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- Year of publication: 2022
- Source: Show
- Pages: 5-8
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- PDF: pomi/05/pomi5toc.pdf
Psychological analysis of existent determination in pedagogical educators
The article reveals the relevance of the study and defines its purpose. The experience of domestic and foreign scientists is highlighted, which allowed us to say that this issue is insufficiently studied. It is emphasized that the problem of studying existential certainty in student age needs special attention, because the problem of the meaning of life and its place in the world is the core that ensures the harmonious development of the learner. Accordingly, a theoretical overview of the problem of the meaning of life, the way of life of man, which involves the achievement of personal authenticity, ie the holistic realization of the individual, which is manifested in his mentality. The concepts of «existential certainty», «subjective well-being», «emotional intelligence» are revealed. A set of research methods is determined. It is established that the existential certainty on almost all scales of existentiality has average indicators, the scale «Self-transcendence» has high indicators. It is proved that the majority of respondents showed medium and low EQ results. It was found that the subjective well-being of respondents varies from high to medium. Correlation analysis of the results of the study concluded that the higher the level of existential certainty, the higher the level of emotional intelligence and subjective well-being, ie there is a direct interdependence. According to the results of the study, practical recommendations for the formation of relevant competencies and emphasis on the development of emotional intelligence of students, including exercises and tasks to improve emotional intelligence and acquire practical skills to identify emotions and skills of affective regulation. Also, art-therapeutic means of development are offered, the use of which allows to master the skills of mental self-regulation, which affects not only the increase of emotional intelligence, but also existentialism and subjective well-being. It is concluded that there is a direct relationship between existential certainty, emotional intelligence and subjective well-being, which suggests that existential certainty affects the formation of the worldview of students of pedagogical ZVO. The study of existential certainty in a crisis is seen as a research perspective.
development of emotional intelligence correlation analysis existential psychology student age студентський вік worldview well-being
Approbation of the training program for the formation of personal identity of adolescents
The article presents the results of the empirically confirmed approbation of the training program for the formation of the personal identity of adolescents. A study of the psychological characteristics of adolescents’ identity and the factors that determine the success of the identity crisis is presented. The study reflects the implementation of two stages - ascertaining and forming. Reliable and valid psychodiagnostic methods are used: the method «Who am I?» of M. Kuhn and T. McPartland, methods of studying personal identity of L.B. Schneider, Spielberger- Hanin anxiety scale, the test of semantic life orientations of D.O. Leontiev. Novovolynsk high school № 4 named after T.G. Shevchenko was chosen as the experimental basis of the empirical study, with the participation of 30 respondents, aged 14-16. The first stage covers the data collection on the current state of personal identity of adolescents and the factors that are decisive in the process of its formation, among which are: low rates of «Communicative Self», «Material Self»; high scores according to two identity statuses (pseudo-positive, identity moratorium); low values on the subscales «Purpose in life», «Life process», «Life performance», «Locus of control Self», «Locus of control-life»; high level of anxiety. The areas in which the identity of the adolescent’s personality is best manifested have been identified - «Reflective Self», «Social Self». The formative stage represents the development of the training program «Know Yourself» in order to realize personal identity; comparative analysis of the results obtained during the ascertaining and formative research. As a result of verification of its relevance and effectiveness at the formative stage, a significant increase in the “Communicative Self” of adolescents; reducing the percentage of respondents with a pseudo-positive identity and a moratorium on identity; increase in the indicator of general meaningfulness; reduction of general anxiety. The effectiveness and efficiency of the training program are supported by the Student’s t-test, which presents the importance of indicators of the general level of anxiety and the general level of understanding. Perspective for further research is shown in a detailed study of indicators of personal identity crisis in adolescents in the form of empirical research, which aims to understand the success of adolescent identity and assess individual factors influencing the process of overcoming personal identity crisis.
value-motivational sphere training program personal identity approbation апробація self-reflection self-identification self-concept anxiety identity
Socio-psychological harmonization of youth in political time-space
The article considers the description of the developed training program, which is aimed at optimizing the political behavior of young people and neutralizing the potential of their political conflict. It is determined that neutralizing the potential of political conflict among young people requires a number of measures, in particular, at the stage of providing educational services, which should include both educational and counseling activities aimed at optimizing the political behavior of young people. It is proved that an effective mechanism to counteract this and neutralize the destructive influences of extremist organizations is to increase the political culture and maturity of the political identity of the younger generation, namely the development of its political activity in line with democratic initiatives and political identity of the younger generation. stimulating youth participation. And the main forms of implementation of this are the involvement of young people in public administration, namely the internship of students in order to develop the necessary professional qualities and prepare for further work in local governments. It is also important to involve the most active youth representatives in community councils or advisory bodies, which will also help them to develop the professional skills needed to work in this field. It is determined that, given the multinational and multi-religious composition of modern Ukrainian society, it is especially important to hold mass events aimed at forming a tolerant attitude of young people to different cultures and traditions and non-acceptance of any manifestations of intolerance and discrimination. It was found that the most effective socio-psychological tool for harmonizing the political behavior of young people is to conduct appropriate training aimed at forming a mature political culture that will provide a tolerant attitude and constructive ways to overcome political contradictions and conflicts. The developed program of socio-psychological training, aimed at harmonizing the political behavior of young people and neutralizing conflicts in the political space, includes the following 5 sessions. The study concludes that the implementation of this training program will increase the maturity of political identity of young people and, as a result of optimizing their political behavior and developing skills of constructive interaction in society in situations of political contradictions and conflicts, significantly reduce their potential for political conflict.
extremist organizations absentees harmonization гармонізація youth political culture moral education
Modeling the image of a teacher of higher education is an integral part of the development of modern pedagogical imageology, which is being formed as an interdisciplinary direction. In our study, we analyzed the modern scientific experience devoted to the study of the image of a teacher of higher education. This made it possible to determine the current state of the views of researchers who worked in this direction. The purpose of the article is to highlight the results of research on the content and structure of the image of a teacher of higher education. Summarizing the views of different authors, we formed a general idea of the content of the category of the image of a teacher of higher education, identified the components of the image of a teacher of higher education, identified general characteristics of the image of a teacher of higher education from different positions, components of the image of a teacher of higher education. This allowed us to define the category of the image of a teacher of higher education and to propose an author’s model of systematic description of the image of a teacher of higher education, which is an attempt to find a connection between the components of the image of a teacher of higher education and the environment in which this image is formed. The general components of this model include: determination of the image of a teacher of higher education (sociopsychological aspect, acmeological aspect, activity aspect); bearer of the image of a teacher of higher education; the context of interaction between the bearer of the image and the recipient of the image of a teacher of higher education; symbolic space formed by the bearer of the image of a teacher of higher education; nature of interaction (subject-subject interaction / subject-object interaction); process, forms, types, means of communication; recipient of the image of a teacher of higher education determination of obtaining and accepting the image of a teacher of higher education (activity aspect, acmeological aspect, socio-psychological aspect). Author’s definitions of these categories are given.
image structure of the image of a teacher of higher education systemic model image modeling of a teacher of higher education the image of a teacher of higher education image modeling image
The analysis of scientific approaches to understanding the psychological characteris-tics of the role of the management team is important in the context of ensuring the organizational development of educational institutions. The transformational changes taking place in education today require the introduction of new approaches to the process of managing educational organizations. The practical solution to the problem of forming management teams in educational organizations involves determining and understanding the importance of systematic psychological training of education managers to form professional management teams. The article reveals the psychological features of innovative management styles in managers of educational organizations, selected by the criterion of «Teamwork in the organization». Іt is especially important in educational organizations to form not only a teaching staff, but a team where teachers set an example not by words but by their own actions: teach them to be leaders, develop their various social competencies, and most importantly – teach by personal example. Аllowed us to identify innovative management styles in managers of educational organizations, which are selected by the criteria of «Teamwork in the organization» and provide the following skills: orientation of managers of educational organizations on teamwork based on clearly defined roles, willingness to internally accept organizational goals and objectives; to organize joint activities to address management issues, willingness and skills of constructive communication, dialogue and interaction with different categories of people. Іdentified traditional («fear of poverty», «authority – conquest», «rest home») and innovative («organization», «team») management styles in managers of educational organizations on the indicator «of orientation of managers to teamwork». Highlights the main reasons for managers to avoid team building. Increasing the attention of psychologists to the problem of psychological preparation of managers of educational organizations.
innovative management style team formation Еducational institutions managers leadership
The article discusses the concept of “meaning-making” and age crises as one of the main categories of psychology, and their relationship with the humanities. Existing scientific developments do not pay enough attention to the study of conscious motives and meaning in adults. The practical relevance of this problem is determined, on the one hand, by dynamic processes in the education system, on the other hand - the need to increase life experience, improve the quality of life in general. The article presents a semantic model of the process of meaning-making. The system of meaning-making is connected with the educational system, which includes the semantic sphere. The structure of the system of meaningmaking is the interaction of objects of social development of ways of thinking, views, and cultural activities. The article also describes the concept of age crisis and how it depends on meaning-making. Age development to a new qualitatively specific stage of meaning-making is characterized by abrupt psychological changes in a person’s life. The processes and psychological features of meaningmaking of adults is studied in the current uncertainty of the social, economic, and political situation which forces a person to constantly determine their position and view of the world. The solution of this important question is primarily associated with the activity of a person’s consciousness, which is aimed at identifying the meanings of ongoing events, the constant search for new meanings on the basis of which it would be possible to determine one’s place and vital role in the changing reality. It is found that meaning-making of a personality, its clear awareness, and its reliability are determined by viability, professional, family, and age self-determination in life, which depends on an individual, their life position, sociopsychological, and social maturity and activity. Based on the empirical study, it is concluded that age largely determines the importance of life values and spheres for a person, the level of realization of value orientations, the level of motivation and the level of self-actualization of the adult personality.
age crisis marital status value-semantic dimension of a person’s life perspective a person’s life perspective discourse of meaning making stress conflict frustration adolescence
Dynamics of burnout syndrome development of socionomic profile professionals through the prism of positive psychotherapy by Nossrat Peseschkian
Burnout syndrome is a problem of modern society, which is manifested through the stress of modern conditions, shortage of external and internal resources and imbalance of vital energy of this sociological specialist, namely, they suffer the most from the phenomenon. Positive psychotherapy is a resource-oriented, humanistic and transcultural method, officially recognized by the European Psychotherapy Association (EAP) in 1996. Also, positive psychotherapy is a conflict-centered method that contains a psychodynamic component. Conflict is one of the central factors of psychodynamics. The meaning of «conflict» from Latin is interpreted as a «conflict» of interests, various conflicting positions, obstacles to meet any needs. Conflict is a signal of imbalance. This article reveals the psychodynamic component of this method, which analyzes the differential-substantive analysis of the development of burnout through the prism of positive psychotherapy. The dynamics of burnout syndrome is characterized by the levels of meaningful analysis of personality: the actual level (symptomatic), key level (content) and basic level. Accordingly, conflicts are identified at each of these levels. The actual conflict is manifested in micro-events (frequent stressful situations) and macro-events (pandemic, war, etc.). Located and processed in the spheres of the balance model (body, achievement, contacts, fantasies), there is an imbalance in the distribution of life energy, where the individual pays excessive attention to the sphere - achievement (fatigue, etc.), and later the sphere - fantasies (loss of motivation and meaning). The basic conflict is manifested in the previous experience of parents, the environment, as well as forms of interaction in the model to follow, recorded in the form of concepts. Burnout syndrome will manifest itself in the sphere of «I», where the individual has formed concepts about himself and the scenario of his life, which leads him to fatigue, and later to exhaustion. Most often, specialists who have a high level of symptoms of burnout are guided by the following fixed ideas: «I’m ok when I do everything perfectly», «How ok when I do everything» and so on. Internal conflict is a conflict of early children’s institutions with variable activities, reactivation of the basic conflict through the current conflict (VC = BC + AC), which is defined as an unsolution, a stalemate. Thus, based on the study, we can interpret that burnout is an internal conflict of personality, which was caused by actual conflict (micro-events and macro-events) and the formed pattern of behavior that was familiar to professionals, but ceased to be relevant and help solve stressful situations (вasic conflict).
синдром вигорання psychodynamics key conflict basic conflict actual conflict Positive Psychotherapy burnout syndrome
Self-concept as a factor of forming the person`s health attitude: empirical research
The article highlights the results of an empirical research of the Self-concept as a factor of forming the health attitude of the individual. The theoretical foundations of the concept of responsible health attitude as a position of the individual, which determines the reactions and volitional actions of a person to health factors to optimally combine his personal capabilities and the environment to achieve general well-being. The paper also mentions three levels of person`s health attitude, namely: individual level, health attitude at the group level and at the level of society. Thus, the highlighted research is aimed at exploration the individual`s health attitude, which includes the assessment of the subject`s own health, his/her actions aimed at health, and so on. In addition, the theoretical part of the article contains an overview of the phenomenon of Self-concept of personality, which is a set of all person ideas about themselves, its two poles – positive (harmonious) and negative (non-harmonious) Self-concept. It is emphasized that such a sum of all ideas of a person affects his functioning in all spheres of life, which, as a consequence, determine the quality of his/her life, establish habits and patterns of thinking, including about health and lifestyle. The results of the empirical research of the Self-concept of personality as a factor in shaping the health attitude of the individual are presented in this article. The research was conducted on the basis of several higher education institutions in Vinnytsia among student youth. The sample of the research was 226 of higher education applicants. For this purpose, psychodiagnostic techniques were used: «Individual typological questionnaire by L. Sobchik (ITQ)»; «Self-concept clarity» by J. Campbell (SCC); «Test-questionnaire of self-attitude» by V. Stolin, S. Panteleev»; questionnaires «Health Attitude Index» by S. Deriabo, V. Yasvin and «Attitude to health» (author R. Berezovskaya). The results of the formative experiment with the main group of applicants showed that with help of a specially designed program for the development of a positive Self-concept of personality, it is possible promote the formation of a responsible health attitude. While the results of the ascertaining experiment of the 1st and 2nd order with the control group of applicants were without significant changes. In particular, the training program helped to harmonize the personality of applicants, increase their self-esteem and increase the level of clarity of self-concept, which, in turn, affected their attitude to themselves, their health, increased responsibility not only for their psychological well-being, but also for somatic health, which depends on a person`s lifestyle.
student youth healthy lifestyle health attitude Я-концепція відповідальність responsibility health self-concept personality
Gender features of the formation of the operational component of readyness of future psychologists for professional careers
The article considers the issues of gender identity of future psychologists and relations with the level of formation of the operational component of their readiness for a professional career. Methods of theoretical research: analysis, synthesis, generalization, modeling, grouping, etc.; methods of empirical research: observation, experiment, questionnaire – questionnaire «Professional career of students» (authors – L. Karamushka, T. Kanivets), testing – method «Masculinityfemininity » (S. Bem); method «Diagnosis of behavioral activity strategies» (L. Wasserman, M. Humeniuk), content analysis. According to the results of the study, an idea of the gender composition of the sample of future psychologists was formed: 46.25% – androgynous type of gender identity, 35% - masculine type, 18.75% – feminine type. The reason for the uneven distribution of types of gender identity with a significant predominance of androgynous may be the transformation of modern society and the departure from clear boundaries between gender roles. To study the level of formation of the operational component of the readiness of future psychologists to pursue a professional career, the main indicators were studied: 1) the level of development of their own activity in preparation for a professional career; 2) the level of development of behavioral activity of students of psychology in general.As a result of the generalized analysis of the data received on separate indicators, it is defined that there is a difference in levels of formation of an operational component of readiness for realization of professional career: % and 24.9%) and a lower percentage of low level (20.75% vs. 22.4% and 28.5%). We can explain this by saying that the androgynous type is the most adapted in modern society. In order to function more productively in today’s world, individuals need to have a range of qualities and traits that combine both traditionally female and traditionally male. Significant differences are observed in the indicator of general behavioral activity: in representatives of the androgynous type this indicator is much more formed (high level was recorded in 37.8% of androgynous future psychologists, 20% of feminine and 17.8% of masculine). This means that this part of the sample is characterized by such features as active and focused business, the ability to balance their activities, emotional stability in behavior, relative resilience, good adaptation to different activities, which will greatly contribute to a successful professional career. . In general, the results indicate an insufficient level of formation of the operational component of the psychological readiness of future psychologists to pursue a professional career and the need to improve it. Although, almost the majority of respondents have the potential and reserves to improve various areas of behavioral activity.
personality activity behavioral activity androgyny гендер femininity masculinity gender
Woman in the army: gender stereotyping in the military-professional environment
The aim of the article is to study the process of the reproduction and changing of gender stereotypes relating to women in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Materials and methods. The method of qualitative content analysis, interpretive and explanatory methods of discourse analysis have been used. Materials to conduct this research are publications, comments and pictures on the pages of group “Military service” in a social network Facebook. Results & discussions. In the military environments gender stereotypes’ psychological functions have profound effects on the specificity of the reproduction and changing of stereotypes relating to women. At the linguistic level the cognitive-adaptive function is realized through the cognitive gender metaphor. Feminine metaphors are becoming instruments that breaks down traditional stereotypes of women and offers a new perspective, namely the absence of polarization between the sexes, as well as the trust and support of interaction between men and women in the military corporate culture. The value-protective psychological function of gender stereotypes relating to women is aimed to maintain collective values, justify and rationalize discriminatory attitudes towards an alien group. Gender stereotypes relating to women are used not to create the opposition “man – woman” or “male – female” but “the military – civil persons”. The constructive function of gender stereotypes is aimed at the internal acceptance of servicemen’s worldview position; it helps to prevent the stress associated with the need for subordination in the military environment. The social functions of gender stereotypes relating to women help a military man to reproduce situations that are emotionally significant for him, in which his needs in recognition and love have been met. Further, this will contribute to the establishment of psychological comfort and deep emotional ties between men and women in a heterogeneous team. The analysis of the gender stereotypes’ functions did not reveal the relationship of competition and hostility between femininity and masculinity in the military environment. Conclusions. For today in the military environment the gender stereotyping of women is becoming flexible, and stereotypes are changing according to social context. The root cause of this process is the specifics of the military professional activities, when the effectiveness of accomplishing the stated tasks is possible only if there is a unified system for accepting corporate goals, values and relationships. The identification of woman on the basis of gender is secondary, but her identification with a social and professional group becomes urgent. Women, just like men, become the bearer of the ideas and ideals of military professional activity, and the updated gender stereotype includes values and norms promoted by the corporate military culture.
military corporate culture військова корпоративна культура гендер discourse stereotype gender
Problems of motherhood and childhood during the war: socio-philosophical analysis
Mother and child are unique structures whose connection is socially and biologically determined, as well as necessary for their full existence. The article considers the peculiarities of the situation of motherhood and childhood during the war, from the point of view of philosophical science, on the example of the war in Ukraine in 2022. An analysis of the literature on the location of the studied objects during the First and Second World Wars. The peculiarities of women’s reproductive health during the war have been studied on the example of historical references from the siege of Leningrad. The peculiarities of the psychological state of children who have experienced war have been identified, and the prospects for the development of such children have been described. Categories of children who received «war trauma» have been developed. The family in wartime is a mirror of the dynamic processes in society. Parental or maternal instinct – is essential in ensuring the viability of children. Mature maternal identity is able to ensure the harmonious existence of two personalities – mother and child. The concept of PTSD is studied. The mechanisms of stress on the human body as a balanced biological system are described. Philosophical approaches to the issue of death and war are studied. Death is considered the most mysterious phenomenon of philosophical thought, which is considered taboo in society. In terms of historical retrospect, the attitude to death is changing, which is a natural result of the development of science. War is seen as a controversial component of society, but with mostly negative consequences in both social and economic aspects. Paying attention to the devastating consequences of any war, both material and psycho-emotional, one can find archaic origins. The fear of war is a reflection of the deep fear of death. Peculiarities of philosophical concepts concerning the phenomenon of care are analyzed. Recommendations for the upbringing of a positive personality of a child during the war are given. Conclusions are drawn about the consequences of each war for any community. War, in a broad sense, is an instantaneous start of dynamic processes in society, which is expressed in all areas of human life. The worst damage to war is to children. From an early age, children can store and interpret memories of past events, and thus become aware of the surrounding reality. The mother is a key resource for the child’s sense of security, as well as a guarantee of its comprehensive and harmonious development, even in times of war.
Батьківство instincts PTSD Parenthood відповідальність care responsibility stress death upbringing
Wartime memes as a coping strategy
Memes are a unit of information in the socio-cultural field. Ukrainian memes and their number increased until March 10-15, after which their number began to decrease. The aim of our study was to analyze memes for compliance with their coping strategies. The analysis and systematization of 370 units of memes created in Ukraine in the period from February 25, 2022 to March 31, 2022 was used. Of the memes considered, purely text memes accounted for 60%: meme words (rashists, Huylo, Chornobaivka, palyanytsia), meme phrases (Russian ship), meme expressions (Good evening, we are from Ukraine!). Creolized or mixed memes (picture and signature) accounted for 33%. Image only – 7% In the first days after the start of the war, memes appeared related to the desire to resist the enemy. When analyzing memes and comparing them with coping strategies, it was found that memes with constructive coping strategies predominate among Ukrainian wartime memes. The style of memes (semi-productive) is also widely used, which is aimed at finding support and restoring psycho-emotional balance. Memes of this type began to appear 2–3 weeks after the start of hostilities and are small (10-12%) of the total number of images. They reflect relationships between people, experiences related to separation from family members, attempts at complacency. According to a number of memes, the people of Ukraine are trying to overcome their anxiety not in a passive way, but by understanding the environment, which can also be perceived as a sufficiently adequate coping strategy. Attitude to such horrific events as shelling and bombing with a sufficient amount of humor allows you to master yourself in new military circumstances. The culture of memes has not escaped the problems of refugees and internally displaced persons. This issue is small and calls for understanding and compassion for refugees. Unlike typical memes, this image is not anonymous, but it has also spread widely on the Internet and has become a meme. Unproductive coping is either not represented in wartime meme culture at all, or it is ridiculed and perceived as clearly inappropriate behavior.
overcoming війна в Україні the war in Ukraine productivity humor creativity the Internet
The ongoing globalization of mass media offers ample opportunities for citizen debate and pluralism of thought. One of the recent world media trends is the creation of different models of public media, which are an alternative to other means of communication. Public media might address issues of contemporary journalism, namely the quality and independence of media, ensuring that citizens receive accurate and impartial information. Ukraine has undergone tremendous changes since it has gained independence in 1991 but the political and legal systems remain unduly centralized, the economy weak, and the government attempts to limit freedom of speech and work of media. During both the Orange Revolution in 2004 and the Euromaidan 2013–2014, the need to deepen democratic freedoms was emphasized. Major advocates of the reform called for strengthening the rule of law, decentralization, denationalization of media, and the establishment of community media in the country, which will be created by the society, serve the society, and work under its control. Measures to increase the diversity of Ukrainian media are one of the practical means to guarantee freedom of speech and diversity of viewpoints. The diversity of media includes not only the diversity of content and multiplicity of media owners but also the variety of media types. Along with traditional models of public service media and private commercial broadcasting, community media emerged as the “third level” of media development that enhances freedom of speech. This article examines the legal aspects of community media implementation in Ukraine, their compliance with the standards and principles of the media law of European countries that govern the media community, and illustrates the development of community broadcasting in the world. It also provides an overview of the international standards for community media, which are backed by legislatures and regulators. Analyzing the Ukrainian media legislative draft, the author of the article offers improvements to the content and funding of community media in Ukraine.
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