Spis treści
- Year of publication: 2023
- Source: Show
- Pages: 6-8
- DOI Address: -
- PDF: pomi/8/pomi8toc.pdf
Moscow and Kiev’s vision of the interpretation of disputes about the past, the continuity of the historical roots of mutual statehood
The attack on the Russian Federation on February 24, 2022, in Ukraine, which was not the result of the functions of a superpower, treated by a member state. In any other device there is a reference to the historical past. This is in fact common in its origins but interpreted differently by both countries for 31 years. Starting from the vision of Russia promoted since the 16th century as the successor to the Byzantine Empire, Putin’s Russian Federation claims the right to create one empire corresponding to all the former lands of the Russian Empire. Not subject to legal protection and Ukrainian nationality. No official war is available to achieve this goal.
history of Ukraine Third Rome historia Ukrainy Trzeci Rzym Russian-Ukrainian conflict Russian Empire Kievan Rus’ Ruś Kijowska Imperium Rosyjskie konflikt rosyjsko-ukraiński
The Russian-Ukrainian conflict as an example of war on the internet
From the beginning of his scientific activities, the author has been devoted to the affairs of Eastern Europe, with particular emphasis on Russia and Ukraine. From his bachelor’s thesis to his doctoral studies, the author’s particular attention was drawn to the issue of possible conflicts in this region of the world. Taking up this geographical area as an interest is related to the geopolitical pragmatism of the author of the text. He devotes all his scientific activity to a didactic approach to understanding the location of the Republic of Poland on the map of Europe and the world, so it seems logical that issues beyond our eastern wall seem more important.
konflikty międzynarodowe cyberspace społeczeństwo informacyjne information society cyberprzestrzeń geopolityka international conflicts geopolitics
The article examines the main state-building acts adopted by the highest authorities of Ukraine and the Baltic states starting from 1990 (as a result of the first free election of deputies of these republics in the post-war period) and until 2004 (when significant changes took place in the internal political and geopolitical context, in particular – the accession of the Baltic states to NATO and the EU, as well as changes in the form of government in Ukraine in amendments to the Constitution as a result of the so-called «Orange Revolution»). The article reflects not only the legal part of the specified period, but also the institutional part, in particular, in the part of the formation of both legislative and executive power in the specified countries. The interaction of political, regulatory and historical components in this article forms a holistic vision of state-building processes in their synergistic unity. The purpose of the study is to conduct a chronological comparison of the main statebuilding acts of Ukraine and the Baltic countries in the period from 1990 to 2004. The methodological basis is a chronological comparison of the normative framework of countries in the context of the processes of state formation. It was determined that the parliaments of these countries, which were elected in the spring of 1990, immediately began to fight for their sovereignty and set a course for separation from the union center. The August 1991 putsch in Moscow became the «trigger mechanism» in the declaration of independence of the Baltic states and Ukraine. From that time, these countries began to build their states independently, in particular in the political and legal sphere. First, there is a change in the name of the state itself and its parliament (getting rid of the Soviet one) at the legislative level, as well as the complete subordination of power structures and other authorities exclusively to republican structures. Subsequently, the main state symbols (flag, coat of arms and anthem), constitutions are adopted, the course of states towards a market economy through the denationalization of property and privatization is introduced, each has its own currency, property is divided with other republics, international treaties and agreements are adopted, and countries The Baltics (but not Ukraine) manage to completely get rid of Russian troops from their territory through complex diplomatic efforts. The latter also contributed to the fact that the Baltic countries, having immediately taken a course towards the West, later became full members of NATO and the EU. During this period, Ukraine only decided on its geopolitical vector, that it intends to join these international associations in the future.
The research focuses on psycholinguistic analysis of a female cinematic archetype. The characters’ narratives are predominantly defined by the heroines’ archetype and personality; to a lesser extent by the context of the cinematic story. The study is based on Jung’s idea of the archetype as a repetitive image of the collective unconscious, common for different cultures, languages, and societies. Each archetype performs a certain function in the plot, predetermined by a number of constant motivations, defining the characters’ (verbal) behavior. Post-Jungian researchers have developed various typologies of psychological archetypes. Among the proposed repetitive images, one of the most recognized is the Great Mother / Caregiver / Nurturer, which is distinguished by care, protectiveness, devotion, and sacrifice. Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs serves as the basis for delineation of archetypes. Despite numerous changes in the representation of female characters in mass culture cinema, the Nurturer archetype (term by Schmidt, 2007; Cowden, LaFever, & Viders, 2013) stays essential and frequently exploited. This study focuses on the verbal representation of the Nurturer archetype in three top box office cinematic stories recreating the Beauty and the Beast motif, namely Beauty and the Beast (2017), The Twilight Saga (2008-2012), and Fifty Shades trilogy (2015-2018). The paper focuses respectively on the turns of Belle, Bella Swan, and Anastasia Steele, leading female protagonists representing the Nurturer archetype in the examined franchises. The founding idea of the present paper postulates that the verbal representation of the same archetype bears similar narratives, which mediate the heroines’ needs and motivations. The aim of the research is to establish the set of narratives, characteristic of the Nurturer archetype in contemporary cinematic stories. The Nurturer archetype is an altruistic, parental character, distinguished by protectiveness, compassion, and generosity. The Nurturer needs to care for the loved ones, which defines her narratives about providing food, comfort, safety, protection and reassurance, dependence, stability, love, and affection. The ‘virgin-beast trope’ predetermines the heroine’s narrative of a romantic relationship.
Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy The Twilight Saga Beauty and the Beast qualitative analysis psycholinguistic image female character
The article analyzes the artistic processes that emerged in the world in the second half of the twentieth century, after the Second World War. One of the most striking phenomena of that period was the transavant-garde, and the reasons for its emergence in many European countries and the United States are determined - Arte Cifra or la transavanguardia in Italy, Figuration Libre in France, New Image Painting in the United States, Neue Wilde in Germany, Nowa Expression in Poland. This diversity of transavant-garde manifestations in the context of national artistic systems is explained by the peculiarities of ethnomentalities that were formed on the basis of certain archetypes and universals. An important feature of the world transavant-garde is the artists’ appeal to expressionism. There is a rethinking and renewed interpretation of expressionism, which actually gave it the name «neo-expressionism». Considering the reasons why artists from different countries turned to expressionism, it is concluded that it was the analysis of inner experiences and the desire to express them as vividly as possible that caused such a «global» commitment. Closely related to this is the process of creating individual mythologies, which, through certain images (the use of linearism, dissonant color juxtapositions, deviations from the true image, the use of different techniques and materials in one art object), encouraged the viewer to experience certain affects. At the same time, the Ukrainian and Polish artistic systems of the time, as well as social and political life, were closely controlled by the Soviet system. The situation was especially difficult in Ukraine, where alternative views on art could be paid for with imprisonment or even life. However, in both Poland and Ukraine, there were artists who were engaged in aesthetic resistance and belonged to opposition movements such as counterculture and non-conformism. It is under these conditions that neo-expressionism gets its unique forms of development in both Polish and Ukrainian art. The New Expression movement has been developing in Poland since the early 1980s. Artists, turning away from official cultural institutions, spontaneously created alternative structures. The Polish New Expression, which officially declared itself and kept in touch with foreign colleagues, was a legitimate part of the global movement, and martial law did not allow Polish artists to enter the international scene. Using the creative methods of neoexpressionism, the artists fought for political freedom with inspiration. The artists, ridiculing the absurd world around them with the help of grotesque, used simplified composition and strong contrasting colors. Aesthetic resistance in Ukraine was deeply underground. Nonconformist artists could not organize exhibitions or communicate with their foreign colleagues. Therefore, the names of Ukrainian artists were not known to the world, as well as to most of their fellow citizens. Tight control by the authorities influenced the maximum reflection of opposition artists and determined the symbolic and metaphorical language of their works. After all, expressionism was despised and not supported within Soviet art.
new expression in Poland and Ukraine expressionism non-conformism counterculture artistic thinking archetype ethnomentalism
In the scientific article, the author explores the influence of Bauhaus aesthetics and ideology on the formation of contemporary artistic and design culture. It is noted that Bauhaus, which operated during the interwar period in Germany, became a key moment in world culture, promoting innovative approaches and the synthesis of art and design. The article discusses key aspects of Bauhaus, its influence, and relevance to contemporary art, architecture, and design. The progressive ideas of this school, such as the synthesis of art and design, experimental approach, functionalism, and visual communication, are considered in the context of their impact on the development of the artistic and design sphere. The school advocated for the combination of different art forms, the creation of functional and simple forms, and the use of new materials and technologies. Artists inspired by these ideas use the synthesis of art and design to create innovative works. They experiment with forms, materials, and concepts to create unique visual impressions. Contemporary artistic culture reflects the diversity of Bauhaus, adapting its principles to the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. In addition to art, the author also examines the influence of Bauhaus on contemporary design. The ideas of functionalism and industrial design, emphasizing simplicity and purity of forms, have become the basis for present-day designers. Creating objects that meet the needs of modern life is an essential part of contemporary design trends. The article also investigates how Bauhaus influences architecture. Bauhaus representatives believed that architecture should be functional while embodying aesthetic principles. This concept is reflected in contemporary architectural trends, where simplicity of form and the use of new materials and technologies combine with the desire to create a functional and aesthetic environment. In the conclusions, the author emphasizes the importance of Bauhaus in shaping contemporary artistic and design culture. The influence of Bauhaus is manifested in an open, experimental approach to creativity, the use of new materials and technologies, and a focus on the functionality and simplicity of forms. Bauhaus ideas continue to inspire artists, architects, and designers, contributing to the development of contemporary art and design. All of this highlights the relevance and significance of Bauhaus in the modern world, where the traditions of the past and the innovations of the present come together to create a new dimension of art and design.
practicality synthesis of art and design architecture modernism industrial design functionality visual communication innovation
Review. Leksykon Bezpieczeństwa Pomorza Zachodniego, Red. Jarosław Piątek, Renata Podgórzańska, Dorota Kowalewska, Robert Bartłomiejski, Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, Toruń 2022, Ss. 525
The present study is devoted to the linguopragmatic aspect of the modern Ukrainian political discourse, investigation of the main communicative strategies and tactics based on the speech of current President of Ukraine V. Zelensky at the meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group in the Ramstein format. In the institutional political discourse communicative strategies and tactics might be qualified as very powerful manipulative categories. Its identification can only be made by deep analysis of vocabulary, grammar, sentence formation and context of the speaker. The use of strategies and tactics in the institutional political discourse demonstrates how strong the addressee can operate his knowledge, will, and emotions. Manipulative metastrategies and tactics are called to implement and realize the communicative goals and intentions of the speaker. We offer our own classification of manipulative metastrategies and tactics through the framework of cognitive scenarios. All our metastrategies and tactics are implemented to create a positive image of the subject of the speech and a negative representation of the opponent at the same time. The cognitive scenario represents the communicative situation. The analysed speech of V. Zelensky demonstrates the manipulative metastrategy of minus through combined scenarios. It means that the President tries to show his figure both in a positive self-presentation, a negative representation of the object and a theatrical action. A scenario of the theatrical action is represented by tactics of dramatization. The positive self-presentation is combined with a negative representation of the object. The tactics of irony and sarcasm, offending and warning belong there. In general, Ukrainian presidential style of the speech at the meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group in the Ramstein format is rather emotional than neutral. That is because of the beginning of the war between Israel and Sector Gaza and the future threat of the illusion of World War III.
institutional political discourse presidential discourse interaction rituals interaction manipulation the war in Ukraine and Israel
The research covers the early years of Ukraine’s and Poland’s cooperation in their bilateral relations in the context of building up security policies between the NATO and the CSTO in 1991–1994. Various information influences from state and non-state actors, internal and external, made it so the processes of the search for security guarantees ended up quite different between the two neighboring countries. Covering sources and literature that provide evidence for influences from sources such as the Kremlin, the non-lustrated “old guard” former Communist party functionaries in Ukraine, and the former opposition in Poland, the research shows how the two countries’ relations with the NATO differed, and why, though both countries joined the Partnership for Peace program at roughly the same time, Poland managed to start active Euro-Atlantic integration much earlier than Ukraine did. Using sources such as the text of the treaties, the establishing documents and legislature guidebooks of organization, public writings of diplomats and former policy makers, the research shows what exactly were the risks that the NATO assessed in the joining of former Eastern Bloc countries (with the unstated reasons for the small number of contacts of those countries with NATO in the 1991–1994 relevant to the West’s suspicion of post-Soviet intelligence and military), and which points of the first Ukraine-NATO proved “too much” for the former. Furthermore, Ukraine’s early success with the number of NATO exercises it partook in during the first years of the Partnership for Peace became an example to other Eastern Europe countries seeking better relations with NATO and defense sector reforms, including the Republic of Poland. The paper also highlights the tendencies of cooperation between Ukraine and the Republic of Poland in the context of NATO enlargement and the various aspects of Atlantic integration. The most important among them was cooperation in security and defense, both bilateral and within the framework of the NATO Partnership for Peace Program.
Foreign influence information influences information policy Republic of Poland NATO information warfare Ukraine
State system of intellectual property rights protection in Ukraine and Poland
The article’s theme is relevant, as intellectual property has become one of the most popular issues discussed in the modern business world. Intellectual property is a product of the human mind, resulting from creativity protected by the law. Protecting intellectual property rights is increasingly crucial in economic development and trade growth. Many goods containing intellectual property objects are moving across the Customs Union border, and their share makes up a significant part of the value of goods. According to some estimates, up to 80% of global trade comprises intellectual property goods. At the present stage, there is a tendency for the results of intellectual activity to acquire an increasing commodity dimension. Moreover, increasingly, objects of intellectual property – products of intellectual labour are created for successful market functioning. For intellectual property to become a full-fledged object of agreements, it is necessary to provide it with a reliable legal framework, create convenient legislative support for it, and, at the same time, organize economic protection. The article presents the main aspects of state protection of intellectual property rights from alleged infringers in Poland, examines various types of protection of intellectual property rights in Poland, and singles out state bodies and other entities protecting intellectual property rights in Ukraine.
state protection of intellectual property rights in Ukraine main subjects of state protection copyright intellectual property
The article examines the role of memoirs in depicting the cultural and religious life of Ukraine during the revolutionary years of 1917-1921. The analysis focuses on memoirs written by contemporaries and participants of the Ukrainian Revolution. Memoirists drew attention to the issues of Ukrainian language, literature, art, and education. They depicted the efforts of cultural figures in supporting and developing Ukrainian culture, changes in the cultural environment, and society’s reaction to these changes. The authors of memoirs discuss churches and religious organizations during the revolutionary period, describing the shifts in attitudes toward religion under the influence of political changes, the interaction between the church and political structures, and the persecution of priests and monks by the Bolsheviks. They share their thoughts on the impact of revolutionary events on their personal lives, perception of culture, and religion. The article analyzes the memoirists’ accounts of meetings, communication, and collaboration with other prominent cultural and religious figures, as well as the exchange of ideas, discussions, and joint projects that contributed to the development of cultural and religious life. It is revealed that the memoirs contain information about the state of societal culture and spirituality, including beliefs, customs, traditions, and moral values of that period. In the memoirs of many Ukrainian writers, artists, and other cultural figures, moments of Bolshevik presence are described as a time of creative alienation and pressure on artistic expression. With their rise to power, Ukrainian culture became dependent on the ideology and policies of the new regime, leading to a decline in artistic quality and loss of authenticity. These cultural figures also depict the challenging living and working conditions during the revolutionary period in their memoirs. Many of them were forced to leave Ukraine or go into hiding due to political persecution. This led to a decrease in activity on the Ukrainian cultural scene and a reduction in the number of book publications. Despite the difficult circumstances, Ukrainian cultural figures continued to create and preserve cultural heritage. Many of them actively engaged in collecting and preserving Ukrainian cultural heritage, which suffered significant losses during the revolution. A common tendency in the memoirs of contemporaries of the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921 is the personal perspective on events and their impacts on the culture and religion of Ukraine during the periods of the Central Rada, the Hetmanate of P. Skoropadsky, and the Directorate. They provide a historical context and offer readers a unique insight into that period, helping to better understand its significance and consequences for the cultural and religious development of Ukraine.
The article examines moral responsibility as a specific subjective-objective phenomenon of oral folk art using the example of folklore non-ritual lyric-epic texts. It is analyzed the conceptual dilemma of responsibility – irresponsibility and its role in implementing the functions of oral traditional culture. The authors focus on the correlation between the concepts of individual and social responsibility. In addition, the problem of social responsibility as an evident form of the relations between the individual and society driven by the need to comply with coexistence rules is actualized. Folk consciousness accumulates knowledge about responsibility as one of the forms of social relations, which objectively exists, is reflected in the psychological and spiritual aspects, and hence is an internal (towards oneself) and external (towards the community and humanity as a whole) manifestation of responsibility. Essential characteristics and forms of textualization of moral responsibility in folk songs are outlined: every time a practical act is compared with a proper one in real life, i.e., a moral ideal, through the reflection of the characters of a folklore work and the manifestation of behavior in a particular life situation. It is established that morality in oral literature appears simultaneously as a regulatory structure and a system of meanings of the subject and society as a whole. The imperativeness inherent in the belief system of a traditional work becomes not only a statement of a particular position but also a request for understanding the idea of life purpose at the author-audience level. The tragic event reinterpreted by folk consciousness transfers the axiological content of the depicted act to the collective memory. The essence of the responsibility–irresponsibility dilemma unfolds through a specific human reality. The analysis of non-ritual lyric-epic songs highlights a crucial axiom: moral responsibility is, first of all, the affirmation of the view of life, beliefs, and principles of a person who perceives these moments as own, imagined, and suffered. Having separated temptations of the empirical world, the essential from the insignificant, a person isolates the dominant landmarks of their existence, often leveling out the possibility of personal happiness, acting for the benefit of others. A folklore work conceives the relevance of individual and social consciousness since the depicted folk event raises the current problem to the level of collective comprehension, highlighting the imperative of human life value.
plot lyrical song emigrant song moral responsibility anthropological model ballad motive
Pomiędzy. Polsko-Ukraińskie Studia Interdyscyplinarne Pomiędzy. Polonistyczno-Ukrainoznawcze Studia Naukowe pomiędzy
European standards towards LGBT social movement in some countries inside and outside European Union. Comparative analysis
In this article author compares LGBT’s human rights standards in Poland, Germany, Ukraine, Russia and some Middle Eastern states. Members of the LGBT community have not equal rights in Europe, even in a European Union member states, which have to respect rights of any minority. In a case of Germany society sooner tend to accept LGBT people than this was reflected in a law system. It is interesting, that Poland has been decriminalizing homosexual activity in 1932, but this does not changed social atitudes, even now in this country LGBT sa socially excluded in many ways. Situation in post-Soviet states in even worse – in both Ukraine and Russia societies permits LGBT’s persons exclusion from the social and political sphere.
prawa człowieka LGBT Unia Europejska European Union human rights
The terms political correctness or PC were not used until the late 1970s. According to James Wilson (1995), a judge in Georgia, in 1973 the US Supreme Court first mentioned the term “politically correct”. Thus, the doctrine of political correctness was based on the concept of “neutral language”. It is this language, free from expressions that offend the feelings and dignity of the person, violate his human rights, must oppose hate speech (Phumsiri N., 2018). The relevance of the work is due to the interest of studying the political correctness in the modern dimension, which is explained by the growing interest in society and spread in the media. Political correctness (PC) – a term that describes the style of behavior, speech, lifestyle, preferences, but at the same time does not violate the personal boundaries of people in religious, racial, political, cultural fields (Stephen Richer, Lorna Weir, 1995). Political correctness is a kind of voluntary social code of conduct, which provides for the inadmissibility of humiliating mentions of physical or mental disabilities of third parties, about their racial, religious or national affiliation, observance of gender equality in public and private life. The term “political correctness” began to be widely used only in the 80s of the 20th centuries. It was then that conservatives from American universities began to use it to denote social movements that advocated the establishment of codes of conduct that would exclude manifestations of racism, sexism, homophobia or other unacceptable forms of behavior. Politically correct terms are a special group of neologisms that are deliberately created by native speakers to replace lexical units that, for one or another political or social reason, begin to be perceived as derogatory. A number of researchers consider political correctness as one of the manifestations of euphemism, as an integral component of its linguistic aspect (Anna Monashnenko, Svitlana Amelina, Vasyl Shynkaruk, 2021). They consider euphemisms and politically correct units as identical concepts: euphemism is one of the most effective means of expressing politically correct vocabulary.
offensive social reason euphemism cross-cultural Behavior language barriers freedom of speech culture community
Today, problems related to intercultural communication are actively studied by representatives of various sciences. As a result of this study, many concepts related to intercultural communication have been introduced, which have become the subject of research in both scientific and practical fields. Often, in defining intercultural communication, representatives of cultural studies, sociology, psychology and linguistics emphasize their professional approach to this phenomenon and reflect their unique view of it. This article focuses on the theoretical and practical aspects of intercultural communication and cultural exchange within the framework of Polish-Ukrainian relations in the context of current events, in particular Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Polish support for Ukraine has become important and has many aspects, including humanitarian aid, political support, and economic cooperation. This support contributes to strengthening mutual understanding and solidarity between the Polish and Ukrainian peoples, as well as promotes the exchange of culture and traditions. The article presents a study of cultural exchange and interaction between the Ukrainian and Polish communities during the military actions in Ukraine. Focusing on the period after the invasion, the study examines the intense cultural exchange that took place between the two national groups. This exchange included the exchange of art, literary works, musical performances, and other cultural expressions. It reflects the efforts of both nations to maintain friendly relations and promote mutual understanding in a complex geopolitical context. Cultural exchange contributes to the expansion of knowledge, deepening of understanding and perception of another culture. Art, literature, and other cultural expressions allow people to get acquainted with the world and traditions of other nations, which makes it possible to form common values and opens a dialogue between Ukrainians and Poles. This dialogue helps to increase mutual understanding and improve relations between these communities in the face of historical challenges. It also examines various practical aspects of organizing cultural initiatives and further developing interaction between Ukrainian and Polish cultural heritage after the Russian invasion. These aspects include the organization of joint cultural events, cultural exchange, joint projects in the field of education, and so on. The study opens up new promising horizons for understanding cultural interactions in the context of global change and contributes to deepening interaction between national communities.
Mutual understanding Russia’s invasion Cultural exchange intercultural communication polish-ukrainian relations
he purpose of the article is to analyze the content of professional and practical training of future specialists on the example of teacher training in specialty 014 “Secondary education. English language and foreign literature” of Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University. A review of the scientific literature was carried out, which shows that many scientists were engaged in the study of the problem of training a philology teacher in Ukraine. The interpretation of the concepts “training”, “teacher training”, “professional training of a philology teacher”, “professional training of a foreign language teacher” by various scientists was analyzed. The concept of “teacher of philological specialties” is analyzed. The definition of the concept of “professional training of a philology teacher” is given. The concept of training a philology teacher in dual majors, training future teachers of humanities majors is analyzed. The article states that the training of future English language teachers consists of three cycles: general education, professional training and three types of pedagogical practice. In turn, the first two cycles are divided into two parts: educational disciplines of the normative and variable part. The article analyzes in detail the curriculum of specialty 014 “Secondary education. English language and foreign literature” for 2023/2024 academic year. In particular, the disciplines of general and professional training are indicated, the percentage of study time allocated to the study of educational disciplines of the normative and variable part of the cycle of professional training is calculated. A large list of elective subjects that students have the right to choose for their major is presented. A conclusion was made about the balanced professional and practical language training of philology teachers in Ukraine due to the successful distribution of study time for the study of the main philological and methodical disciplines. Optional educational disciplines in the variable part significantly enrich the curriculum and, accordingly, contribute to positive dynamics in the knowledge of students of higher education in specialty 014 “Secondary education. English language and foreign literature”. The analysis of the curriculum for the training of teachers of English language and foreign literature confirmed thorough training in general and special philological disciplines.
normative and variable training academic disciplines pedagogical practice philology teacher general education professional training foreign language
In the article, a comprehensive comparative analysis of the satirical prose of W. Thackeray and I. Franko, focusing on socio-political themes, is carried out for the first time in Ukrainian literary studies, significantly expanding our understanding of the interaction between the works of these artists. The authors systematize theoretical concepts about satire as a literary genre and concentrate on the phenomenon of sociopolitical satire. The research identifies and explores objects of satirical representation in the works of the Ukrainian and British writers. In his works, William Makepeace Thackeray subjected contemporary society to scathing criticism, following the path of truth and nature, employing irony and grotesque to expose various moral and ethical flaws of its representatives, such as feudal privileges of the nobility, subservience to titles, hypocrisy, vanity, and decadence. According to A.M. Khalimonchuk’s calculations, Ivan Franko’s satirical legacy comprises over 30 satirical short stories and sketches, six satirical poems, three comedies, and several dozens of satirical poems. In addition to translating the works of prominent satirists from around the world into Ukrainian, Ivan Franko’s archive contains numerous unfinished satirical works from various periods of his literary career. Ivan Franko’s literary contributions played an equally significant role in the development of Ukrainian national satire as William Thackeray’s works did for British and European satire as a whole. In the article the poetic modes used to create satirical phenomena in Thackeray’s and Franko’s prose are analysed. The hypothesis regarding the possibility of indirect contact-genetic relationships between the works of these authors is put forward.
object of satirical representation satirical typification means satirical image comparative-typological analysis socio-political satire comparative research
The Ukrainian creative galaxy of outstanding Ukrainian composers and performers has forever entered its history into the world treasure of musical creativity. Respect for the history and revival of Ukrainian musical art revives a new generation in the spirit of dignity and pride for the country. On the example of the work of Ukrainian professional masters, a new page of deep understanding of the identity of the nation and the purpose of society is revealed, there is a definition of the importance of preserving the Ukrainian musical treasure, both composer and performing. The main principle of the creative combination “composer-performer-listener” is to highlight the beauty of the country where you live. Historical memory, folk wisdom, Ukrainian identity, the beauty of the nature of the Ukrainian corner, melodious songs and national traditions, all the colors of the nationality are at the heart of Ukrainian composers. Executive professionalism and sensual perception of the violinist’s music provides an even more colorful trend for the listener. The article analyzes the combination of the disclosure of the composer’s idea and performance. The play “Music” by Ivan Fedorovich Karabits for solo violin fully corresponds to the semantic meaning of the concept of “music”, corresponding to all folklore folk traditions, revealing the violinist and his violin. The images are multifaceted, boundless; Pictures of everyday life, love songs, folk tales and legends, Ukrainian songs, the beauty of the native land, the history of the Motherland, the courage of brothers, etc. All stages of the program are a common understanding of the deep, essential and significant contribution to the creation of the form, principles and content of the work. And the main purpose of a piece of music is to understand the composer’s intention and musical idea of both the performer and the one for whom he reveals the beauty of the play “Music”, which is simply an example of the possibility of improvisation. Listening to music performed by an outstanding Ukrainian violinist, you really feel the master, Ukrainian “music”, a real Ukrainian. Understanding the work has recently become a hot topic for research. It is the psychological and emotional possibilities of human qualities that are studied by a fairly new concept of scientific musicology, musical hermeneutics. The combination of the outstanding violinist Anatoly Ivanovich Bazhenov and the talent of expressing his thoughts on the musical palette of the Ukrainian composer of our time Ivan Fedorovych Karabits carries the beauty and pride of Ukraine, especially in a difficult time for our country, when there is a war. Such music and performances raise the national spirit and the desire to win.
musical hermeneutics virtuosity understanding of musical concept Karabits I.F. Bazhenov A.I. folk music Ukrainian identity
Nonverbal first impressions and president Volodymyr Zelensky’s war-time communication
Nonverbal communication influences credibility, character and personality, and motivation assessments, and it inspires trust and attitudes toward the speaker. Considering automatic processing and its dominance over the contents, nonverbal communication becomes more relevant in the initial communication phase, informing judgments based on first impressions. The paper presents a study on nonverbal signaling in two addresses delivered by President Volodymyr Zelensky on February 24, 2022. It applies FaceReader 9, the automated coding system based on the Facial Action Coding System, and discusses results for emotional variables in the complete speeches and their initial 15 seconds (relevant to the first impressions effect). Moreover, the paper analyzes other nonverbal signals, including appearance, surroundings, gestures, and body movements, which might influence the reception of Zelensky’s emotional performance. The comparison of morning and evening addresses identified critical differences between speeches, and it delivers insights into the effectiveness of Zelensky’s branding as the empathetic citizen-soldier and the spokesperson for the nation’s interest.
sadness emotional expressions dyskomfort smutek gniew ekspresje emocjonalne komunikacja niewerbalna nonverbal communication pain anger
The Carpathian Euroregion as an example of crossborder cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe
Cross-border cooperation in Europe began in the 1950s. In Poland, the first Euroregions began to emerge in the early 1990s after the socio-political changes in Central and Eastern Europe. The Carpathian Euroregion, which was established in 1993, was the second Euroregion in Poland and the first in Slovakia and Ukraine. Its creation caused concerns among politicians, mainly at the central level. The reasons for these fears were ignorance of the rules of cross-border cooperation and the political situation - countries in this region were reforming and consolidating and some politicians were afraid of blurring of borders and sovereignty. The Carpathian Euroregion is a diverse region in terms of politics, ethnicity, culture and religion. It consists of the border areas of five countries. Despite political, economic and legal obstacles, local authorities have agreed on forms of cooperation and are implementing projects for the benefit of the region’s cross-border community.
Carpathian Euroregion Euroregion Karpacki współpraca transgraniczna euroregiony Euroregions cross-border cooperation
The diversity of economic-financial instruments for environmental protection requires that they be systematized according to certain common criteria, whether they belong to the fiscal, commercial or customs field, or whether they are applied by various categories of subjects or are provided for in the content of one and the same legislative act . The present article comes with a distinct systematization, gives a consecutiveness that also ensures an efficiency in interpretation, understanding and application by the responsible environmental authorities, but also by those that carry out the control of economic activity.
klasyfikacja instrumenty ekonomiczno-finansowe zanieczyszczenie economic-financial instruments liability classification sankcja sanction środowisko pollution odpowiedzialność environment
We live in a world full of events, changes that occur at an unimaginable speed, often catching us off guard. Life is full of circumstances over which we cannot directly act. There’s nothing to be done; they exist. What we can do, however, is to be cautious and preventive. Insurance arose from the need to protect individuals and their accumulated property against the destructive forces of nature, accidents, and illnesses, as well as the need to establish means of livelihood in the event of loss or reduction of working capacity due to accidents, illnesses, or reaching a certain age. Humans must adapt to the constantly changing and evolving conditions, better protect their assets, and adjust their aspirations to new possibilities.
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Ukrainians at the Central Cemetery in Szczecin
The aim of the text is to reflect on the importance of burials and remembrance of the dead in preserving the national identity of Szczecin’s Ukrainians. The author believes that the cemetery is a place where social and political dependencies related to the ethnic sphere can be observed. The writer’s interests focus on the role of social memory and ethnic moblization.
mniejszość ukraińska Ukrainian minority cmentarz tożsamość narodowa cemetery national identity
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