Bazhenov A. I. Ukrainian “music” (on the example of the violin miniature by I. F. Karabits “music”)
- Institution: Ukrainian National Tchaikovsky Academy of Music
- Year of publication: 2023
- Source: Show
- Pages: 55-60
- DOI Address:
- PDF: pomi/10/pomi1006.pdf
The Ukrainian creative galaxy of outstanding Ukrainian composers and performers has forever entered its history into the world treasure of musical creativity. Respect for the history and revival of Ukrainian musical art revives a new generation in the spirit of dignity and pride for the country. On the example of the work of Ukrainian professional masters, a new page of deep understanding of the identity of the nation and the purpose of society is revealed, there is a definition of the importance of preserving the Ukrainian musical treasure, both composer and performing. The main principle of the creative combination “composer-performer-listener” is to highlight the beauty of the country where you live. Historical memory, folk wisdom, Ukrainian identity, the beauty of the nature of the Ukrainian corner, melodious songs and national traditions, all the colors of the nationality are at the heart of Ukrainian composers. Executive professionalism and sensual perception of the violinist’s music provides an even more colorful trend for the listener. The article analyzes the combination of the disclosure of the composer’s idea and performance. The play “Music” by Ivan Fedorovich Karabits for solo violin fully corresponds to the semantic meaning of the concept of “music”, corresponding to all folklore folk traditions, revealing the violinist and his violin. The images are multifaceted, boundless; Pictures of everyday life, love songs, folk tales and legends, Ukrainian songs, the beauty of the native land, the history of the Motherland, the courage of brothers, etc. All stages of the program are a common understanding of the deep, essential and significant contribution to the creation of the form, principles and content of the work. And the main purpose of a piece of music is to understand the composer’s intention and musical idea of both the performer and the one for whom he reveals the beauty of the play “Music”, which is simply an example of the possibility of improvisation. Listening to music performed by an outstanding Ukrainian violinist, you really feel the master, Ukrainian “music”, a real Ukrainian. Understanding the work has recently become a hot topic for research. It is the psychological and emotional possibilities of human qualities that are studied by a fairly new concept of scientific musicology, musical hermeneutics. The combination of the outstanding violinist Anatoly Ivanovich Bazhenov and the talent of expressing his thoughts on the musical palette of the Ukrainian composer of our time Ivan Fedorovych Karabits carries the beauty and pride of Ukraine, especially in a difficult time for our country, when there is a war. Such music and performances raise the national spirit and the desire to win.
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musical hermeneutics virtuosity understanding of musical concept Karabits I.F. Bazhenov A.I. folk music Ukrainian identity