpretacji sporów o przeszłość ciągłości historycznych korzeni wzajemnej państwowości

  • Author: Lech Wyszczelski
  • Institution: Naukowiec Niezależny
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 129-142
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.01.12
  • PDF: pomi/04/pomi412.pdf

Moscow and Kyiv vision of the interpretation of disputes about the past of the continuity of the historical roots of mutual statehood

Russian Federation’s attack of February 24, 2022 on Ukraine was no coincidence but a strategy to regain the status of superpower. Referring to history was its significant part. Indeed, that is a shared history, at least in the origin, though differently interpreted by both states, independent from 31 years. Based on the promoted from 16th Century vision of Russia as the Byzantine Empire’ successor, Putin’s Russian Federation claims the right to build an empire that would include all lands of the Russian Empire. It does not recognise independent statehood and Ukrainian nationality. The war was started to achieve that goal.

wojna Federacja Rosyjska Ukraina Russian Federation war Ukraine

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Plany współdziałania politycznego i militarnego Polski i Ukraińskiej Republiki Ludowej 1919–1921

  • Author: Lech Wyszczelski
  • Institution: Naukowiec Niezależny
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 143-156
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.01.13
  • PDF: pomi/04/pomi413.pdf

Polish and Ukrainian political and military cooperation plans in 1919–1921

Geopolitical changes in post-WW-I Europe resulted in the rebirth of Poland and a short functioning of Ukrainian state, even without the formal recognition of its independence. Poland intended to become a leader for the western-border states of the Russian Empire by promoting a federal vision of Piłsudski’s followers. From Autumn 1919, it tried that toward the Ukrainian People’s Republic ruled by Petlura. Formally, it happened in April 1920 with the signing of political agreement and military convention. The goal was to take joint political and military action in the war between Poland and Bolshevik Russia in 1919-1920. However, the Ukrainian society did not support it and undermined its efficiency. Moreover, the leaders of both sides perceived the alliance’s essence differently and were not entirely loyal to each other. The cooperation’s end was a truce in the war signed on October 12, 1920, and then the Peace of Riga of March 18, 1921. Against Piłsudski’s will, Poland agreed to end cooperation with Petlura and intern his soldiers. The only thing Piłsudski agreed to was the independent action of Petlura’s followers, which had to end with a catastrophe.

internment Peace of Riga controversies join action military convention political agreement internowanie traktat ryski Piłsudski Petlura kontrowersje konwencja militarna układ polityczny współdziałanie federation federacja

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Від ідеологізації до патріотизму: рецепції моделі А. Міцкевича «Поет і народ» в українській письменницькій критиці XX – початку ХХІ ст.

  • Author: Оксана Дирибало (Oksana Dyrybalo)
  • Institution: Кременецька обласна гуманітарно-педагогічна академія імені Тараса Шевченка (Kremenets Taras Shevchenko Regional Academy of Humanities and Pedagogy)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0052-8182
  • Author: Денис Чик (Denys Chyk)
  • Institution: Кременецька обласна гуманітарно-педагогічна академія імені Тараса Шевченка (Kremenets Taras Shevchenko Regional Academy of Humanities and Pedagogy)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4304-114X
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 157-167
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.01.14
  • PDF: pomi/04/pomi414.pdf

From ideologisation to patriotism: receptions of A. Mickiewicz’s model “Poet and people” in the ukrainian literary criticism of the XX – beginning of the XXI century

The article is devoted to the research of reception of A. Mickiewicz’s model “the Poet and the People” in twentieth- century Ukrainian writers’ criticism. The writers traced the canon of relations between the artist and society created by A. Mickiewicz, which had a profound influence on the literature of Polish Romanticism. Considering the reception of the ‘poet and people’ paradigm, the authors of the article note that Ukrainian poets of the Soviet period were forced to dissect certain artistic phenomena through the prism of the communist ideology of the time. One of the most consistent and productive interpreters of A. Mickіewіcz among Ukrainian writers was M. Rylskyi. He left a considerable inheritance of literature and publicist articles about the Polish poet. M. Rylskyi as a critic gave the deepest scientific standards to the analysis of the poetics of A. Mickіewіcz’s works. He did not cast aside the generally accepted scheme of the creative evolution of the Polish poet but cautioned researchers from the monolinear measuring of it. M. Rylskyi was the first one in Ukrainian Mickіewіcz Studies who noticed that mixing of styles was inherent in А. Mickіewіcz’s works during all of his creative life. M. Rylskyi allowed the identification of the poet Konrad Wallenrod with A. Mickiewicz himself, warning that after all the person of the hero does not reflect and cannot reflect the personality of the author. M. Rylskyi described Konrad Wallenrod as mysterious and contradictory, as was A. Mickiewicz. The article also compares the interpretations of M. Rylskyi and Polish researchers and writers, in particular, Maria Cieśla-Korytowska and Jan Kasprowicz. The authors trace that the Ukrainian poet D. Pavlychko was the first in Ukrainian literary criticism to draw attention to the idea of Europe in the artistic and ideological system of A. Mickiewicz as the idea of the Fatherland.

writers’ criticism польська література Polish literature ideology reception interpretation

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The discourse of tourism: an analysis of the online article “10 best places to visit in Ukraine”

  • Author: Viktoriia Pryma
  • Institution: Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7331-9950
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 169-174
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.01.15
  • PDF: pomi/04/pomi415.pdf

The article shows the fact that the concept of scientific discourse is interpreted as a complex phenomenon that consists of participants in communication, communication situations and the text itself. The conclusion is that discourse is an abstract invariant description of structural and semantic features that are realized in specific texts. Linguists interpret the concept of discourse as a complex communicative phenomenon that includes the speaker and the addressee of the message, the process of proper formation of speech, extralingual factors of communication, social and cultural background. This article presents a critical reading of the text “10 Best places to visit in Ukraine” and its overlook, research study in the field of online tourism promotion, published online in 2021 by one of the world’s largest tourism publishing houses, Touropia. The study aims at revising some of the characteristics of the ongoing tourism discourse through an analysis of the network of people and practices involved in these publications, their textual features and images. The article analyses the way in which various modes to create a virtual brochure with a promotional message from both institutional and commercial positions were combined. In doing this, it studies the organization of the website and its webpage, as well as the lexico-grammatical and visual features of its promotional messages. The analytical framework used includes critical discourse analysis and a corpus-based tool used to interpret different aspects of this tourism discourse. The places advertised as “Top 10” are presented to an all-aged audience that must be interested in discovering new places, appreciated to nature, fond of history and ready to consume national products. Polyparadigmatic nature has led to the active use of these terms in the field of literature, as a result of which scientific studies address issues of artistic concept, artistic discourse, which will always be open to researchers, while not exhausting its relevance.

Touropia travelling discourse analysis tourism

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Tradycje patriotyczne w szkolnictwie II Rzeczypospolitej [recenzja książki ks. Piotra Jaworskiego, Edmunda Juśko, Andrzeja Niedojadło pt „Tradycje patriotyczne wydarzeń lat 1918–1922 w pracy wychowawczej szkół Okręgu Szkolnego Krakowskiego w II Rzeczyposp

  • Author: Lech Wyszczelski
  • Institution: Naukowiec Niezależny
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 177-179
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.01.16
  • PDF: pomi/04/pomi416.pdf

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Spis treści

  • Author: The Editors
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 5-8
  • DOI Address: -
  • PDF: pomi/05/pomi5toc.pdf

Table of contents


  • Author: Agnieszka Matusiak
  • Institution: Uniwersytet Wrocławski
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0329-1379
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 9
  • DOI Address: -
  • PDF: pomi/05/pomi500.pdf

Психологічний аналіз екзистенційної визначеності у здобувачів освіти педагогічного ЗВО

  • Author: Світлана Бужинська (Svitlana Buzhynska)
  • Institution: Комунальний заклад «Харківська гуманітарно-педагогічна академія» Харківської обласної ради (Municipal Establishment «Kharkiv Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy» of the Kharkiv Regional Council)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5103-0053
  • Author: Кирило Кривошей (Kyrylo Kryvoshei)
  • Institution: Комунальний заклад «Харківська гуманітарно-педагогічна академія» Харківської обласної ради (Municipal Establishment «Kharkiv Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy» of the Kharkiv Regional Council)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9163-9891
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 15-23
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.02.01
  • PDF: pomi/05/pomi501.pdf

Psychological analysis of existent determination in pedagogical educators

The article reveals the relevance of the study and defines its purpose. The experience of domestic and foreign scientists is highlighted, which allowed us to say that this issue is insufficiently studied. It is emphasized that the problem of studying existential certainty in student age needs special attention, because the problem of the meaning of life and its place in the world is the core that ensures the harmonious development of the learner. Accordingly, a theoretical overview of the problem of the meaning of life, the way of life of man, which involves the achievement of personal authenticity, ie the holistic realization of the individual, which is manifested in his mentality. The concepts of «existential certainty», «subjective well-being», «emotional intelligence» are revealed. A set of research methods is determined. It is established that the existential certainty on almost all scales of existentiality has average indicators, the scale «Self-transcendence» has high indicators. It is proved that the majority of respondents showed medium and low EQ results. It was found that the subjective well-being of respondents varies from high to medium. Correlation analysis of the results of the study concluded that the higher the level of existential certainty, the higher the level of emotional intelligence and subjective well-being, ie there is a direct interdependence. According to the results of the study, practical recommendations for the formation of relevant competencies and emphasis on the development of emotional intelligence of students, including exercises and tasks to improve emotional intelligence and acquire practical skills to identify emotions and skills of affective regulation. Also, art-therapeutic means of development are offered, the use of which allows to master the skills of mental self-regulation, which affects not only the increase of emotional intelligence, but also existentialism and subjective well-being. It is concluded that there is a direct relationship between existential certainty, emotional intelligence and subjective well-being, which suggests that existential certainty affects the formation of the worldview of students of pedagogical ZVO. The study of existential certainty in a crisis is seen as a research perspective.

development of emotional intelligence correlation analysis existential psychology student age студентський вік worldview well-being

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Апробація тренінгової програми формування особистісної ідентичності підлітків

  • Author: Олександра Матвійчук (Oleksandra Matviichuk)
  • Institution: Київський університет імені Бориса Грінченка (Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6884-0407
  • Author: Оксана Краєва (Oksana Kraieva)
  • Institution: Інститут психології імені Г.С. Костюка Національної академії (Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9681-9966
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 25-32
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.02.02
  • PDF: pomi/05/pomi502.pdf

Approbation of the training program for the formation of personal identity of adolescents

The article presents the results of the empirically confirmed approbation of the training program for the formation of the personal identity of adolescents. A study of the psychological characteristics of adolescents’ identity and the factors that determine the success of the identity crisis is presented. The study reflects the implementation of two stages - ascertaining and forming. Reliable and valid psychodiagnostic methods are used: the method «Who am I?» of M. Kuhn and T. McPartland, methods of studying personal identity of L.B. Schneider, Spielberger- Hanin anxiety scale, the test of semantic life orientations of D.O. Leontiev. Novovolynsk high school № 4 named after T.G. Shevchenko was chosen as the experimental basis of the empirical study, with the participation of 30 respondents, aged 14-16. The first stage covers the data collection on the current state of personal identity of adolescents and the factors that are decisive in the process of its formation, among which are: low rates of «Communicative Self», «Material Self»; high scores according to two identity statuses (pseudo-positive, identity moratorium); low values on the subscales «Purpose in life», «Life process», «Life performance», «Locus of control Self», «Locus of control-life»; high level of anxiety. The areas in which the identity of the adolescent’s personality is best manifested have been identified - «Reflective Self», «Social Self». The formative stage represents the development of the training program «Know Yourself» in order to realize personal identity; comparative analysis of the results obtained during the ascertaining and formative research. As a result of verification of its relevance and effectiveness at the formative stage, a significant increase in the “Communicative Self” of adolescents; reducing the percentage of respondents with a pseudo-positive identity and a moratorium on identity; increase in the indicator of general meaningfulness; reduction of general anxiety. The effectiveness and efficiency of the training program are supported by the Student’s t-test, which presents the importance of indicators of the general level of anxiety and the general level of understanding. Perspective for further research is shown in a detailed study of indicators of personal identity crisis in adolescents in the form of empirical research, which aims to understand the success of adolescent identity and assess individual factors influencing the process of overcoming personal identity crisis.

value-motivational sphere training program personal identity approbation апробація self-reflection self-identification self-concept anxiety identity

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Соціально-психологічна гармонізація молоді у політичному часо-просторі

  • Author: Олександр Федорков (Oleksandr Fedorkov)
  • Institution: кандидат психологічних наук (Candidate of Psychological Sciences)
  • ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9096-082X
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 33-40
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.02.03
  • PDF: pomi/05/pomi503.pdf

Socio-psychological harmonization of youth in political time-space

The article considers the description of the developed training program, which is aimed at optimizing the political behavior of young people and neutralizing the potential of their political conflict. It is determined that neutralizing the potential of political conflict among young people requires a number of measures, in particular, at the stage of providing educational services, which should include both educational and counseling activities aimed at optimizing the political behavior of young people. It is proved that an effective mechanism to counteract this and neutralize the destructive influences of extremist organizations is to increase the political culture and maturity of the political identity of the younger generation, namely the development of its political activity in line with democratic initiatives and political identity of the younger generation. stimulating youth participation. And the main forms of implementation of this are the involvement of young people in public administration, namely the internship of students in order to develop the necessary professional qualities and prepare for further work in local governments. It is also important to involve the most active youth representatives in community councils or advisory bodies, which will also help them to develop the professional skills needed to work in this field. It is determined that, given the multinational and multi-religious composition of modern Ukrainian society, it is especially important to hold mass events aimed at forming a tolerant attitude of young people to different cultures and traditions and non-acceptance of any manifestations of intolerance and discrimination. It was found that the most effective socio-psychological tool for harmonizing the political behavior of young people is to conduct appropriate training aimed at forming a mature political culture that will provide a tolerant attitude and constructive ways to overcome political contradictions and conflicts. The developed program of socio-psychological training, aimed at harmonizing the political behavior of young people and neutralizing conflicts in the political space, includes the following 5 sessions. The study concludes that the implementation of this training program will increase the maturity of political identity of young people and, as a result of optimizing their political behavior and developing skills of constructive interaction in society in situations of political contradictions and conflicts, significantly reduce their potential for political conflict.

extremist organizations absentees harmonization гармонізація youth political culture moral education

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Systemic model of the formation of the image of a teacher of higher education

  • Author: Tymofii Demchuk
  • Institution: Dniprovsky Humanitarian University
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2326-4039
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 41-47
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.02.04
  • PDF: pomi/05/pomi504.pdf

Modeling the image of a teacher of higher education is an integral part of the development of modern pedagogical imageology, which is being formed as an interdisciplinary direction. In our study, we analyzed the modern scientific experience devoted to the study of the image of a teacher of higher education. This made it possible to determine the current state of the views of researchers who worked in this direction. The purpose of the article is to highlight the results of research on the content and structure of the image of a teacher of higher education. Summarizing the views of different authors, we formed a general idea of the content of the category of the image of a teacher of higher education, identified the components of the image of a teacher of higher education, identified general characteristics of the image of a teacher of higher education from different positions, components of the image of a teacher of higher education. This allowed us to define the category of the image of a teacher of higher education and to propose an author’s model of systematic description of the image of a teacher of higher education, which is an attempt to find a connection between the components of the image of a teacher of higher education and the environment in which this image is formed. The general components of this model include: determination of the image of a teacher of higher education (sociopsychological aspect, acmeological aspect, activity aspect); bearer of the image of a teacher of higher education; the context of interaction between the bearer of the image and the recipient of the image of a teacher of higher education; symbolic space formed by the bearer of the image of a teacher of higher education; nature of interaction (subject-subject interaction / subject-object interaction); process, forms, types, means of communication; recipient of the image of a teacher of higher education determination of obtaining and accepting the image of a teacher of higher education (activity aspect, acmeological aspect, socio-psychological aspect). Author’s definitions of these categories are given.

image structure of the image of a teacher of higher education systemic model image modeling of a teacher of higher education the image of a teacher of higher education image modeling image

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Psychological features of innovative management styles of managers of educational organizations, selected by the criterion “Teamwork in the organization”

  • Author: Alla Klochko
  • Institution: Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6631-2638
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 49-54
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.02.05
  • PDF: pomi/05/pomi505.pdf

The analysis of scientific approaches to understanding the psychological characteris-tics of the role of the management team is important in the context of ensuring the organizational development of educational institutions. The transformational changes taking place in education today require the introduction of new approaches to the process of managing educational organizations. The practical solution to the problem of forming management teams in educational organizations involves determining and understanding the importance of systematic psychological training of education managers to form professional management teams. The article reveals the psychological features of innovative management styles in managers of educational organizations, selected by the criterion of «Teamwork in the organization». Іt is especially important in educational organizations to form not only a teaching staff, but a team where teachers set an example not by words but by their own actions: teach them to be leaders, develop their various social competencies, and most importantly – teach by personal example. Аllowed us to identify innovative management styles in managers of educational organizations, which are selected by the criteria of «Teamwork in the organization» and provide the following skills: orientation of managers of educational organizations on teamwork based on clearly defined roles, willingness to internally accept organizational goals and objectives; to organize joint activities to address management issues, willingness and skills of constructive communication, dialogue and interaction with different categories of people. Іdentified traditional («fear of poverty», «authority – conquest», «rest home») and innovative («organization», «team») management styles in managers of educational organizations on the indicator «of orientation of managers to teamwork». Highlights the main reasons for managers to avoid team building. Increasing the attention of psychologists to the problem of psychological preparation of managers of educational organizations.

innovative management style team formation Еducational institutions managers leadership

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Psychological features of meaning-making in adulthood and the formation of meanings in the crisis and transitional period in human development

  • Author: Nataliia Koshel
  • Institution: University of Education Management
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3782-011X
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 55-64
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.02.06
  • PDF: pomi/05/pomi506.pdf

The article discusses the concept of “meaning-making” and age crises as one of the main categories of psychology, and their relationship with the humanities. Existing scientific developments do not pay enough attention to the study of conscious motives and meaning in adults. The practical relevance of this problem is determined, on the one hand, by dynamic processes in the education system, on the other hand - the need to increase life experience, improve the quality of life in general. The article presents a semantic model of the process of meaning-making. The system of meaning-making is connected with the educational system, which includes the semantic sphere. The structure of the system of meaningmaking is the interaction of objects of social development of ways of thinking, views, and cultural activities. The article also describes the concept of age crisis and how it depends on meaning-making. Age development to a new qualitatively specific stage of meaning-making is characterized by abrupt psychological changes in a person’s life. The processes and psychological features of meaningmaking of adults is studied in the current uncertainty of the social, economic, and political situation which forces a person to constantly determine their position and view of the world. The solution of this important question is primarily associated with the activity of a person’s consciousness, which is aimed at identifying the meanings of ongoing events, the constant search for new meanings on the basis of which it would be possible to determine one’s place and vital role in the changing reality. It is found that meaning-making of a personality, its clear awareness, and its reliability are determined by viability, professional, family, and age self-determination in life, which depends on an individual, their life position, sociopsychological, and social maturity and activity. Based on the empirical study, it is concluded that age largely determines the importance of life values and spheres for a person, the level of realization of value orientations, the level of motivation and the level of self-actualization of the adult personality.

age crisis marital status value-semantic dimension of a person’s life perspective a person’s life perspective discourse of meaning making stress conflict frustration adolescence

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Динаміка розвитку синдрому вигорання фахівців соціономічного профілю через призму позитивної психотерапії Н. Пезешкіана

  • Author: Антоніна Мельничук (Antonina Melnychuk)
  • Institution: Хмельницький національний університет (Khmelnytskyi National University)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6901-8805
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 65-73
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.02.07
  • PDF: pomi/05/pomi507.pdf

Dynamics of burnout syndrome development of socionomic profile professionals through the prism of positive psychotherapy by Nossrat Peseschkian

Burnout syndrome is a problem of modern society, which is manifested through the stress of modern conditions, shortage of external and internal resources and imbalance of vital energy of this sociological specialist, namely, they suffer the most from the phenomenon. Positive psychotherapy is a resource-oriented, humanistic and transcultural method, officially recognized by the European Psychotherapy Association (EAP) in 1996. Also, positive psychotherapy is a conflict-centered method that contains a psychodynamic component. Conflict is one of the central factors of psychodynamics. The meaning of «conflict» from Latin is interpreted as a «conflict» of interests, various conflicting positions, obstacles to meet any needs. Conflict is a signal of imbalance. This article reveals the psychodynamic component of this method, which analyzes the differential-substantive analysis of the development of burnout through the prism of positive psychotherapy. The dynamics of burnout syndrome is characterized by the levels of meaningful analysis of personality: the actual level (symptomatic), key level (content) and basic level. Accordingly, conflicts are identified at each of these levels. The actual conflict is manifested in micro-events (frequent stressful situations) and macro-events (pandemic, war, etc.). Located and processed in the spheres of the balance model (body, achievement, contacts, fantasies), there is an imbalance in the distribution of life energy, where the individual pays excessive attention to the sphere - achievement (fatigue, etc.), and later the sphere - fantasies (loss of motivation and meaning). The basic conflict is manifested in the previous experience of parents, the environment, as well as forms of interaction in the model to follow, recorded in the form of concepts. Burnout syndrome will manifest itself in the sphere of «I», where the individual has formed concepts about himself and the scenario of his life, which leads him to fatigue, and later to exhaustion. Most often, specialists who have a high level of symptoms of burnout are guided by the following fixed ideas: «I’m ok when I do everything perfectly», «How ok when I do everything» and so on. Internal conflict is a conflict of early children’s institutions with variable activities, reactivation of the basic conflict through the current conflict (VC = BC + AC), which is defined as an unsolution, a stalemate. Thus, based on the study, we can interpret that burnout is an internal conflict of personality, which was caused by actual conflict (micro-events and macro-events) and the formed pattern of behavior that was familiar to professionals, but ceased to be relevant and help solve stressful situations (вasic conflict).

синдром вигорання psychodynamics key conflict basic conflict actual conflict Positive Psychotherapy burnout syndrome

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Я-концепція як чинник формування ставлення особистості до здоров’я: емпіричне дослідження

  • Author: Інна Гресько (Inna Hresko)
  • Institution: Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса (Vasyl` Stus Donetsk National University)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6642-6651
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 75-82
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.02.08
  • PDF: pomi/05/pomi508.pdf

Self-concept as a factor of forming the person`s health attitude: empirical research

The article highlights the results of an empirical research of the Self-concept as a factor of forming the health attitude of the individual. The theoretical foundations of the concept of responsible health attitude as a position of the individual, which determines the reactions and volitional actions of a person to health factors to optimally combine his personal capabilities and the environment to achieve general well-being. The paper also mentions three levels of person`s health attitude, namely: individual level, health attitude at the group level and at the level of society. Thus, the highlighted research is aimed at exploration the individual`s health attitude, which includes the assessment of the subject`s own health, his/her actions aimed at health, and so on. In addition, the theoretical part of the article contains an overview of the phenomenon of Self-concept of personality, which is a set of all person ideas about themselves, its two poles – positive (harmonious) and negative (non-harmonious) Self-concept. It is emphasized that such a sum of all ideas of a person affects his functioning in all spheres of life, which, as a consequence, determine the quality of his/her life, establish habits and patterns of thinking, including about health and lifestyle. The results of the empirical research of the Self-concept of personality as a factor in shaping the health attitude of the individual are presented in this article. The research was conducted on the basis of several higher education institutions in Vinnytsia among student youth. The sample of the research was 226 of higher education applicants. For this purpose, psychodiagnostic techniques were used: «Individual typological questionnaire by L. Sobchik (ITQ)»; «Self-concept clarity» by J. Campbell (SCC); «Test-questionnaire of self-attitude» by V. Stolin, S. Panteleev»; questionnaires «Health Attitude Index» by S. Deriabo, V. Yasvin and «Attitude to health» (author R. Berezovskaya). The results of the formative experiment with the main group of applicants showed that with help of a specially designed program for the development of a positive Self-concept of personality, it is possible promote the formation of a responsible health attitude. While the results of the ascertaining experiment of the 1st and 2nd order with the control group of applicants were without significant changes. In particular, the training program helped to harmonize the personality of applicants, increase their self-esteem and increase the level of clarity of self-concept, which, in turn, affected their attitude to themselves, their health, increased responsibility not only for their psychological well-being, but also for somatic health, which depends on a person`s lifestyle.

student youth healthy lifestyle health attitude Я-концепція відповідальність responsibility health self-concept personality

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Гендерні особливості сформованості операційного компоненту готовності майбутніх психологів до здійснення професійної кар’єри

  • Author: Мар’яна Горенко (Mariana Gorenko)
  • Institution: Уманський державний педагогічний університет імені Павла Тичини (Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4895-675X
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 83-89
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.02.09
  • PDF: pomi/05/pomi509.pdf

Gender features of the formation of the operational component of readyness of future psychologists for professional careers

The article considers the issues of gender identity of future psychologists and relations with the level of formation of the operational component of their readiness for a professional career. Methods of theoretical research: analysis, synthesis, generalization, modeling, grouping, etc.; methods of empirical research: observation, experiment, questionnaire – questionnaire «Professional career of students» (authors – L. Karamushka, T. Kanivets), testing – method «Masculinityfemininity » (S. Bem); method «Diagnosis of behavioral activity strategies» (L. Wasserman, M. Humeniuk), content analysis. According to the results of the study, an idea of the gender composition of the sample of future psychologists was formed: 46.25% – androgynous type of gender identity, 35% - masculine type, 18.75% – feminine type. The reason for the uneven distribution of types of gender identity with a significant predominance of androgynous may be the transformation of modern society and the departure from clear boundaries between gender roles. To study the level of formation of the operational component of the readiness of future psychologists to pursue a professional career, the main indicators were studied: 1) the level of development of their own activity in preparation for a professional career; 2) the level of development of behavioral activity of students of psychology in general.As a result of the generalized analysis of the data received on separate indicators, it is defined that there is a difference in levels of formation of an operational component of readiness for realization of professional career: % and 24.9%) and a lower percentage of low level (20.75% vs. 22.4% and 28.5%). We can explain this by saying that the androgynous type is the most adapted in modern society. In order to function more productively in today’s world, individuals need to have a range of qualities and traits that combine both traditionally female and traditionally male. Significant differences are observed in the indicator of general behavioral activity: in representatives of the androgynous type this indicator is much more formed (high level was recorded in 37.8% of androgynous future psychologists, 20% of feminine and 17.8% of masculine). This means that this part of the sample is characterized by such features as active and focused business, the ability to balance their activities, emotional stability in behavior, relative resilience, good adaptation to different activities, which will greatly contribute to a successful professional career. . In general, the results indicate an insufficient level of formation of the operational component of the psychological readiness of future psychologists to pursue a professional career and the need to improve it. Although, almost the majority of respondents have the potential and reserves to improve various areas of behavioral activity.

personality activity behavioral activity androgyny гендер femininity masculinity gender

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Жінка в армії: ґендерна стереотипізація у військово-професійному середовищі

  • Author: Тетяна Храбан (Tetyana Khraban)
  • Institution: Військовий інститут телекомунікації та інформатизації (Military Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technologies)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5169-5170
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 93-105
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.02.10
  • PDF: pomi/05/pomi510.pdf

Woman in the army: gender stereotyping in the military-professional environment

The aim of the article is to study the process of the reproduction and changing of gender stereotypes relating to women in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Materials and methods. The method of qualitative content analysis, interpretive and explanatory methods of discourse analysis have been used. Materials to conduct this research are publications, comments and pictures on the pages of group “Military service” in a social network Facebook. Results & discussions. In the military environments gender stereotypes’ psychological functions have profound effects on the specificity of the reproduction and changing of stereotypes relating to women. At the linguistic level the cognitive-adaptive function is realized through the cognitive gender metaphor. Feminine metaphors are becoming instruments that breaks down traditional stereotypes of women and offers a new perspective, namely the absence of polarization between the sexes, as well as the trust and support of interaction between men and women in the military corporate culture. The value-protective psychological function of gender stereotypes relating to women is aimed to maintain collective values, justify and rationalize discriminatory attitudes towards an alien group. Gender stereotypes relating to women are used not to create the opposition “man – woman” or “male – female” but “the military – civil persons”. The constructive function of gender stereotypes is aimed at the internal acceptance of servicemen’s worldview position; it helps to prevent the stress associated with the need for subordination in the military environment. The social functions of gender stereotypes relating to women help a military man to reproduce situations that are emotionally significant for him, in which his needs in recognition and love have been met. Further, this will contribute to the establishment of psychological comfort and deep emotional ties between men and women in a heterogeneous team. The analysis of the gender stereotypes’ functions did not reveal the relationship of competition and hostility between femininity and masculinity in the military environment. Conclusions. For today in the military environment the gender stereotyping of women is becoming flexible, and stereotypes are changing according to social context. The root cause of this process is the specifics of the military professional activities, when the effectiveness of accomplishing the stated tasks is possible only if there is a unified system for accepting corporate goals, values and relationships. The identification of woman on the basis of gender is secondary, but her identification with a social and professional group becomes urgent. Women, just like men, become the bearer of the ideas and ideals of military professional activity, and the updated gender stereotype includes values and norms promoted by the corporate military culture.

military corporate culture військова корпоративна культура гендер discourse stereotype gender

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Особливості материнства та дитинства у період війни: соціально-філософський аналіз

  • Author: Марія Лугова (Mariia Luhova)
  • Institution: Харківський національний педагогічний університет імені Г. С. Сковороди магістр психологічних наук (H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2687-9239
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 107-116
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.02.11
  • PDF: pomi/05/pomi511.pdf

Problems of motherhood and childhood during the war: socio-philosophical analysis

Mother and child are unique structures whose connection is socially and biologically determined, as well as necessary for their full existence. The article considers the peculiarities of the situation of motherhood and childhood during the war, from the point of view of philosophical science, on the example of the war in Ukraine in 2022. An analysis of the literature on the location of the studied objects during the First and Second World Wars. The peculiarities of women’s reproductive health during the war have been studied on the example of historical references from the siege of Leningrad. The peculiarities of the psychological state of children who have experienced war have been identified, and the prospects for the development of such children have been described. Categories of children who received «war trauma» have been developed. The family in wartime is a mirror of the dynamic processes in society. Parental or maternal instinct – is essential in ensuring the viability of children. Mature maternal identity is able to ensure the harmonious existence of two personalities – mother and child. The concept of PTSD is studied. The mechanisms of stress on the human body as a balanced biological system are described. Philosophical approaches to the issue of death and war are studied. Death is considered the most mysterious phenomenon of philosophical thought, which is considered taboo in society. In terms of historical retrospect, the attitude to death is changing, which is a natural result of the development of science. War is seen as a controversial component of society, but with mostly negative consequences in both social and economic aspects. Paying attention to the devastating consequences of any war, both material and psycho-emotional, one can find archaic origins. The fear of war is a reflection of the deep fear of death. Peculiarities of philosophical concepts concerning the phenomenon of care are analyzed. Recommendations for the upbringing of a positive personality of a child during the war are given. Conclusions are drawn about the consequences of each war for any community. War, in a broad sense, is an instantaneous start of dynamic processes in society, which is expressed in all areas of human life. The worst damage to war is to children. From an early age, children can store and interpret memories of past events, and thus become aware of the surrounding reality. The mother is a key resource for the child’s sense of security, as well as a guarantee of its comprehensive and harmonious development, even in times of war.

Батьківство instincts PTSD Parenthood відповідальність care responsibility stress death upbringing

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Меми як стратегія подолання війни

  • Author: Катерина Мілютина (Кatherine Milutina)
  • Institution: Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0013-2989
  • Author: Надія Садівнича (Nadiia Sadivnycha)
  • Institution: Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4065-0510
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 119-126
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.02.12
  • PDF: pomi/05/pomi512.pdf

Wartime memes as a coping strategy

Memes are a unit of information in the socio-cultural field. Ukrainian memes and their number increased until March 10-15, after which their number began to decrease. The aim of our study was to analyze memes for compliance with their coping strategies. The analysis and systematization of 370 units of memes created in Ukraine in the period from February 25, 2022 to March 31, 2022 was used. Of the memes considered, purely text memes accounted for 60%: meme words (rashists, Huylo, Chornobaivka, palyanytsia), meme phrases (Russian ship), meme expressions (Good evening, we are from Ukraine!). Creolized or mixed memes (picture and signature) accounted for 33%. Image only – 7% In the first days after the start of the war, memes appeared related to the desire to resist the enemy. When analyzing memes and comparing them with coping strategies, it was found that memes with constructive coping strategies predominate among Ukrainian wartime memes. The style of memes (semi-productive) is also widely used, which is aimed at finding support and restoring psycho-emotional balance. Memes of this type began to appear 2–3 weeks after the start of hostilities and are small (10-12%) of the total number of images. They reflect relationships between people, experiences related to separation from family members, attempts at complacency. According to a number of memes, the people of Ukraine are trying to overcome their anxiety not in a passive way, but by understanding the environment, which can also be perceived as a sufficiently adequate coping strategy. Attitude to such horrific events as shelling and bombing with a sufficient amount of humor allows you to master yourself in new military circumstances. The culture of memes has not escaped the problems of refugees and internally displaced persons. This issue is small and calls for understanding and compassion for refugees. Unlike typical memes, this image is not anonymous, but it has also spread widely on the Internet and has become a meme. Unproductive coping is either not represented in wartime meme culture at all, or it is ridiculed and perceived as clearly inappropriate behavior.

overcoming війна в Україні the war in Ukraine productivity humor creativity the Internet

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The legal framework of the implementation of community media in Ukraine

  • Author: Oleh Dzholos
  • Institution: Institute of Journalism Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8069-1013
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 127-136
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.02.13
  • PDF: pomi/05/pomi513.pdf

The ongoing globalization of mass media offers ample opportunities for citizen debate and pluralism of thought. One of the recent world media trends is the creation of different models of public media, which are an alternative to other means of communication. Public media might address issues of contemporary journalism, namely the quality and independence of media, ensuring that citizens receive accurate and impartial information. Ukraine has undergone tremendous changes since it has gained independence in 1991 but the political and legal systems remain unduly centralized, the economy weak, and the government attempts to limit freedom of speech and work of media. During both the Orange Revolution in 2004 and the Euromaidan 2013–2014, the need to deepen democratic freedoms was emphasized. Major advocates of the reform called for strengthening the rule of law, decentralization, denationalization of media, and the establishment of community media in the country, which will be created by the society, serve the society, and work under its control. Measures to increase the diversity of Ukrainian media are one of the practical means to guarantee freedom of speech and diversity of viewpoints. The diversity of media includes not only the diversity of content and multiplicity of media owners but also the variety of media types. Along with traditional models of public service media and private commercial broadcasting, community media emerged as the “third level” of media development that enhances freedom of speech. This article examines the legal aspects of community media implementation in Ukraine, their compliance with the standards and principles of the media law of European countries that govern the media community, and illustrates the development of community broadcasting in the world. It also provides an overview of the international standards for community media, which are backed by legislatures and regulators. Analyzing the Ukrainian media legislative draft, the author of the article offers improvements to the content and funding of community media in Ukraine.

public service broadcasting diversity freedom

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Wrocławskie spotkania z dramaturgią ukraińską

  • Author: Agnieszka Matusiak
  • Institution: Uniwersytet Wrocławski
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0329-1379
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 139-142
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.02.14
  • PDF: pomi/05/pomi514.pdf

Spis treści

  • Author: The Editors
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 5-8
  • DOI Address: -
  • PDF: pomi/7/pomi7toc.pdf

Table of contents


  • Author: Krystyna Leszczyńska-Wichmanowska
  • Institution: Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 9
  • DOI Address: -
  • PDF: pomi/7/pomi700.pdf

Особливості української антиколоніальної драматургії ХVIII – першої половини ХІХ ст.

  • Author: Юлія Величковська
  • Institution: Таврійський національний університет імені В. І. Вернадського (V. I. Vernadsky Taurida National University)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4560-6447
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 15-22
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.04.01
  • PDF: pomi/7/pomi701.pdf

Peculiarities of Ukrainian anti-colonial dramaturgy of the XVIII - first half of the XIX century

The article deal the general patterns and main trends in the formation and development of dramatic genres as a self-sufficient genre in Ukrainian literature of the XVIII – first half of the XIX century, aimed at highlighting anti-imperial ideas in close connection with the requirements of general literary genre and national traditions. It was found that the anti-colonial national literature found its expression in such genres as historical drama, drama-morality, vaudeville, social-household drama and comedy. «Vladimir» by Feofan Prokopovich, «God’s Mercy ...» by an unknown author, «Resurrection of the Dead» by Georgy Konysky, «Muscovite Magician» by Ivan Kotlyarevsky and «The Simpleton» by Vasyl Gogol, which were the embodiment of baroque and classicist styles with a combination of elements of ancient Greek comedies and tragedies, European medieval mysteries, Ukrainian interludes, miracles, morals and dramas of the Easter cycle, contributed to bringing to the stage the realities of the time and gave them a dynamic anti-colonial embodiment.The harmonious combination of high and low styles by the authors became an innovation of these dramatic works. It was found that the features of Baroque, Classicism, Enlightenment realism, sentimentalism and romanticism, which appeared in the social-household drama “Natalka-Poltavka” by I. Kotlyarevsky, social-household comedies “Yabeda” by V. Kapnist, «Noble elections», «A visitor from the capital, or the commotion in the county town», «Shelmenko – volost clerk», «Clairvoyant», «Shelmenko – batman « by G. Kvitka-Osnovyanenko and “Inspector” M. Gogol, were aimed at covering colonial problems in Ukraine after the abolition of the Hetmanate. A feature of these genres was the synthesis of Ukrainian Christmas dramas and social and domestic interludes with European bourgeois drama, which provided an opportunity to raise national drama to the European level. It is investigated that dramatic works of anti-colonial orientation of the XVIII – first half of the XIX century approved deviations from the established traditions of a particular literary genre. Instead, they presented a synthesis of baroque-classicist-educational-romantic aesthetic values that interacted with the folklore traditions of our people.

історична драма traveling story social-household drama vaudeville drama-morality historical drama comedy

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Поетичний переклад у творах «Тихих Ліриків» В. Підпалого та Д. Чередниченка

  • Author: Ольга Шарагіна (Olga Sharagina )
  • Institution: Таврійський національний університет імені В. І. Вернадського (Taurida National V. I. Vernadsky University)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6781-7467
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 23-29
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.04.02
  • PDF: pomi/7/pomi702.pdf

The poetic translation in the work of “Silent Lyrics” by V. Pidpaly and D. Cherednychenko

The article reviewed the themes and leading images of the Russian (O. Pushkin, M. Lermontov, I. Bunin, A. Akhmatova, V. Khlebnikov, V. Berestov), of the Lithuanian (M. Vainilaitis, Y. Nyakroshius), of the Jewish (R. Balyasna, J. Gruber, P. Kyrychansky, M. Mohylevych), of the Gypsy (L. Manusha, O. Germano) poets, of the Czech (J. Neruda), of the Avar (R. Gamzatov), of the Armenian (G. Davtyan), of the Balkar (K. Kuliev) poets, as well as features of Slovak folklore translated by V. Pidpaly and D. Cherednychenko. The article reviewed the dominant motives of foreign writers, in the works of which were depicted love and devotion to the native people, admiration for the world of art and national identity, the beauty of natural landscapes and children’s world of fairy tales. The scientific article represented the appeal to the inner world of the lyrical hero of poets of both nations, his national self-identification, historiosophical understanding of existence in society. The focus is on the translation literary concept that evoke not only negative emotions, but also balance the inner state of the lyrical narrator, promotes his spiritual harmony. In “silent poetry”, in contrast to the literary work of the foreign writers, the literary concept of loneliness also describes the balanced inner state of the lyrical hero, his spiritual harmony. “Silent poets” were appealed to an aesthetically valuable poetic word, which reflected the ideological neutrality in the intertextual plane of the poem and focused on the inner intentions of the foreign poets, which were based primarily on his moral qualities. Given the translations of the foreign poets, the lyrics focused on primarily on the moral qualities of man, his inner development.

«тиха лірика» silent/homo silentio “apolitical segregation” “creative marginalism” “silent poetry” translation

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Специфіка художньої концептуалізації добового часу в малій прозі М. Вінграновського

  • Author: Марина Скидан (Maryna Skydan)
  • Institution: Харківський національний педагогічний університет імені Г. С. Сковороди (H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6123-3479
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 31-38
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.04.03
  • PDF: pomi/7/pomi703.pdf

Specificity of the artistic conceptualization of the day period in small prose by M. Vinhranovskyi

In modern Ukrainian linguistics, given its general anthropological orientation, cognitive research is quite productive, including in the field of literary text, which allows us to describe the linguistic means of its interpretation at the level of conceptual structures. The basic concepts in the categorization of the world include TIME. The purpose of the study is to outline the means of artistic conceptualization of daily time and their functional and semantic load in M. Vingranovskyi’s prose texts, to consider the artistic conceptualization of daily time in view of idiostylistic features of the writer’s language. In the discourse of M. Vingranovskyi’s short prose, artistic time is not reduced to the reproduction of the properties of physical time. M. Vingranovskyi’s model of time is deeply rooted in the mythopoetic picture of the world and passed through the prism of the narrator’s individual worldview. Lingual expression of the idea of time occurs through the realization of individual temporal values. Carriers of temporal semantics in the text are often nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives. In addition, we consider detailed contexts with temporal content. As research shows, M. Vingranovskyi mainly resorts to the reproduction of the cyclical nature of time. Accordingly, the images of parts of the day become important. The concepts DAY, NIGHT, MORNING, EVENING in the language of the analyzed works are verbalized with words of different parts of speech, which contain the appropriate temporal sema. The nominative fields that form their artistic and semantic content are quite branched. For each of the concepts, the nucleus consists of nouns that name the parts of the circadian cycle (morning, day, evening, night), the synopsis zone includes their synonyms (dawn, predawn, twilight), adverbs to denote the duration of the action (at night, nights, by day), the initial time limit (since morning, before dawn; since evening); verbs that convey the state of nature in accordance with the time of day (to dawn; to grow dark, to get dusky, to darken). The near periphery includes nouns and qualitative adjectives, which, combined with temporal names, convey the visual, sound, tactile, psychological characteristics of parts of the day. According to our observations, the leading method of conceptualizing the time of day – the image of the time, the stretching of time. The far periphery in the expression of the analyzed concepts is formed by individual authorial figurative contexts with the names of celestial bodies, natural, spatial realities, names of animals, actualized in landscape sketches. The metaphors of movement, color and burning are the most revealing for the associative figurative conceptualization of parts of the day. It is worth emphasizing that in the perception of the time of day value markers are placed by the narrator. The specificity of the artistic conceptualization of the time of day is due to the author’s idiosyncratic guidelines, the attraction to cinematography. Images of natural time convey the idea of cyclicity, the natural harmony of time, the experience of the value of every moment of human life. Their embodiment is due to the perspective of the narrator, his emotional state.

суперконцепт idiostyle temporality conceptosphere natural time superconcept concept

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Засоби та прийоми художнього осмислення повсякденності у текстах І. Роздобудько та М. Ґретковської

  • Author: Ірина Смаровоз (Іryna Smarovoz)
  • Institution: Бердянський державний педагогічний університет (Berdyansk State Pedagogical University)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8686-6195
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 39-46
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.04.04
  • PDF: pomi/7/pomi704.pdf

Means and methods of literary understanding of everyday life in the works of I. Rozdobudko and M. Gretkovska

The present article shows that as a result of historical, cultural and social changes that have aroused interest in the life and work of women, the attention of literary critics was drawn to the literary everyday life in Ukrainian and Polish modern women’s prose. Everyday life in women’s prose has become a mirror of woman’s worldview, philosophy, feelings and emotions. The significance of the study is based on the lack of the clear system of means and techniques that belong to the poetics of everyday art in literature studies. The purpose of this study is to make an attempt to systematize the means and methods of literary understanding of everyday life in the texts of I. Rozdobudko and M. Gretkovska. In the process of the research it is established that the nature of literary everyday life in the texts selected for analysis is determined by attention to the inner world of the character that is typical for women’s prose. It is noted that women’s images described in the analyzed texts completely contradict patriarchal ideas about the role of women in society and family. Such components of the everyday life of the characters as woman’s life, body and actions become the key to revealing her inner world. It is noticed that the external demonstrations of everyday life (space, time, clothing, body, reactions of the characters, etc.) become a reflection of the inner world of the characters. The following methods of modeling of everyday life in the prose of I. Rozdobudko and M. Gretkovskaya are singled out: construction of own representation of time by characters; «stretching» or «stopping» of time; laconicism in space modeling; emphasis on details; focusing on sensory sensations; close intertwining of the real with the unreal; concentration on corporeality, sensuality; attraction to the naturalism of the image; increased attention to the personal, private life of the character; autobiography; reproduction of global problems of the country or epoch through modeling of destiny of one person; fragmentary modeling of images and situations; the impact of the death of a pet on the emotional state of the character; modeling of provocative situations and images in order to encourage the reader to think, search for the truth. It is noted that writers implement these techniques within their authorial styles and ideas of novels in different ways. It is established that the authors use a wide range of artistic means: metaphors, comparisons, epithets, paradoxes, ironies, contrasting images, symbols, archetypes etc. Using a wide range of artistic means and techniques, writers construct models of everyday life of their characters in their own way. The results of the research can become the basis for a generalized theoretical description of the poetics of everyday life.

поетика повсякденності inner world corporeality women’s prose poetics of everyday life space drama time

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Актуальність створення мотиваційного словника юридичної лексики

  • Author: Ірина Царьова (Iryna Tsareva)
  • Institution: Дніпропетровський державний університет внутрішніх справ (Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1939-7912
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 49-57
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.04.05
  • PDF: pomi/7/pomi705.pdf

Actuality of creating a motivative dictionary of legal vocabulary

The article is devoted to the concept of creating a motivational dictionary of modern Ukrainian legal vocabulary, which is a lexicographic description of motivational associations generated by a word during its perception and semantization and obtained as a result of a directed associative experiment. This article presents a psycholinguistic study that motivatedness is understood as the property of a word, which allows realizing the conditionality of the connection meaning (the content) and the sound shape of the word (expression) on the basis of the correlation of the word with the linguistic, extra-linguistic reality and mental categories. Definition of classification parameters of the concept of motivation (motivatedness) applied for terminology research and development of methodological principles of the motivation research of terminology vocabulary. The role of the associative experiment in studying the potential of the word motivation is fundamental, since it is the associative experiment that allows the legal researcher to identify the comprehension, awareness by the native speakers of the motivational associativity of the lexical units of the modern Ukrainian legal text, to move from observing and analyzing the motivational activity of a limited number of words to a systematic study of the potential of the whole lexical array of language, thereby providing valuable material for lek a sycographic and theoretical description of the motivation of words, because the experimental data, determining the degree of manifestation of motivational nature, make it possible to classify lexical units into motivated and unmotivated, highly motivated and weakly motivated ones, reveal the existence of motivational-associative stereotypes or their absence, the ratio of the motivationalassociative standard and deviations from it. With the help of materials obtained using an associative experiment, the development of the word motivation, the similarity or difference of its modern formal-semantic interpretation can be revealed. In modern linguistics, it is commonly accepted that words (meaning of words) are motivated, depending on the preservation of the internal form of the word.

асоціативний експеримент legal vocabulary motivational potential motivational analysis motivational associations internal word form associative experiment motivation

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Застосування комп’ютерних технологій під час дослідження семантики відносних прикметників Української мови

  • Author: Ірина Олександрук (Iryna Oleksandruk)
  • Institution: Інститут мовознавства імені О. О. Потебні Національної академії наук України (O. O. Potebnia Institute of Linguistics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2701-1714
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 59-66
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.04.06
  • PDF: pomi/7/pomi706.pdf

The use of computer technology in the research of the semantics of relative adjectives of the Ukrainian language

The article considers the problems of application of computer technologies in the study of lexical semantics of relative adjectives of the Ukrainian language. Emphasis is placed on the need to create effective systems for processing semantic information by computer programs and to build high-tech language information tools for describing semantics on many parameters. The research was conducted on the basis of the electronic «Dictionary of the Ukrainian language» in 20 volumes, which is created in the Ukrainian language and information fund of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The dictionary is presented in the form of the Virtual Lexicographic Laboratory «Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language». The purpose of the article is to demonstrate the feasibility and possibilities of using computer technology in research on lexical semantics, focused on the creation of automatic systems for processing language information. The object of analysis is the dictionary articles of relative adjectives, the meaning of which in the explanatory dictionary is transferred by implicit formulas of interpretation «Adjective to…» and «Concerning to… », which only establishes the fact of connection of the meaning of adjectives with the lexical meanings of the nouns from which these adjectives are formed, which makes it impossible to analyze their semantic properties with the help of computer programs. Research methods – lexicographic analysis, theory of semantic states, corpus technology. To conduct a semantic analysis of relative adjectives of the Ukrainian language in the study used the formalism of the theory of semantic states, developed by V. A. Shirokov. The analysis was conducted within the integrated lexicographic system created in the Ukrainian Language and Information Fund of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The results of the analysis are presented in the lexicographic database «Semantics of relative adjectives» developed within the research, built for multiparametric description of semantic properties of relative adjectives of the Ukrainian language. The lexicographic database «Semantics of relative adjectives» will be a representative material for other multiparametric linguistic research in automated mode, including problems of unambiguity and ambiguity of words, word-forming semantics, creating semantic classifications, construction of a semantic dictionary for the Ukrainian language, translation dictionaries, as well as a source of source information during the formation of the Ukrainian terminological system. An explicit representation of the meaning of relative adjectives will facilitate the use of computer technology in lexical semantics research focused on creating automated systems for processing linguistic information.

електронний словник theory of semantic states lexical compatibility integrated lexicographic system electronic dictionary lexical meaning

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Способи номінації тканин і виробів у середньонаддніпрянських говірках

  • Author: Наталія Жуган (Nataliia Zhuhan)
  • Institution: Черкаський державний бізнес-коледж (Cherkasy State Business College)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9874-1867
  • Author: Олексій Оскирко (Oleksii Oskirko)
  • Institution: Міжрегіональна академія управління персоналом (Academy of Personnel Management)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8486-9173
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 67-75
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.04.07
  • PDF: pomi/7/pomi707.pdf

Methods of nomination of fabrics and products in the Middle Dnieper dialects

The article, collected on the dialect material of the dialects of the Middle Dnieper area of the Ukrainian language, analyzes the lexical and semantic groups of names of fabrics and cloth, its parts and varieties and actions related to their manufacture and names of weaving products. These lexical-semantic groups form representatives of the following families: ‘fabric (common name)’; ‘canvas (common name) ʼ; ‘a piece of cloth’; ‘longitudinal edge of the canvas’; ‘longitudinal edge of the non-cutting fabric’; ‘bleached canvas’; ‘whitewash the canvas’; ‘canvas in 4 strands’; ‘canvas in 8 bands’; ‘canvas in 9 bands’; ‘canvas in 10 bandsʼ; ‘canvas in 11 bands’; ‘canvas in 12 bands’; ‘canvas in 13 bands’; ‘canvas rags’; ‘thick canvas’; ‘coarse cloth of the worst kind of yarn’; ‘medium yarn fabric’; ‘thin cloth of the best kind of yarn’; ‘thick fabric’; ‘bad, liquid fabric’; ‘cotton fabric’; ‘fabric of pure woolen threads’; ‘thin paper cloth’; ‘cotton fabric’; ‘printed fabric’; ‘to bring hair’; ‘fabric that has no lint on the dress’; ‘fabric with pile on the dress’; ‘simple cloth’; ‘lintfree cloth’; ‘pile cloth’; ‘cloth of different colors’, ‘hand-woven, made of home canvas’; ‘a product made of thin cloth’; ‘a product made of thick cloth’; ‘row - a type of sheet made of hemp or linen yarn’; ‘row on the bed, under the duvet’; ‘rows of shelters’; ‘rows that cover the lava’; ‘in a row, which covered the floor’; ‘a product made of printed fabric’; ʼa product made of white clothʼ. In the course of the research the peculiarities of the representation are presented, the structural-semantic organization is clarified, the peculiarities of the nominative processes of these vocabulary groups are traced, the systemic connections of the studied nouns are revealed. Tokens that arose by morphological or semantic derivation are recorded; analytical names - attributive and substantive phrases; propositional - in the form of a sentence. Monosyllabic names are preserved in the minds of dialect speakers despite the archaization of the realities themselves, and compound names are mostly substitutes that arose in connection with the archaization in the memory of informants of specialized names. Commonly used tokens, which have acquired terminological significance, reflect the word-forming possibilities of speech and the dynamics of lexical composition. Nouns with different word-formation, phonetic, accentuation and grammatical variants in the Middle Dnieper dialects are attested.

сема lexical-semantic group variant term lexeme representative sema semantics nomination

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Способи відтворення неозначеності в німецькомовному перекладі роману Сергія Жадана «Депешмод»

  • Author: Мар’яна Солюк (Mariana Soliuk)
  • Institution: Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника (Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5615-2308
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 77-83
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.04.08
  • PDF: pomi/7/pomi708.pdf

Translation of indefiniteness in into german translated novel of Serhii Zhadan “Depeche mode”

This scientific research deals with a topical linguistic and translation problem – the category of definiteness / indefiniteness. The category is a functional-semantic, conceptual category in the Ukrainian language, and a grammatical category in the German language. That is why it is expressed differently in both languages. The article analyzes the works of leading linguists devoted to the study of issues related to the category of definiteness / indefiniteness from different points of view and on the basis of Ukrainian and German languages. The purpose of this article is to determine the means one can use to reproduce the category of indefiniteness in the Ukrainian-German translation. The object of this research is linguistic indefiniteness as it is, i.e. the name of the object it designates belongs to the class of similar phenomena. Indefiniteness describes something new. In the Ukrainian language it is mostly expressed by indefinite pronouns that indicate an indefinite person, object, quality, quantity, etc. Indefinite pronouns are the main means of reference. Linguistic researchers state that indefiniteness in the Ukrainian language is always marked. The subject of the given study is the analysis of implicit means of expression of indefiniteness in Ukrainian as well as means of its explicit expression in the translation of the novel “Depeche Mode” by S. Zhadan into German. Comparative and descriptive methods of linguistic research allow considering different ways of expression of indefiniteness in the translation of modern fiction. The analyzed material contains examples where indefiniteness in the original text is expressed by (якийсь, хтось, який-небудь, деякий, один з і т.д. / some, someone, some, one of, etc.) which is translated by articles (mostly indefinite articles – ein / eine), as well as by their equivalents in the target language (einer aus… / einer von…, irgendwelche, ein paar), rarely by a zero article. Reproduction of the quantitative expression of indefiniteness into the target language doesn’t present a translation problem. The analyzed material contains examples where the indefinite pronoun якийсь / some is rendered by means of the definite article der. Indefiniteness in not reproduced in this case. Among the methods of translation of indefiniteness there are translation transformations both lexical-semantic, such as addition, generalization, and lexicalgrammatical. It conclusion, the further research on the issue of reproduction of indefiniteness / the category of definiteness / indefiniteness on the basis of translations of texts of other genres and analysis of a wider range of means that express indefiniteness, as well as ways of its translation.

категорія детермінації translation transformations pronoun article indefinitness definiteness category of determination translation

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Соціальна мережа як онлайн-платформа експериментальної художньої літератури

  • Author: Світлана Підопригора (Svitlana Pidopryhora)
  • Institution: Чорноморський національний університет імені Петра Могили (Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8891-7910
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 87-95
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.04.09
  • PDF: pomi/7/pomi709.pdf

Social network as an online platform of experimental fiction

The article deals with the development of digital literature. It is examined the potential of social networks in creating relevant literary texts that take into account the preferences of users and the very change in reading quality: the predominance of short forms, combining verbal and visual content in one semantic core. It is emphasized that social networks influence the development of the book market and literature, in particular, unite writers, provide resources for the promotion, sale of works of art, become creative platforms for artistic experiments. Social networks “Twitter” and “Facebook” are becoming especially popular among creative people. It has been determined that original genre forms appear on Twitter, along with a kind of reworking of classic texts - prose, poetry, dramatic works, in which the minimum number of characters is combined with an extremely emotional load and deep subtext. An interesting example of the use of Facebook as a platform for artistic experimentation is the successful attempt of Ukrainian author O. Shynkaruk, who createed a Facebook novel. In addition to the story itself (which is about the world 100 after the Russian-Ukrainian war that lasted 100 years), there are author’s and readers’ comments that create an atmosphere of interactivity. In the comments, the author reveals the ideas of his plan, sometimes clarifies and clarifies unclear points. With separate hypertext references O. Shynkarenko introduces into the text his own musical compositions, interludes in the genre of “concrete” music. The visual images complement the verbal, and visual metaphors and actualize additional meanings. The emergence of various genres of Twitter literature, Facebook novels shows that artists are looking for new ways to create texts, new ways to include contemporaries in literature and the formation of a “new reader”. The article tries to prove that the online literature format offered by the social networks “Twitter” and “Facebook” is not a sign of a simplification of the literary text, but a manifestation of literary game and artistic experimentation in the digital age.

твіттература “new reader” literary game digital age Facebook novel Twitter literature

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Дослідження пам’яток кам’яної сакральної архітектури ніез «Переяслав» (1991–2020): історіографія проблеми

  • Author: Вікторія Вовкодав (Viktoriia Vovkodav)
  • Institution: Національний історико-етнографічний заповідник «Переяслав» (National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve «Pereiaslav»)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2065-3001
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 99-119
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.04.10
  • PDF: pomi/7/pomi710.pdf

Research of monuments of stone sacred architecture of the nher «Pereiaslav» (1991–2020): historiography

An attempt at historiographical analysis dedicated to the monuments of stone sacred architecture of the National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve «Pereiaslav» was made in this research. These monuments are listed on the State Register of Immovable Monuments of Ukraine by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 929 of October 10, 2012 under security numbers: 100030/1-N, 100030/2-N, 100031/1- N, 100031/2-N. These include: Ascension Cathedral (1700), St. Michael’s Church (1750) and the bell tower with the refectory of St. Michael’s Church (1747). The bell tower of Ascension Cathedral (1770–1776), which is on the balance of Pereiaslav UTC and is an integral part of the complex of monuments of Ascension Monastery 1700–1776, was taken into account too. The results of the study of the above sacred monuments should be considered as part of the author’s research. The subject of this research is the study of scientific literature on cultural heritage sites of the National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve «Pereiaslav». Publications on this issue should be considered within two periods: the soviet (1954−1991) and modern (1991−2019). An overview of scientific works published during the modern period, characterized by an increase of scientific interest in sacred stone monuments of architecture of the National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve «Pereiaslav» was offered in this study. In order to convenience of perception, we divided these studies into two groups according to their thematic content. The first one includes publications directly devoted to the study of these objects. Among the researchers in this group are: D. A. Teteria, M. T. Tovkailo, O. V. Yurchenko, L. M. Nabok, O. V. Kolybenko, V. V. Vecherskyi, V. P. Melnyk, I. V. Bilchenko and other. Another group consists of generalized and fragmentary researches, related to the study of the history of Pereiaslav and Ukraine in general. These include studies of various thematic areas, where monastic complexes of Pereiaslav are mentioned in a certain aspect. Among the researchers in this group are: O. V. Lesyk, V. V. Nikitina, M. I. Sikorskyi, H. M. Buzian, M. V. Rodobudko, O. V. Tkachenko, N. M. Soloviova, V. M. Lialko, H. P. Tkachenko, N. H. Tkachenko, L. V. Lykhovyd, I. I. Kucherenko, S. O. Korkach, A. Kuzmenko, N. V. Kostenko, Yu. V. Avramenko, O. I. Tonkonoh, V. M. Shakula, O. M. Zham, O. A. Horbovyi, L. V. Naumenko, S. M. Zuber, S. M. Zakharchenko ta Yu. S. Fihurnyi, Yu. A. Mytsyk ta I. Yu. Tarasenko, V. Yu. Vysharovskyi, S. S. Dembitskyi, N. V. Kostiuk, I. H. Dunaina, S. A. Teteria, N. A. Boiko, M. V. Shkira, N. M. Shkira, A. O. Ivanenko, O. A. Tarapon, T. Yu. Nahaiko, S. V. Taranets, V. A. Lokha, V. P. Kotsur, O. I. Hurzhii, O. L. Lastovska and other. Our work on collecting and systematizing scientific literature on stone sacred monuments of architecture will be used in the future during the creation of a bibliographic index of works on objects under the operational management of the NHER «Pereiaslav».

пам’ятка архітектури bell tower cathedral sacred building architectural monument Church

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Чесність у взаємозв`язках з механізмами психологічного захисту у поліцейських з різним рівнем професійного самоздійснення

  • Author: Яна Пономаренко (Yana Ponomarenko)
  • Institution: Харківський національний університет внутрішніх справ (Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3374-3930
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 123-130
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.04.11
  • PDF: pomi/7/pomi711.pdf

Honesty in relationships with mechanisms of psychological protection in police officers with different levels of professional self-fulfillment

The analysis of domestic and foreign literature on the problem of police honesty in the context of their professional activities is covered. The specifics of the manifestation of this quality are revealed and the importance of this feature in the practice of policing is determined. In domestic psychology, honesty is considered by scientists as a moral component of the police officer’s personality, which testifies to the reliability, psychological stability and devotion to their profession. In foreign studies, honesty is interpreted through the effectiveness of activities, the quality of contacts with society and willingness to perform their activities at all times. The purpose of the study is to determine the psychological characteristics of honesty in the relationship with the mechanisms of psychological protection in police officers who have different levels of professional self-fulfillment (PS). The objectives of the study were: 1) theoretical review of psychological studies, which highlights the problem of honesty of police officers as one of the main competencies in police practice and an essential criterion in the formation of mechanisms of psychological protection; 2) determining the specifics of the manifestation of honesty in police officers with different levels of professional self-fulfillment (PS). The empirical basis of the study was 87 patrol police officers of special forces. The age of the subjects ranges from 22 to 50 years. Experience of practical work in police units ranges from 4 to 20 years. With the help of «Questionnaire of professional self-fulfillment» by O. Kokun and using the method of clustering according to the principle of k - means, we formed three groups of subjects: low, medium and high levels of PS. The first group included police officers with a low level of PS – 43 persons; the second group with an average level of SF was 20 persons, the third group of high-level of PS was 24 persons. Police officers with a low level of PS (first group) and with a high level of PS (second group) were involved in further research. To achieve this goal, the following were used: the “Honesty” questionnaire presented by the AZPS laboratory and the “Lifestyle Index” questionnaire by R. Plutchik, H. Kellerman & H.R. Conte. To identify the relationship between indicators, the method of mathematical statistics was used – Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. The correlation analysis allowed us to determine the place of honesty in the personality structure of police officers and to reveal the specifics of protective psychological mechanisms in police officers with different levels of PS. A group of police officers with a low-level of PS has two connections: one positive and one negative. Police officers with a high level of PS have two positive connections and one negative one.

поліцейські psychological protection policing policemen honesty professional activity professional self-realization

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Експериментальне дослідження професійних якостей майбутніх у медичних психологів

  • Author: Лілія Прудка (Liliіa Prudka)
  • Institution: Національний медичний університет імені О. О. Богомольця (Bogomolets National Medical University)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2545-4290
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 131-139
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.04.12
  • PDF: pomi/7/pomi712.pdf

Experimental study of future professional qualities of medical psychologists

The article analyzes the experimental study of professional qualities of future medical psychologists. Considering professional qualities as multi-vector personality characteristics that include: personality orientation (goals, motives, interests, needs); ability to perform their duties (intellectual, emotional, organizational, communicative), professional competencies (socio-personal, general scientific, instrumental, general-professional, specialized-professional) and professional competencies formed on their basis (political, sociopolitical, informational, moral and ethical, cultural); skills that show the ability of the individual to make independent decisions and appropriate actions in unpredictable new situations, and based on this was determined by a set of criteria (valuesemantic, communicative, psychological, professional), which allow, in our opinion, to determine the level of professional qualities future medical psychologists. The main attention was paid to the following issues: awareness of the peculiarities of the professional activity of future medical psychologists; diagnosing professionally important qualities. In the process of conducting experimental research using psychological techniques, the main focus was on communicative and organizational skills. In addition, it is determined that an integral feature of the personality of a medical psychologist is not only reflection but also creativity, which is manifested in the student’s ability to non-standard thinking and behavior, as well as awareness and development of professional and life experience. It also defines such a quality as the responsibility of future medical psychologists for professional activities. Comparative characteristics of the results of the study of future medical psychologists of NMU named after OO Bogomolets and Bukovynian State Medical University are presented in the form of a table. In addition, among the personal and professional qualities, professional competence was identified as an important condition for the success of the professional activity of a medical psychologist and an indicator of his capabilities, integrating knowledge, experience, personal qualities that ensure social responsibility for the results of decisions. After analyzing the above results, we conclude that the development of personal and professional qualities of future medical psychologists and their professional competence is important for their professional development. In addition, the main for professional development is the acceptance of future medical psychologists responsibility for their own development for further professional activities. It is determined that the development of professional qualities in future medical psychologists is possible with the right organization of training, but the main thing is the awareness of future professionals of the peculiarities of their future profession, which will ensure the formation of professional competence.

медичний психолог communicative abilities medical psychologist responsibility professional competence creativity reflection

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Педагогічні умови формування комунікативних умінь у фахівців у сфері управління

  • Author: Наталія Савчук (Nataliia Savchuk)
  • Institution: Уманський державний педагогічний університет імені Павла Тичини (Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8835-3921
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 141-147
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.04.13
  • PDF: pomi/7/pomi713.pdf

Pedagogical conditions for the formation of communicative skills in management specialists

The article substantiates the pedagogical conditions for the formation of communicative skills in specialists in the field of management. It is determined that communication skills are the ability to establish and maintain important contacts with other people, the appropriate system of professional knowledge, skills and practical skills that contribute to effective communication. And in order to improve the educational process and increase its effectiveness as a way of forming communication skills in management, the following pedagogical conditions were formed: the formation of positive motivation, the use of principles of innovation, interactivity and professional orientation; providing psychological and pedagogical support to specialists in the field of management; application of interactive learning technologies (business and role-playing games, brainstorming, project method, case studies, debates, psychological trainings); providing modern content of professional training of managers in order to form communicative skills in the process of studying the humanities. It has been proved that specialists with high communicative skills meet European educational standards, it is necessary to introduce dialogic training, which will promote the formation of dialogic competence, which is the highest expression of communicative competence of managers and will implement psychological and didactic mechanisms of self-organization. , will ensure the development of critical thinking, solving important educational tasks of mastering productive knowledge, integrative skills in dialogue. It is determined that in the process of application of dialogic learning the motivation of learning increases, interest is shown, there is a formation of communicative skills, creativity, intelligence, their worldview expands. Thus, based on the analysis, it should be noted that the formation of communication skills of managers should be clearly structured. In addition, it is important to direct the learning process to personality-oriented interaction, as well as to implement interactive learning technologies, namely: role-playing and business games, trainings, case situations, project method, brainstorming. And the implementation of these technologies in the learning process should be based on the following principles: problems in learning, interdependence and interdependence of the study of individual disciplines; situationality; accessibility; professional orientation; integration; the principle of activity approach in learning and group cooperation.

комунікативні уміння personality-oriented technologies manager interactive learning technologies communicative skills pedagogical conditions motivation

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Особливості орієнтацій у важких ситуаціях менеджерів туристичного бізнесу на різних етапах професіогенезу

  • Author: Світлана Жарікова (Svitlana Zharikova)
  • Institution: Харківський національний університет міського господарства імені О. М. Бекетова (O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6814-6415
  • Author: Олена Угоднікова (Olena Uhodnikova)
  • Institution: Харківський національний університет міського господарства імені О. М. Бекетова (O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2218-0041
  • Author: Наталія Влащенко (Nataliia Vlashchenko)
  • Institution: Харківський національний університет міського господарства імені О. М. Бекетова (O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4163-7185
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 149-157
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.04.14
  • PDF: pomi/7/pomi714.pdf

Features of orientations in difficult situations of tourism business managers at different stages of professional genesis

The article presents the results of an empirical study of coping factors that reflect the content of types of orientations in difficult situations in tourism business managers at different stages of professional genesis. Based on the theoretical analysis of scientific sources, it is stated that the professional activity of personnel employed in the tourism industry is characterized by stress resulting from various problem situations. The scientific achievements of modern scientists on the problem of coping of stress by tourism managers are considered. It is noted that research on the coping behavior of tourism professionals intensified only during the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused a crisis in the tourism industry. The urgency of deploying research of coping strategies of managers in the psychology of tourism in a broader perspective is emphasized. The total sample consisted of 216 persons. The first group consisted of 144 fourth-year students majoring in Tourism. The second group included 72 specialists with experience in the field of tourism from 7 to 10 years. To solve the empirical problems, the questionnaire “Types of orientations in difficult situations” by K. Bytjuc’ka and O. Kornjejev was used to diagnose coping factors that outline the orientation of the research efforts to approach the problem situation or avoid difficult circumstances. Student’s t-test for independent samples was used for mathematical and statistical data processing. Significantly higher indicators for students are set on the scales «Striving for difficulties», «Obstacle orientation», «Escape», «Inaction» and «Insouciance». These data reflect a contradictory combination of orientations on rapprochement with the problem situation and its avoidance. The identified features of the types of orientations in difficult situations in students - future managers of the tourism business determine the likelihood of difficulties in forming their professional competence and ability to perform professional tasks. Specialists with professional experience demonstrate significantly higher performance on the scales «Thoroughness», «Threat alert» and «Opportunity orientation». The obtained empirical results prove the expediency of improving the psychological training of tourism professionals and emphasize the relevance of creating a program of psychological support and its implementation in the system of professional education of tourism professionals

долаюча поведінка specialists of the tourism industry psychology of tourism coping strategy coping behavior stress

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Особливості прояву феномену життєстійкості та копінг-стратегій поведінки особистості в умовах пандемії Covid-19

  • Author: Ганна Варіна (Hanna Varina)
  • Institution: Мелітопольський державний педагогічний університет імені Богдана Хмельницького (Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0087-4264
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 159-173
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.04.15
  • PDF: pomi/7/pomi715.pdf

Peculiarities of the manifestation of the phenomenon of sustainability and copy strategies of personal behavior in the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic

Global transformations of all aspects of society lead to increased demands on individual resources. For young people, resilience and constructive coping strategies to overcome stressors are one of the most important features for building effective interpersonal interaction and professional development. In psychological practice, there is a need to accumulate existing psycho-correctional methods and innovative technologies that will promote the development of young people’s vitality. The article concretizes the scientific idea of the meaning of “viability” and coping strategies of personality behavior, identifies structural components of vitality and features of coping strategies of personality behavior in pandemic conditions, identifies approaches to the development of personality sustainability and constructive coping strategies of hammer behavior, as well as their practice-oriented opportunities (approaches: systemic, personal-activity, subjective) are revealed. The theoretical significance of the study is that its results expand scientific ideas about viability and constructive coping strategies of youth behavior as a personal resource for overcoming life difficulties as a result of pandemic conditions, psychological resources for personal vitality and the possibility of introducing innovative technologies constructive coping strategies of youth behavior. The observational experiment aimed at diagnosing the viability and analysis of the dominant coping strategies of youth behavior took place on the basis of the Laboratory of Psychophysiological Research of Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University. The results of an empirical study provide an opportunity to talk about the mostly negative state of young people during quarantine restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. High levels of stress and depletion of adaptive resources, increased levels of anxiety, the negative impact of emotional reactions of individuals on activities and interpersonal relationships - the result of forced change in the world. But, at the same time, there is a desire to use rational, adaptive coping strategies that help the individual to survive a stressful situation for the body while maintaining psychological well-being. The results of the study can be used in psychological counseling, as well as in the training and retraining of teachers and psychologists. Innovative in the context of practical significance is the use of modern computer technology, such as the НС-psychotest, which includes many different psychological and psychophysiological techniques that allow for a multilevel approach to solving practical diagnostic problems. The promising vector outlines ways to develop and test a comprehensive program “Self-management: resilience, resourcefulness, constructive coping strategies of behavior” with elements of AR-technologies in the development of personality resilience in a modern higher education institution.

життєздатність mental mobilization stressors coping involvement viability social support

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Політичні просвітницькі часописи для польських селянок «Zorza» і «Zorza Ojczysta»: загальні тенденції розвитку

  • Author: Марія Павлюх (Mariia Pavliukh)
  • Institution: Національний університет «Львівська політехніка» (Lviv Polytechnic National University)
  • ORCID: http://orcid.org//0000-0001-5502-8367
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 177-185
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.04.16
  • PDF: pomi/7/pomi716.pdf

Political educational magazines for polish peasants «Zorza» and «Zorza Ojczysta»: general trends of development

The urgency of the topic of the scientific article is due to modern political science, gender and national studies of women’s movements in European countries, including the Polish women’s movement, which began and developed in Lviv along with the Ukrainian women’s movement. The aim of the article is to analyze and review the issues of Polish women’s magazines for peasant women published in Eastern Galicia in the XIX century in order to clarify the main topics, conscious paradigms of the Polish women’s movement, value concepts of Polish women’s periodicals for peasant women. peasant women in traditional society and their participation in public and state life through political educational journalism. It is important to trace the main trends in the development of the Polish political women’s press and its impact on modern women’s political periodicals, as in the early twentieth century laid the foundation for the development of the modern Polish women’s movement. The scientific article analyzes the negative stereotypes about the traditional role of peasant women in public life on the example of the Polish women’s magazines «Zorza» and «Zorza Ojczysta», published in the early twentieth century. It was found that the traditional views on the role of peasant women are outdated, while the pages of Polish women’s magazines promote: women’s education, self-education, creative realization of women as individuals. The traditional formula for peasant women in society, which has been reduced to marriage and the birth of children, has been criticized for being superficial. Instead, a new image of a politically active woman is taking part in the life of her country and people. Research methods. The study used a set of general and special methods: the method of conceptual analysis in determining the Polish women’s movement; thematic analysis in determining the main topics of Zorza and Zorza Ojczysta; synthesis in the study of methods and forms of struggle of active women for their political rights. Results and conclusions. The active political role of women citizens in rural areas is a conscious concept of the Polish women’s press for peasant women, which was expressed in debunking active rural women of negative stereotypes about the passivity of women who come from the countryside.

просвітницька політична журналістика women’s education for peasant women self-education of peasant women a new type of peasant woman educational political journalism women’s economic rights emancipated publications Polish gender movement

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«Матеревбивство» як симптом мутації національної психіки під колоніально-тоталітарним пресингом (на матеріалі української лірики 1920–1930-х років)

  • Author: Ольга Шаф (Olga Shaf)
  • Institution: Дніпровський національний університет імені Олеся Гончара (Oles Honchar Dnipro National University)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5692-506X
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 187-196
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.04.17
  • PDF: pomi/7/pomi717.pdf

«Killing of the mother» as a sign of national mental mutation under colonial and totalitarian pressure (illustrated on the twentieth-century ukrainian lyrics (the 1920–1930th)

The article deals with the specific art representation of moral, ethic, psychical shifts of the national masculine character in Ukrainian lyrics of the first third of XXth century. They are conveyed in particular through the masculine intention to destroy the maternal figure of Motherland. Sometimes aggressiveness and hostility expressed in the poetic texts are equal to symbolical “killing of the Mother”, if taking into consideration a convergence of the images of Mother and Motherland in poetic consciousness. The article employs analytical and structural as well as historical and typological literary techniques. The theoretical base of the investigation is postcolonial theory integrated with psychoanalysis as well as gender studies to deal effectively with such concepts as maternal figure of the Motherland, national colonial masculinity, masculine art consciousness, the notions of trauma, aggression and others as well. This theoretical direction can provide help with outlining of the “killing of the Mother” symptom as Ukrainian poets’ destructive gesture toward their Motherland represented in the 1920th proletarian poetry (Vasyl Ellan-Blakytnyi, Volodymyr Sosiura, Heo Shkurupii) and also in a number of works of emigrant poets between two World Wars (Yevhen Malaniuk, Ostap Tarnavskii and others). Diverse lyric tendencies to express the urge to kill the Mother extrapolated on the image of Ukraine are highlighted. Ethic transformation of Ukrainians poets’ patriotic feelings is predicated upon different reasons, but the common one is that they had equally suffered colonial and totalitarian pressure of Soviet Russia. The moods of depiction of Ukraine’s “death” are, on the contrary, differentiate; in the 1920th, proletarian Ukrainian poets defused the tension between Bolshevistic and nationalistic ideologies through splitting the image of Ukraine into the negative “bourgeois” one and the positive “proletarian” one. In some works of emigrant poets devaluated image of Ukraine acquires demonic “deathly” features and is dishonored as “a betrayer”.

пролетарська поезія 1920-х the image of Ukraine the maternal figure masculine art consciousness the emigrant poetry between two World Wars the 1920th proletarian poetry masculinity national consciousness colonialism

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Згубний вплив політики русифікації та її наслідки для українського народу

  • Author: Наталія Свинаренко (Nataliia Svynarenko)
  • Institution: Харківський національний економічний університет імені Семена Кузнеця (Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8972-0025
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 197-204
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.04.18
  • PDF: pomi/7/pomi718.pdf

Detrimental impact of russification policy and its consequences for the ukrainian people

On the basis of the analysis of normative legal documents and modern scientific historical literature the peculiarities of the action of total Russification on the events of modern history of Ukraine are determined. At the time of the policy of Ukrainization, Russification attacks had somewhat weakened their activity, compared to the Valuev Circular and the Ems Decree. During the period of Soviet Ukraine, Russification developed quite strongly: this was facilitated by the full Russification of the army throughout the USSR, the educational policy of the Soviet Union, the peculiarities of personnel policy for the distribution of jobs to young professionals after graduating from secondary special and higher education.Beginning in 1970, the scientific world of all the then republics of the Union was also Russified - because all dissertation defenses were approved in Moscow, and abstracts were allowed to be published only in Russian. Meanwhile, the Russian language is becoming more and more popular. The Soviet policy of Russification in Ukraine can be called a weapon of slow action, which after decades of its planned action has achieved its actual result - a war in which completely innocent people die. The cult of the so-called “Soviet man” was formed throughout the existence of the USSR. This formation was especially successful on the territory of our Ukraine.Over time, this led to certain signs of erasure of the national self-identification of the Ukrainian people and the formation of a dual mentality. The policy of our pro-presidential parties fully confirms this. At the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union on the territory of our Ukraine, the majority of the population were Ukrainian-speaking Ukrainians and slightly fewer Russian-speaking Ukrainians. But neither the highestranking politicians nor the vast majority of society considered this to be a significant problem. A significant number of Russian-speaking Ukrainians and, on the eve of Russian military aggression, the majority of Ukrainian citizens are overly tolerant of the Russian-speaking phenomenon in Ukraine. The existence of the so-called dual mentality in modern Ukraine – pro-Western (European) and Eastern (pro-Moscow) with the appropriate cultural characteristics. You need to take into account that.The fact that the nation is aging in Ukraine, and there were more pro-Moscow mentality since independence, so there were always enough representatives of pro-Russian parties in the Verkhovna Rada. The language laws approved by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine during its entire existence are a direct confirmation of this fact. From the point of view of the civilization approach, the view of foreign researchers (historians, publicists, sociologists, political scientists) on the problem of Russification of the Ukrainian people within the Soviet Union and at the time of independence is important

зросійщення ethnocultural uncertainty study of Russian language Ukrainization russification national minorities national identity

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Андресна функція топонімів в українських народних думах

  • Author: Тетяна Крупеньова (Tetiana Krupenyova)
  • Institution: Південноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К. Д. Ушинського (South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8887-0163
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 205-213
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.04.19
  • PDF: pomi/7/pomi719.pdf

Andrescus function of toponyms in ukrainian people’s ballads

The article analyzes the peculiarities of the functioning of toponyms in Ukrainian folk ballads. It is noted that toponyms as organic components of ballad lyrics are a source that helps to establish the time and place of the event. Ukrainian ballads appeared in the XV–XVI centuries and were created by kobza players up to and including the XX century. Ballads have always reflected reality, important social events, heroic deeds carried out in the name of the people, and therefore it is in this genre that the most reliable information about the fate of Ukraine is concentrated. Toponyms used in the context of folk ballads have an important place and meaning. This layer of vocabulary is important since it precisely reflects socio-historical events, as well as directly mirrors the people’s figurative understanding of the natural environment’s real specifics. Big cycles in the epic work consist of thoughts about the struggle against the Turkish-Tatar and Polish-noble invaders. A prominent place among the works of the heroic epic belongs to the ballads that reflect the history of Ukraine in the XX century (starting from the revolutionary events of 1905). These works are mostly devoted to specific historical events and personalities. The description of real events is impossible without an indication of the event’s place, a description of the area, and this explains the frequency of toponyms in ballad lyrics, as them perform the function of address. 115 toponyms were analyzed, among which the largest group was oykonymy (60), the group of hydronyms has 30 proper names, a slightly smaller number (25) is the group of horonyms. It was found that the frequency of use of one onym or another is primarily related to the subject and content of Ukrainian folk ballads. The central place in these epic works is the fate of Ukraine, the heroic and tragic life of Ukrainians, in this regard, the token Ukraine is a semantic center around which all the positive and negative, the glorious and tragic, is based. It is proved that one of the functions of toponyms in the texts of Ukrainian people’s ballads is address. Toponyms acquire a generalized, abstract meaning, ie the lyrics of Ukrainian folk ballads contain many toponyms, which add other meanings to their own lexicographically fixed meaning, and these meanings implicitly contain people’s attitudes to the world, environment, ie acquire for them a certain cognitive meaning. In this regard, the study of such toponyms allows us to analyze and understand the linguomentality of our people, their spirit, worldview and world perception.

ономастика horonyms hydronyms oykonyms geographical name onym onomastics

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Вплив «Великої Війни» на українське зерновиробництво

  • Author: Владислав Очеретяний (Vladyslav Ocheretianyi)
  • Institution: Університет Григорія Сковороди у Переяславі (Hryhoriy Skovoroda University in Pereyaslav)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0360-7532
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 217-226
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.04.20
  • PDF: pomi/7/pomi720.pdf

The influence of the «Great War» on ukrainian grain production

Introduction. The article analyzes the state of agriculture in Ukraine during the war years 1914–1921, clarifies the factors of destructive impact on the main production and economic elements of agriculture and grain production. The aim of the article is to clarify the factors and scale of destructive impact of military disasters of 1914–1921 on the state of agriculture in Ukraine, in particular on agriculture and grain production as the main production and economic elements. Research tasks set by the authors are the following: to outline qualitative characteristics of the pre-war growth of commodity agricultural production of Ukrainian provinces as the basis of imperial exports; to study the main factors, trends and dominants of destructive influence on the pace of production, economic and socio-political processes during the «Great War» of 1914–1921 on the example of agriculture and grain production in Ukraine. Scientific novelty is determined by the involvement and elaboration of authoritative scientific sources, a critical and unbiased view of the problem. The authors use methodological principles of system analysis, statistical method and content analysis. It is noted that with the beginning of the Great War, positive processes observed in Ukrainian agriculture before the First World War were suspended, and then destructive phenomena began to develop more and more. The disorganization of market relations with the beginning of the war significantly affected economic interests of the peasantry, as evidenced by information and statistical indicators. The number of the rural population during the two years of the war significantly decreased, as did the number of able-bodied men on average per farm. Military and labor duties of Ukrainian peasants to serve the needs of the front, which involved unmobilized male rural population and even peasant women, also exacerbated negative effects of the outflow of labor from agriculture, which hit especially hard on small farms, which were actually ruined. The occupation of Ukraine resulted in a reduction in sown areas and, consequently, a reduction in the gross harvest of grain crops. At the same time, the front’s needs for food resources, including grain, were significant. Both imports and the production of agricultural machinery were also completely disorganized due to the withdrawal of labor, the forced transition of some factories to military rails, and the suspension or hindrance of the supply of metal and fuel. Depreciation of agricultural equipment, cessation of supplies of agricultural machinery, the ever-increasing number of seedless, tax-free and non-stock farms led to a decrease in the quality of land cultivation, which led to a decline in grain yields. Conclusions. It has been found that the «Great War» hit the agriculture of Ukraine very painfully with an unprecedented number of mobilized rural male population to the tsarist army, catastrophic shortage of labor, withdrawal of horses from farms – the main driving force of agriculture, depletion of rural labor. Socio-political and socio-economic cataclysms of the war years led to a decrease in the marketability of peasant farms, respectively, and to a reduction in the volume of marketable bread, and, as a consequence - led to a crisis in the grain market.

губернія peasant economy grain crops grain production province Agriculture

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Spis treści

  • Author: The Editors
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 5-8
  • DOI Address: -
  • PDF: pomi/6/pomi6toc.pdf


  • Author: Marcin Orzechowski
  • Institution: Uniwersytet Szczeciński
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 9
  • DOI Address: -
  • PDF: pomi/6/pomi600.pdf

Język polski i kultura dla Ukraińców: studia psycholingwistyczne

  • Author: Olena Denysewicz
  • Institution: Uniwersytet Państwowy „Pollitechnika Żytomierska”
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5419-5953
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 15-20
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.03.01
  • PDF: pomi/6/pomi601.pdf

Polish language and culture for Ukrainians: psycholinguistic studies

The article analyses the relationship between language and culture, which shape the linguistic and cultural images of the world. An attempt was made to define the key concepts in the linguistic picture of the world of Ukrainians into words-stimuli – Polish language and culture through free and coherent association experiments. The main semantic relationships in the association fields and the largest semantic spheres in each group of subjects were identified. The article updates the concept of national and cultural image of the world. The importance of scientific intelligence is gaining popularity in connection with the emigration of Ukrainians to Poland. The results of the research may help teachers of Polish as a foreign language understand how the language of Polish and culture are reflected in the linguistic image of the world of Ukrainians. The survey showed that Ukrainians perceive the POLISH LANGUAGE through the prism of Polish culture. This supports the view that the linguistic personality learns the values rooted in the linguistic and cultural image of the world of this linguistic community through the acquisition of a specific foreign language. The combination of the linguistic and cultural image of the world is important for Ukrainians learning Polish in language acquisition, and sometimes identical. The Polish language is perceived by Ukrainians through the prism of Polish culture. Therefore, it helps create associative connections that serve effective and imaginative language learning.

kulturowy obraz świata łańcuchowy eksperyment asocjacyjny wolny eksperyment asocjacyjny pole asocjacyjne reakcja bodziec cultural image of the world free association experiment association filed reaction stimulus

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Thе mаіn prіnсіplеs оf lіnguіstіс аnd prаgmаtіс аnаlysіs іn lеgаl dіsсоursе

  • Author: Оlеksаndrа Kоvаlеvskа
  • Institution: Dnіprоpеtrоvsk Stаtе Unіvеrsіty оf Іntеrnаl Аffаіrs
  • ORCID: https://оrсіd.оrg/0000-0003-1244-5720
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 21-26
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.03.02
  • PDF: pomi/6/pomi602.pdf

Thе mаіn prіnсіplеs оf lіnguіstіс аnd prаgmаtіс аnаlysіs іn lеgаl dіsсоursе

Mоdеrn lіnguіstіс prаgmаtісs, whісh іs соnsіdеrеd аs thе rеlаtіоnshіp оf lіnguіstіс sіgns tо thеіr іntеrprеtеrs, іs іntеrасtіvе, bесаusе thе prаgmаtіс mеаnіng оf uttеrаnсеs rеmаіns unсlеаr bеyоnd thеіr sеmаntіс соntеnt, whісh dеpеnds оn thе syntасtіс struсturе. Lіnguіstіс prаgmаtісs іs оnе оf thе brаnсhеs оf phіlоlоgy thаt studіеs thе funсtіоnіng аnd usе оf lіnguіstіс sіgns оf spеесh соmmunісаtіоn іn rеlаtіоn tо thе іntеrасtіvіty оf соmmunісаtіоn subjесts, thеіr fеаturеs, rеасtіоns аnd сurrеnt sіtuаtіоn. Thе subjесt оf study оf lіnguіstіс prаgmаtісs іs thе аnаlysіs оf thе fоllоwіng аspесts оf соmmunісаtіоn: undеr whаt сіrсumstаnсеs, fоr whаt purpоsе, іn whаt соmmunісаtіvе sіtuаtіоns spеесh соmmunісаtіоn іs саrrіеd оut; whеthеr mutuаl undеrstаndіng іs асhіеvеd оr nоt. Lіnguіstіс prаgmаtісs іs оnе оf thе rеlаtіvеly nеw dіrесtіоns іn lіnguіstісs. Іt hаs ассumulаtеd mаny асhіеvеmеnts оf rhеtоrіс, stylіstісs, sосіо- аnd psyсhоlіnguіstісs. Thіs dіrесtіоn іs сlоsеly соnnесtеd wіth thе thеоry оf spеесh асts аnd dеvеlоpmеnts іn fіеld оf соmmunісаtіоn tесhnоlоgіеs. Lіnguоprаgmаtісs prеsеnts оf pаrtісulаr іntеrеst tо thоsе whо dеаl wіth thе prоblеms оf соmmunісаtіvе еffісіеnсy. Thе аrtісlе іs dеvоtеd tо thе mаіn prіnсіplеs оf thе lіnguіstіс аnd prаgmаtіс аnаlysіs оf lеgаl dіsсоursе. Thе mаіn соnсеpts соnсеrnіng thе dеvеlоpmеnt оf sсіеntіfіс pаrаdіgms іn lіnguіstісs аrе gеnеrаlіzеd аnd thе spесіfісs оf thе lіnguіstіс аnd prаgmаtіс study оf dіsсоursеs оf vаrіоus typеs аrе dеtеrmіnеd. Thе mеthоds оf lіnguаl-prаgmаtіс rеsеаrсh аrе prеsеntеd аnd thе rеlеvаnсе оf еасh pеrsоn іs studіеd іn rеlаtіоn tо thе study оf pоlіtісаl dіsсоursе. Thе dіsputаblе іssuе оf thе еxіstеnсе оf thе lіnguіstіс аnd prаgmаtіс mеthоd іs dеsсrіbеd аnd thе еxpеdіеnсy оf usіng dіsсursіvе аnd іntеntіоnаl typеs оf аnаlysіs іn pоlіtісаl dіsсоursе hаs bееn prоvеd.

lеgаl dіsсоursе іntеnsіоnаl аnаlysіs dіsсursіvе аnаlysіs sсіеntіfіс pаrаdіgm lіnguоprаgmаtіс аpprоасh

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Лінгвосинергетична модель концепту

  • Author: Лілія Молгамова (Liliia Molhamova)
  • Institution: Сумський державний університет (Sumy State University)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6707-9791
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 27-34
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.03.03
  • PDF: pomi/6/pomi603.pdf

Linguosynergetic model of a concept

The article focuses on linguosynergetic aspects of a concept as a cardinal unit of the conceptual picture of the world. This notion is so far the central and most controversial concept of modern linguistics, characterized by ambiguity of its interpretation, which indicates the diversity of its features and properties. The research deals with the structure of a concept aiming at making up such a universal model which would cater for all aspects and peculiarities of concept in linguistics. We believe that any definition of the concept should be embedded in its structure and correlate with all its features and properties. We state that structuring the concept in the form of a linguosynergetic model highlights not only the characteristics of the “original”, the hierarchy of its components, but the change of modes of its existence due to the fact that linguosynergertics suggests unique language of concept investigation. Guided by the laws of synergetics, we have built an integral scientific linguistic-synergetic model of the concept. Using the categorical-conceptual apparatus of synergetics in linguistics, we explained the mechanisms of self-regulation of the concept as a spontaneous equipment of the structure of a homeostatic hierarchical complex organized open nonlinear system. During the study, we proved the fractality of the concept and came to the conclusion that the fractality of the concept is manifested in the self-similarity of its structural elements: lexical-semantic variants (microfractals) in the process of their functioning can grow indefinitely thematically and become more complicated (or, conversely, collapse), while leaving an organized form. Recursiveness (recurrence) is manifested at the level of content (repeating the topic) and at the level of its reflection (repeating the form of presentation of information). Each microfractal can function autonomously. At the same time, the property of selfsimilarity ensures the fulfillment of the law of unity in diversity and generates a holistic perception of the concept.

концепт fractality attractor linguosynergetics concept structure concept

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Питальне висловлення як компонент народнопісенного дискурсу: лінгвокульторологічний аспект

  • Author: Світлана Шабат-Савка (Svitlana Shabat-Savka)
  • Institution: Чернівецький національний університет імені Юрія Федьковича (Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2658-5567
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 35-44
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.03.04
  • PDF: pomi/6/pomi604.pdf

Interrogative speech as a component of folk song discourse: linguo-cultural aspect

The linguo-cultural approach in the poly-paradigmatic scope of modern linguistics determines the appearance of scientific studies on multilevel language units as ethnomarked resources that express national culture and mentality in the folk literary texts, folklore, parables. In this aspect, Ukrainian folk songs stand out due to the high poeticism, expressiveness, imagery and lyricism created by syntactic constructions. This article, in particular, analyzes interrogative constructions as meaningful components of folk song discourse that affect mental spheres of the language personality and mark the national-linguistic worldview of the Ukrainian speaker. Drawing upon the research material the author defined communicative-intentional content of interrogative statements, characterized the models-realization of query intentions, which, as evidenced by the created source data, verbalize, on the one hand, multidirectional interrogative components (pronouns and adverbs) that embody explanatory intentions aimed at cognitive process-search, and on the other hand, interrogative particles that actualize emotional and evaluative semantics (doubts, assumptions, surprise, reproach, laughter, resentment, etc.) in the folk song discourse. By using the relevant linguistic methodology, it became possible to present the addresser-addressee continuum of song communication (mother – son, father – daughter, husband – wife, brother – sister, etc.), which emphasizes the important role of interrogative constructions in dialogic speech, in creating naturalness and dynamics of the song, as well as in the expression of primary and secondary interrogative functions. A detailed study of various genres of songs (Christmas carols, spring songs, bathing songs, baptismal songs, lullabies, family-household songs, social-household songs, etc.) enabled us to determine the functional potential of interrogative constructions aimed at expressiveness, emotionality and evaluation. It is also focused on the major and minor key of the song, highlighting deep sensuality and poeticism of man as a representative of Ukrainian culture and linguo-mentality.

лінгвокульторологія expressiveness function genres of folk song dialogic nature interrogative components query intention interrogative sentence / speech folk song discourse linguo-culture studies syntax

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Ukrainian diary in diaspora: aspects of the linguistic norm

  • Author: Iryna Syrko
  • Institution: Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University
  • ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7622-425X
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 45-51
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.03.05
  • PDF: pomi/6/pomi605.pdf

Ukrainian diary in diaspora: aspects of the linguistic norm

The article deals with the specific features of the diary discourse of M. Halaburda-Chyhryn as a linguistic personality functioning in emigration. It has been found out, that in her diary there are lexical “anglicisms” denoting notions, which are easier to perceive through the prism of English, though they have equivalents in Ukrainian. The author retains “authenticity” of the English prototypes,“naturalizes” the foreign language elements, uses word for word translated “anglicisms” etc. Calked borrowings from English are explained by the functional, ideological, psychological isolation of the Ukrainian language in Diaspora. The use of such words reflects the bilingual`s spontaneous speech. The author often resorts to transcriptional reproduction of words by the Russian phonetic prototype to focus on the negative evaluation of events. Their spelling reflects non-normative pronunciation. There are deviations from Ukrainian grammatical rules caused by interaction with the language of the country of settlement: use of one preposition instead of another, use of passive constructions etc. The frequency of pluperfect tense form is explained by the existence of perfect tenses in the dominant language. Lexical parallelism becomes noticeable when two objective realities are compared. The most illustrative are “russisms” and “polonisms”. Many of them have roots in English. Along with “anglicisms” we come across purisms which make diaspora members the defenders of their native language. There are also lexical archaisms: preservation of letter “e” in the words of foreign origin; use of soft “л”; transmission of diphthongs “au”, “ou” through “ав”, “ов” in accordance with the pronunciation; transmission of final “tr”, “dr” through “тер”, “дер”; preservation of prothetic “г” before vowels in foreign words; transmission of “θ” through the letter “т”in the words of Greek origin; use of letter “ґ” to refer to the phoneme [ґ] both in both Ukrainian and borrowed words. Сonclusions have been drawn, that the language of Ukrainian diaspora diary is a fact of the history of the Ukrainian literary language, a product of its development and a source of its renewal at the same time.

borrowing interference ethnolingual consciousness of emigrants diarist diaspora national identity

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Метафоричний модус англомовного лінгвоетичного концепту dignity

  • Author: Ельдар Веремчук (Eldar Veremchuk)
  • Institution: Запорізький національний університет (Zaporizhzhia National University)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2926-2090
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 53-65
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.03.06
  • PDF: pomi/6/pomi606.pdf

Metaphorical modus of the english linguoethic concept dignity

The article is devoted to the study of the metaphorical modus of the English-language ethical concept DIGNITY. The aim of the study is to highlight the metaphorical range of the analyzed concept. The article outlines the boundaries of the three main dimensions of the concept: logical, conceptual and structural. Particular attention is paid to the distinction between the terms “concept” and “category”, the relationship between which is nonlinear. On the one hand, the category includes similar concepts. Moreover, the classifiers of the category are categorical domains, which in relation to another frame of reference – the conceptosphere, are independent concepts. On the other hand, the concept is broader than the category of the same name, as it includes those “optional” features for the category that may undergo bidirectional metaphorical rethinking. The article substantiates the conclusion that the category is a logical dimension of the concept existence. This conceptual dimension exists in the linguistic picture of the world in the form of a fixed and relatively stable information gestalt. It is noted that such stability is possible only in static existence, i.e. in the category representation in the mental lexicon and its verbalization within the language system, which is not characteristic of its real unfolding in the form of a concept during its actualization in speech. This unfolding of the category takes it out of the logical dimension into the conceptual one, transforming it from a category into a concept. In addition, the specificity of the studied abstract concept is determined. It is established that the subject of classification of ethical categories are not material objects but phenomena that have an ideal, speculative origin and are manifested in relation to other mental spaces. Also, the article defines the foundations of the theory of conceptual metaphor. It is noted that the basis of the conceptual dimension is cross-domain projections, which are based on metaphorical transfer due to the associative connections that arise between the elements of the conceptual grid (frame), which is part of a concept. The article highlights the conceptual parcels based on the analysis of lexical and semantic variants of its representative unit dignity. The metaphorical range of the DIGNITY concept is highlighted and source domains are identified, the features of which are projected onto the target domain. The frequency of involvement of individual parcels of the concept in metaphorical mappings is determined. The categorical relations of DIGNITY conceptual domains are analyzed.

зона центрального метафоричного перенесення metaphorical projection cross-domain transfer conceptual dimension domain central metaphorical transfer zone

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Phraseologism’ transgressive potential

  • Author: Svitlana Namestiuk
  • Institution: Bukovinian State Medical University
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9427-5675
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 67-71
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.03.07
  • PDF: pomi/6/pomi607.pdf

Phraseologism’ transgressive potential

There is a number of researches and scientific articles dedicated to phraseology, general theoretical questions still remain uncovered. Actually, phraseology is frequently presented as an applied science rather than a field of basic research. The question of phraseological units from the perspective of multilingualism and interlanguage translation is arguable. Meanwhile phraseological units carry evaluative information content, they are prone to variability, and this is where the problem of translating such an expression arises. The novelty of this research lies in the consideration of the problem of translation of phraseological units from the point of view of the «freezing» strategy. The purpose of this work is to analyze the potential for «freezing» as well as the equivalence in translating French phraseological units into Ukrainian. The tasks are to carry out a comparative analysis of phraseological units with a similar semantic load and to determine the degree of their direct translatability. It is shown by examples, at the level of interlanguage translation, that the freezing strategy when translating phraseological units can correspond to two models of constructing different meanings, creating linguistic and extralinguistic problems for translation. The correspondence and dimensions of «freezing» in translation stimulated the interest of linguists relatively recently. It was found that the interlingual translation of phraseological units generates linguistic and extralinguistic difficulties. Throughout the translation of the particular phraseological units, first of all, the semantic aspect was taken into account, and then the building was measured in close connection with the connotation. The results of the analysis of phraseological units of the described languages showed that the translation from Ukrainian far exceeds the potential for «freezing» into French language due to its peculiarities and complexity of the linguistic structure. Opportunities for practical application - the study is aimed at the prospect of new positions for comparative research on interlanguage translation.

syntactic axis interlanguage translation informativeness polylingualism freezing thanatological practice semantic load

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Explication as a means of language and cultural adaptation in the process of fiction text translation

  • Author: Svitlana Ostapenko
  • Institution: Mykhailo Tuhan-Baranovskyi Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade
  • ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3915-4854
  • Author: Hannah Udovichenko
  • Institution: Mykhailo Tuhan-Baranovskyi Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade
  • ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3731-0857
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 73-79
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.03.08
  • PDF: pomi/6/pomi608.pdf

Explication as a means of language and cultural adaptation in the process of fiction text translation

The purpose of the research is to identify a range of possible ways of explication in the translation of a literary text, their study and systematization taking into account the general strategy of the translator. The task of the research is to consider and analyze the application of explication in Ukrainian translations of G Wells’s novel “The Invisible Man” performed by M. Ivanov and O. Didyk using the method of contextual, comparative and, in some cases, component analysis. The undertaken analysis of scientific theories testifies that the reasons that prompt the translator to apply explication can be external and internal. One of the factors at the junction of internal and external causes is the role of the translator as a mediator in the process of interlingual communication. Based on comparative analysis, we concluded that M. Ivanov’s translation decisions quite specifically and adequately reflect the versatility and complex intertwining that are characteristic of G. Wells’ reproduction of the picture of what is happening. However, it is not always possible to prioritize the decision of M. Ivanov, as very often the translator deviates from the original and applies a paraphrase. O. Didyk’s translation is dominated by a position with a focus on the recipient culture. The practical significance of the study is in the possibility of using the conclusions and recommendations in the practice of literary translation and editing of translated texts, as well as in assessing the quality of translation.

explication translator literary translation translation

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Типологічна характеристика логічної сегментації речень української та англійської мови

  • Author: Аліна Пестушко (Alina Pestushko)
  • Institution: Відокремлений структурний підрозділ «Херсонський політехнічний фаховий коледж Державного університету «Одеська політехніка» (Separate Structural Subdivision Kherson Polytechnic Professional College of Odessa Polytechnic State University)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7240-4392
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 81-86
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.03.09
  • PDF: pomi/6/pomi609.pdf

Typological characteristics of logical segmentation of sentences of ukrainian and english languages

The proposed article is devoted to the comparative study of the means of expression of the logical segmentation in English and Ukrainian. The topic of the article is determined by the fact that the study of functional perspective of a sentence is now the most important stage in the formation of communicative and functional grammar of any language. The article analyzes the general theoretic foundations of the notion of “segmentation”. The main features of sentence segmentation in linguistics are characterized. In the course of the work main stages of scientific thought in the field of comparative linguistics are reflected, such concepts as “segmentation”, “logical segmentation” are studied, and principles of the logical segmentation of sentences in the languages under consideration are analysed. A systematic analysis of the available data on the problem of segmentation is performed. The means of segmentation expression in the languages are identified and analyzed. It has been revealed that the complex of the main differences in the segmentation of sentences in Ukrainian and English languages. The complex analysis of pedagogical, psychological and linguistic knowledge of the research problem has been established. The mechanism of segmentation, which is one of the special mechanisms providing all aspects of communication, has been revealed. Real links in a sentence are analysed and described. The knowledge on the peculiarities of segmentation of the English-language text has been identified, summarized and systematized. A comparative-typological description of the two languages on the problem has been carried out. Based on these theories, the main problems of sentence segmentation in English are highlighted. Based on the comparison with the English language, the syntactic, grammatical and lexical ways of separating the topic and the rheme are highlighted and described in detail in a comparative perspective. In the course of the study, the universal mechanisms of sentence segmentation in English and Ukrainian are revealed, as well as the areas that are selective in either English or Ukrainian. The article considers the phenomenon of segmentation in different aspects: the history of the development of structures as expressive units of literary language, the types of segmentation are analyzed.

синтаксис segmental construction dismemberment rhyme theme parcelling sentence syntax

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On the issue of the political discourse translation methodology

  • Author: Svitlana Yukhymets
  • Institution: Odessa National Maritime University
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3350-7310
  • Author: Valentyna Pshoniak
  • Institution: Odessa National Maritime University
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0535-9947
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 87-92
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.03.10
  • PDF: pomi/6/pomi610.pdf

On the issue of the political discourse translation methodology

The article is focused upon the challenges of the political discourse translation methodology. The overview of the key works in the field of theory and practice of translation has allowed to distinguish the correlation between the stylistic peculiarities and translation strategy, tactics and operations. It has been outlined that challenges for adequate political discourse translation are evoked by genre discrepancy, the issue of the rendering such peculiar vocabulary items as realia, nationally colored phraseological unities and fusions, as well as proverbs and sayings. The objective of the research is seen as the search of efficient methods and techniques aimed at optimizing the quality of political discourse translation in the paradigm of the communicative and functional approach. The urgency of the study is proved by the growing demand for the qualified political discourse translation both on the external international and internal domestic policy levels. The criterion of the trustworthiness and political tolerance is especially upto-date in the view of the recent political situation in the world in general and in Ukraine in particular. The role of the qualified political discourse translation for the political future of Ukraine can’t be overestimated. The mission of translators and their duty is to perform adequate, faithful and qualified translation of all sort of political speeches, disputes, negotiations and agendas from Ukrainian into English and other foreign languages to give the world the idea of the essence of both social and political life in the country. The power of speech and language means is sometimes stronger than the power of weapon. The findings of the research may be of great value for future translators training and self-education. The perspective is seen in working out the methodology of publicist and scientific discourses translation in the aspect of the globalization of Ukrainian culture and science international distribution.

English tactics strategy interpretation politics globalization Ukraine

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Analysis of phraseological units functioning in Mark Twen’s novel “The adventures of Tom Sawyer”

  • Author: Liliia Dmytruk
  • Institution: Mykhailo Tuhan-Baranovskyi Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade
  • ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1850-5130
  • Author: Olha Herasymenko
  • Institution: Mykhailo Tuhan-Baranovskyi Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade
  • ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0539-1165
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 95-101
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.03.11
  • PDF: pomi/6/pomi611.pdf

Analysis of phraseological units functioning in Mark Twen’s novel “The adventures of Tom Sawyer”

The article deals with the concept and classification of phraseological units, transformations application while phraseological units creating, functions of phraseological units in the fiction text, role of author’s phraseology. The purpose of the article is to analyze the use and creation of phraseological units in Mark Twain’s novel “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, their structure; substantiate the transformations of phraseological units that were used in the novel, their role in the work. Having analyzed the phraseologisms of the novel “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, the authors studied about 400 phraseological fusions, phraseological unities, phraseological combinations, including authorial ones, phrasal verbs, and also phraseological units that are formed by means of transformations: compression or decompression, replacement and others. The authors state that in most cases phraseological units are used in the evaluative and emotional-expressive functions, function of creating humour and satire, functions of portrait characterization and linguistic characteristics of the character, function of the plot basis and less often synonymous amplification or injection of features. It must be noted that in order to have a more complete and in-depth picture of phraseological units of the novel application and functioning it is necessary to carry out the comparative analysis of different translations of the novel into Ukrainian and study the ways phraseological units rendering into Ukrainian.

stylistic function replacement decompression compression phraseological unit

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Антропонімікон історичного роману С. Скляренка «Володимир»

  • Author: Ірина Ільченко (Iryna Ilchenko)
  • Institution: Запорізький національний університет (Zaporizhzhya National University)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org//0000-0003-0454-1106
  • Author: Настасія Ткаченко (Nastasiia Tkachenko)
  • Institution: Запорізький національний університет (Zaporizhzhya National University)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6492-9167
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 103-109
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.03.12
  • PDF: pomi/6/pomi612.pdf

Anthroponyms in S. Skliarenko’s historical novel «Volodymyr»

The paper provides a lexical and semantic analysis of the anthroponyms in Semen Skliarenko’s historical novel «Volodymyr», that illustrates the difficult time of Kievan Rus’ and Volodymyr’s personal life as well as the people surrounding him. Therefore, there is a strong trend showing a great many of the historic personalities’ names sustaining a chronotope of the novel. The proper names mentioned in the novel grant invaluable information how to interpret the whole text, sometimes impossible to express with other means. Among the anthroponyms we can see that the names of the Kyiv princes and princesses (Sviatoslav, Yaropolk, Oleg, Boleslav, Kyi, Shchek, Yaroslav, Volodymyr, Olga) are the most usable and most important in the aspect of the sense. The names of the famous emperors and kings (Shishman, Olaf, John, Constantine, Boleslav, Basil) are no mere less important. The author, S. Skliarenko involves plenty of proper names of foreign origin (Rurik, Rogvolod, Tur, Rogneda) to depict the historical reality. The names of the invented characters as well as the ones of the real historic personalities are not in sharp contrast either in stylistic or in functional terms, they do not differ in the terms of grammar structures although they belong to various cultures, historic periods and ethnic traditions. Each literary and artistic onym mentioned in the novel plays its own functional role. Semen Skliarenko uses the words of the literature and artistic onomastics to make them as a powerful expressive factor. Nominative literary and artistic anthroponyms serve as a ground for artistic onomastics to come along without any accompanying connotations. They are used in the novel only to call denotations unambiguously and differentiate them from the other characters. The characteristic function demonstrates national or regional affiliations, and it can also express certain features of the characters, their appearance, it expresses designated emotional attitude to the named character, the function can participate in the creation of temporal and spatial background of the novel. The chronological function becomes second to none when it specifies both a certain time and a certain place or just only one of these two indicators. In the analyzed novel, we have found some proper names bearing the ideological function with a negative connotation. The expressive and evaluative functions come as a set of means showing the characters’ emotional and expressive evaluation ranging from the pet form to the rude one. The text production function of proper names summarizes the features of the above functions, and we can see it in the novel due to the vast application of anthroponyms as connecting structural elements of the text. Thus, the anthroponyms in the analyzed novel creates ample opportunities for the study of individual names invented by the author, it will contribute to a deeper studying of the theory of precedent names, a more complete description of the idiosyncrasy of the write. As a prospective we are going to continue further research of Semen Skliarenko’s onomasticon as pragmatics aspect.

антропонім stylistic role onomasticon anthroponym semantics onym proper name etymology

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Прагматичні функції стилістичних засобів в діалогічному мовленні героїв роману Річарда Олдінгтона «Death of a hero»

  • Author: Світлана Кобута (Svitlana Kobuta)
  • Institution: Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника (Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3526-077X
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 111-121
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.03.13
  • PDF: pomi/6/pomi613.pdf

Pragmatic functions of the stylistic devices in dialogues in the novel “Death of a hero” by Richrad Aldington

This article deals the role and place of stylistic devices in a work of art in the literary pragmatics context. Operating on the level «author – work – reader», literary pragmatics offers an interpretation of the text together in the light of hidden information. The paper focuses on the stylistic analysis of the dialogues of the characters in Richard Aldington’s novel “Death of a Hero” and defining the pragmatic functions of the given stylistic devices as source of implicit information. In addition to direct descriptions, Richard Aldington characterizes his characters through their speech. Stylistic figures in the dialogues help to assess the situation and understand the way of thinking of characters and their personal features. Phonetic and graphic stylistic devices often indicate the social background of the speaker, his emotional state and situations in which dialogues take palce. Syntactic stylistic means in dialogues are usually broken sentences, they do not add much aesthetic beauty or understanding of ideas, but they allow the author to make characters more believable so that readers feel for them. Syntactic stylistic devices in the dialogues of the novel provide readers with an opportunity to complete the thought of the character, to understand the course of their thoughts. The most frequently used stylistic devices in the dialogues of the novel Richard Aldington are of a lexical stratum; they not only enrich the language of a character, but also allow to evaluate their intelligence, depth of knowledge, imagination level, social background, age group, era. It is thanks to the stylistic devices that the author implicitly manages to explain that there has always been an abyss of misunderstanding between the protagonist and his surrounding, regardless of where he was at a certain stage of life. The contrast of the use of tropes in the speech of the protagonist before and after he became a soldier, demonstrating the fundamental changes in his outlook, shows a particularly important pragmatic function of the stylistic devices usage.

прагматика R. Aldington implication epithet litotes stylistic devices pragmatics oxymoron metaphor

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Cимволи як мовні знаки вираження світосприйняття Федора Потушняка

  • Author: Ганна Сньозик (Наnna Snjozyk)
  • Institution: ДВНЗ «Ужгородський національний університет» (Uzhhorod National University)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1572-7064
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 123-134
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.03.14
  • PDF: pomi/6/pomi614.pdf

Symbols as language signs of the expression of Fedor Patushnyak’s world perception

The article considers symbols as linguistic signs of expression of Fedor Potushnyak’s perception. The focus is on the fact that the symbol preserves a huge amount of information and is the key to understanding many mental and culturalhistorical phenomena. In fact, the symbols in a way «encode» the life of the people, forming its corresponding linguistic and cultural picture of the world. Every nation retains the richness of its traditions, which have been formed for centuries and which in today’s pragmatic world, unfortunately, are so easy to lose, especially if you seek a common cultural space. And this national and cultural code is fixed in the language; it is thanks to symbols that the cultural phenomenon is «objectified». Of course, not every cultural reality becomes a symbol, and not every token that names cultural reality has a symbolic meaning. A symbol «grows» only when reality acquires special significance in the life not only of a particular person, but also of society, religious community or cultural community, and the verbal symbol also needs traditions of word usage. A verbal symbol is a multifaceted open semantic structure that has the ability to detect several symbolic meanings in one context. The problem of determining the semantics of the symbol is due to its complex internal nature, ambiguity of interpretation, the dependence of interpretation on the individual reading of the text and the symbol in it. Each new reading of even the same or another text will evoke new associations and new interpretations, will involve other texts and symbols in this process. One of the links of Ukrainian symbolism of the 1930-s was the poetic work of F. Potushnyak, which absorbed the experience of Ukrainian and Western European modern culture. F. Potushnyak’s poetry is a holistic artistic system with produced key images-symbols, the lost aesthetic code of which must be rediscovered. Based on the symbolization of images of the sea, boats, distant, unknown pier, changes in nature, the poet models various existential situations of individual and universal existence in the infinity of living space, creates a paradigm of endless movement of humanity into the unknown , into the whirlpool of passions, impulses, dangers, dreams. Means of the latest poetic technique, contrasts of sounds and colors, polysemantism of images-symbols give the chance to recreate all the complexity of a person’s spiritual life.

асоціації Fedor Potushnyak symbolist poet mythologism associations symbols

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Інтерпретація голосу тіла у жіночому письмі (на матеріалі драми «Монологи вагіни» Ів Енслер)

  • Author: Роксолана Жаркова (Roksolana Zharkova)
  • Institution: Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка (Ivan Franko National University of Lviv)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0192-1368
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 135-143
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.03.15
  • PDF: pomi/6/pomi615.pdf

Interpreting the voice of the body in women’s writing (on the material of the drama “The vagina monologues” by Eve Ensler)

The article presents an analysis of corporeality in the structure of postmodern philosophical thought and the conceptual foundations of feminist critique (an essay by L. Irigaray). Based on several samples of the late XX century women’s writing, the article traces the problems of women authors searching and finding the voice of their body, and emphasizes the importance of accepting and comprehending the bodily forms of their nature. The main motives and authorial intentions of I. Ensler’s drama “The Vagina Monologues” are considered, the writer’s view on women’s language and speech expression of their own corporeality and sexuality is argued. Methods. The research is based on general scientific methods of synthesis, analysis, selection and systematization of material. Elements of psychoanalytic, anthropological, hermeneutic approaches are partially applied. The tools of deconstructivism and feminist critique are used. We use information from linguistics, anthropology, cultural and gender studies for interdisciplinary consideration of corporeality in women’s writing. The descriptive method allows to present the subject of corporeality in separate works of fiction. Results. It was found that the analyzed phenomena of the description of the female body in women’s writing create a projection of corporeality as a dramatized existence with its inherent characteristics: balancing between speech and silence, permissiveness and condemnation, courage and shame; search for exact language means; selection of rhetoric and stylistics peculiar to this theme; attempts to establish a verbal connection between the voice and the body, fear of losing this connection. Ukrainian women’s writing of the late XX century is also mentioned in this context, particularly when regarding the expression of the concept of “body” in thematic and ideological terms. Conclusions. Analyzing some examples of women’s writing (scholarly – an essay by L. Irigaray, and artistic – a drama by I. Ensler), we summarize that their problem-thematic direction is determined by issues of the body capable of self-narration and self-representation in public space. Some elements of postmodern symbolism of body and corporeality are decoded, o-corporeal metaphors of women’s writing related to women’s freedom of choice are explained. Women’s writing is defined as a symbolic way of telling one’s own experiences of one’s own body.

феміністична критика essentialism existentialism philosophy of sex feminist critique corporeality sexuality postmodernism

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Психологічні особливості легітимізованої агресії у осіб похилого віку

  • Author: Юлія Білюченко (Yulia Biliuchenko)
  • Institution: Харківський національний університет внутрішніх справ (Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7404-276X
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 147-153
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.03.16
  • PDF: pomi/6/pomi616.pdf

Psychological features of legitimized aggression in the elderly

The article covers a theoretical review of foreign literature on the problem of aggression in the elderly. The psychological characteristic of the outlined phenomenon is given and the urgency of conducting empirical investigations in this direction is substantiated. A review of scientific achievements in the field of psychology showed that the specific of legitimized aggression in retirees is not sufficiently developed and studied scientific problem. The purpose of the study is to establish the specifics of legitimized aggression in women and men of retirement age. The sample consisted of elderly people aged 60 to 70 years, with a total number of 40 people. The first group included 20 women of retirement age, the second - 20 retired men. “Questionnaire of Legitimized Aggression” by S. Enikolopov and M. Tsybulsky was used to identify the psychological features of legitimized aggression. Student’s t-test for independent samples was used for mathematical and statistical data processing. Empirical research has shown that older women are characterized by aggressive behavior, which is reflected in the most acceptable forms of society, such as communication, education, seeking to teach others, sharing experiences, knowledge or expressing their own. thoughts. Women prefer not to show their negative feelings in public, as evidenced by not high enough on all scales of legitimized aggression. Retirement women are well-versed in situations where their aggressive behavior can be noticed, so they try not to show their feelings to the general public, as this can negatively affect their reputation. As for the group of elderly men, they are clear representatives of legitimized aggression, who can skillfully justify and disguise their own aggressive behavior. Quite bold statements on the topic of politics, sports, education are a good opportunity for them to demonstrate rich personal experience on the issues outlined and prove their rightness, thereby strengthening their authority and competence in the eyes of others. In our opinion, this trend is quite alarming, since such behavioral reactions are quite often provocative in nature and become a reason for the emergence of conflict situations.

агресивна поведінка men retirement age legitimized aggression aggressiveness aggressive behavior elderly people women

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Вибір вербальних та невербальних засобів комунікації як спосіб уникнення конфліктів між учасниками освітнього процесу

  • Author: Олена Федіна (Olena Fedina)
  • Institution: Комунальний заклад вищої освіти «Дніпровська академія неперервної освіти» Дніпропетровської обласної ради (Communal Establishment of Higher Education “Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education” of Dnipropetrovsk regional council)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2028-0081
  • Author: Тетяна Богатирьова (Tetiana Bohatyrova)
  • Institution: Комунальний заклад вищої освіти «Дніпровська академія неперервної освіти» Дніпропетровської обласної ради (Communal Establishment of Higher Education “Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education” of Dnipropetrovsk regional council)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0869-1128
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 155-161
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.03.17
  • PDF: pomi/6/pomi617.pdf

The choice of verbal and non-verbal means of communication as a way to avoid conflicts between the participants of the educational process

The integration of all spheres of public life into the educational process requires from a modern educator the ability to rationally choose the means of verbal and non-verbal communication, which leads to understanding, contact, a stable informative position during classes. The article considers the problematic issues of verbal communication, namely: knowledge and use of language norms, the ability to get out of different conversational settings, in accordance with the changes in the Ukrainian spelling in 2019. Modern psychologists have proven the influence of non-verbal communication on the learning process, and therefore, regardless of fashion trends, a teacher must remain a professional in any way, and his (or her) every gesture should add incentives to learn but not distract a learner. The inability to find common ground in the teacher-student-parent triangle is increasingly leading to conflict situations and therefore, having experienced some social constraints during quarantine, pandemic, distance education, we must return to social interaction in all possible ways including the use of non-verbal means of communication which regardless of our wishes, give all aspects of the behavioral norm, character, psychological characteristics of a speaker. The inability to speak, express thoughts and ideas leads not only to misunderstandings but also to conflicts between the parties. There are many factors that affect the understanding process. The use of non-verbal forms of communication is perceived at a different but no less effective level of understanding information which is an indispensable method of work in the educational process, when you need to attract maximum effort for quality transferperception-assimilation of knowledge by students.

вербальна та невербальна комунікація language and speech speech culture pedagogical communication language etiquette communication situation verbal and non-verbal communication educational process

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Становлення та теоретичне осмислення поетики монтажу і кадру в кінематографі

  • Author: Анна Покулевська (Anna Pokulevska)
  • Institution: Донецький національний університет економіки і торгівлі імені Михайла Туган-Барановського (Mykhailo Tuhan-Baranovskyi Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2531-0430
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 165-173
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.03.18
  • PDF: pomi/6/pomi618.pdf

Formation and theoretical understanding of the poetics of editing and frame in cinematography

Fiction and cinema are in the mode of constant interactive exchanges. At the initial stage of its formation as an art form, cinema not only actively borrowed, used and processed popular literary plots, but also transformed into its expressive system (poetics) purely literary means of expression. In its turn, fiction even before the advent of cinema used techniques that from a modern point of view can be classified as “cinematic”. In the process of developing its language (film poetics), the art of cinema not only “discovered”, transformed these means, but also expressed and improved them. As a result, the reverse effect arose and the poetics of cinema began to be integrated into the expressive and pictorial system of the art of speech, and especially actively from the 20s of last century. This process should be considered in the context of the synthesis of arts, the intensification of which took place at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, when it was claimed that the art of the modern era acquired new forms of expression. In order to study the elements of film poetics in literary texts, it is necessary to thoroughly review the main components of film language, they are categories “editing” and “frame”, the first definitions of which were given by film directors (L. Kulieshov, S. Eizenshtein, V. Pudovkyn, M. Romm, A. Tarkovskyi). and literary critics (V. Shklovskyi, Yu. Tynianov, Yu. Lotman). Accompanying them should be considered cinematic means “plan”, “angle” and “rhythm”, the consideration of which includes the analysis of their manifestations in works of fiction. The functionality of the installation is easier and more accurate to explore the data of the history of its formation and attitude to it. Therefore, this exploration is devoted to the initial stages of development of cinema, in particular its specific means, as well as the achievements of the classics of cinema.

кінопоетика rhythm plan editing film poetics frame

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Кінодискурс як дворівнева система складників: функційний погляд

  • Author: Олена Щербак (Olena Shcherbak)
  • Institution: Національного університету кораблебудування імені адмірала Макарова (Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding)
  • ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3097-7878
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 175-181
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.03.19
  • PDF: pomi/6/pomi619.pdf

Film discourse as a two-level system of components: a functional view

The article is devoted to the problem of modeling the structure of film discourse from a functional point of view. The author explained the essence of the concept of “film discourse” and clarified its relationship with related terms. The article denies the expediency of identifying such concepts as “telecine cinematographic discourse” and “cinematographic discourse” with film discourse. The material proves the hyperonymic status of film discourse. It has been noticed that scientists use the following terms in film discourse studies: film text, film dialogue, film replica, film trailer, film announcement and film slogan. It has been determined that film dialogues, film replicas and film slogans are among them of a purely verbal nature. Movie texts, along with movie trailers and movie announcements, accumulate verbal and other semiotic signs. It is established that the connections between the groups of these concepts show the transition from the largest to the smallest: 1) film text – film dialogue – film replica; 2) film trailer – film announcement – film slogan. The expediency of applying a functional approach to modeling the structure of film discourse based on the provisions of the methodology of discourse analysis and the idea of the dyadic nature of the structure of discourse as such is substantiated. However, it is also suggested to take into account the two levels of communication in film discourse (external level – collective author / audience; internal level – addressee character and addressee character) and to distinguish between ectoand entocomponents. Entocomponents are film texts with film dialogues and film lines. These are products of communicative activity that have a certain meaning and semiotic form that can convey this meaning. They are also marked by integrity, completeness and perform a variety of discourse functions, in addition to advertising. Ectocomponents are film trailers, film announcements and film slogans, because they are the products of communicative activities that have their meaning and semiotic form, while being relatively complete and concise with a focus on the implementation of primarily advertising function. It is determined that ento- and ectocomponents in the structure of film discourse interact with each other on the principle of hierarchical subordination. Ectocomponents are subordinated to ethnic components, despite the fact that external components have a wider functional palette. It is proved that the relations between ento- and ectocomponents are established. approximate identity, because movie trailers and movie announcements are almost always created on the basis of pre-borrowed frames, episodes and cues / dialogues from the main movie text. This was confirmed by a comparative analysis of the language organization of the film trailer and the film text of the documentary “Your Vasyl”

кінодискурс film slogan film announcement film trailer film replica film dialogue film text ectocomponent entocomponent film discourse

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