nr 2(9)

Spis treści

  • Author: The Editors
  • Year of publication: 2023
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 5-7
  • DOI Address: -
  • PDF: pomi/9/pomi9toc.pdf


  • Author: Marcin Orzechowski
  • Institution: Uniwersytet Szczeciński
  • Year of publication: 2023
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 9-10
  • DOI Address: -
  • PDF: pomi/9/pomi900.pdf

The implementation of the metastrategy minus in Volodymyr Zelensky’s speech at the meeting of The Ukraine defense contact group in the Ramstein format

  • Author: Daria Kharytonova
  • Institution: State University of Trade and Economics Kyiv
  • ORCID:
  • Year of publication: 2023
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 13-17
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: pomi/9/pomi901.pdf

The present study is devoted to the linguopragmatic aspect of the modern Ukrainian political discourse, investigation of the main communicative strategies and tactics based on the speech of current President of Ukraine V. Zelensky at the meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group in the Ramstein format. In the institutional political discourse communicative strategies and tactics might be qualified as very powerful manipulative categories. Its identification can only be made by deep analysis of vocabulary, grammar, sentence formation and context of the speaker. The use of strategies and tactics in the institutional political discourse demonstrates how strong the addressee can operate his knowledge, will, and emotions. Manipulative metastrategies and tactics are called to implement and realize the communicative goals and intentions of the speaker. We offer our own classification of manipulative metastrategies and tactics through the framework of cognitive scenarios. All our metastrategies and tactics are implemented to create a positive image of the subject of the speech and a negative representation of the opponent at the same time. The cognitive scenario represents the communicative situation. The analysed speech of V. Zelensky demonstrates the manipulative metastrategy of minus through combined scenarios. It means that the President tries to show his figure both in a positive self-presentation, a negative representation of the object and a theatrical action. A scenario of the theatrical action is represented by tactics of dramatization. The positive self-presentation is combined with a negative representation of the object. The tactics of irony and sarcasm, offending and warning belong there. In general, Ukrainian presidential style of the speech at the meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group in the Ramstein format is rather emotional than neutral. That is because of the beginning of the war between Israel and Sector Gaza and the future threat of the illusion of World War III.

institutional political discourse presidential discourse interaction rituals interaction manipulation the war in Ukraine and Israel

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Between Moscow and Washington: information influences on early dialogue with NATO in Poland and Ukraine (1991–1994)

  • Author: Kyrylo Mieliekiestsev
  • Institution: Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University
  • ORCID:
  • Year of publication: 2023
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 19-26
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: pomi/9/pomi902.pdf

The research covers the early years of Ukraine’s and Poland’s cooperation in their bilateral relations in the context of building up security policies between the NATO and the CSTO in 1991–1994. Various information influences from state and non-state actors, internal and external, made it so the processes of the search for security guarantees ended up quite different between the two neighboring countries. Covering sources and literature that provide evidence for influences from sources such as the Kremlin, the non-lustrated “old guard” former Communist party functionaries in Ukraine, and the former opposition in Poland, the research shows how the two countries’ relations with the NATO differed, and why, though both countries joined the Partnership for Peace program at roughly the same time, Poland managed to start active Euro-Atlantic integration much earlier than Ukraine did. Using sources such as the text of the treaties, the establishing documents and legislature guidebooks of organization, public writings of diplomats and former policy makers, the research shows what exactly were the risks that the NATO assessed in the joining of former Eastern Bloc countries (with the unstated reasons for the small number of contacts of those countries with NATO in the 1991–1994 relevant to the West’s suspicion of post-Soviet intelligence and military), and which points of the first Ukraine-NATO proved “too much” for the former. Furthermore, Ukraine’s early success with the number of NATO exercises it partook in during the first years of the Partnership for Peace became an example to other Eastern Europe countries seeking better relations with NATO and defense sector reforms, including the Republic of Poland. The paper also highlights the tendencies of cooperation between Ukraine and the Republic of Poland in the context of NATO enlargement and the various aspects of Atlantic integration. The most important among them was cooperation in security and defense, both bilateral and within the framework of the NATO Partnership for Peace Program.

Foreign influence information influences information policy Republic of Poland NATO information warfare Ukraine

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Державна система охорони прав інтелектуальної власності в Україні та Польщі

  • Author: Tetyana Kurylo
  • Institution: Uniwersytet Szczeciński
  • ORCID:
  • Year of publication: 2023
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 27-34
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: pomi/9/pomi903.pdf

State system of intellectual property rights protection in Ukraine and Poland

The article’s theme is relevant, as intellectual property has become one of the most popular issues discussed in the modern business world. Intellectual property is a product of the human mind, resulting from creativity protected by the law. Protecting intellectual property rights is increasingly crucial in economic development and trade growth. Many goods containing intellectual property objects are moving across the Customs Union border, and their share makes up a significant part of the value of goods. According to some estimates, up to 80% of global trade comprises intellectual property goods. At the present stage, there is a tendency for the results of intellectual activity to acquire an increasing commodity dimension. Moreover, increasingly, objects of intellectual property – products of intellectual labour are created for successful market functioning. For intellectual property to become a full-fledged object of agreements, it is necessary to provide it with a reliable legal framework, create convenient legislative support for it, and, at the same time, organize economic protection. The article presents the main aspects of state protection of intellectual property rights from alleged infringers in Poland, examines various types of protection of intellectual property rights in Poland, and singles out state bodies and other entities protecting intellectual property rights in Ukraine.

state protection of intellectual property rights in Ukraine main subjects of state protection copyright intellectual property

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Reproduction of cultural and religious life in Ukraine during 1917–1921 in memoir literature

  • Author: Anastasiia Hridina
  • Institution: Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University
  • ORCID:
  • Year of publication: 2023
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 37-45
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: pomi/9/pomi904.pdf

The article examines the role of memoirs in depicting the cultural and religious life of Ukraine during the revolutionary years of 1917-1921. The analysis focuses on memoirs written by contemporaries and participants of the Ukrainian Revolution. Memoirists drew attention to the issues of Ukrainian language, literature, art, and education. They depicted the efforts of cultural figures in supporting and developing Ukrainian culture, changes in the cultural environment, and society’s reaction to these changes. The authors of memoirs discuss churches and religious organizations during the revolutionary period, describing the shifts in attitudes toward religion under the influence of political changes, the interaction between the church and political structures, and the persecution of priests and monks by the Bolsheviks. They share their thoughts on the impact of revolutionary events on their personal lives, perception of culture, and religion. The article analyzes the memoirists’ accounts of meetings, communication, and collaboration with other prominent cultural and religious figures, as well as the exchange of ideas, discussions, and joint projects that contributed to the development of cultural and religious life. It is revealed that the memoirs contain information about the state of societal culture and spirituality, including beliefs, customs, traditions, and moral values of that period. In the memoirs of many Ukrainian writers, artists, and other cultural figures, moments of Bolshevik presence are described as a time of creative alienation and pressure on artistic expression. With their rise to power, Ukrainian culture became dependent on the ideology and policies of the new regime, leading to a decline in artistic quality and loss of authenticity. These cultural figures also depict the challenging living and working conditions during the revolutionary period in their memoirs. Many of them were forced to leave Ukraine or go into hiding due to political persecution. This led to a decrease in activity on the Ukrainian cultural scene and a reduction in the number of book publications. Despite the difficult circumstances, Ukrainian cultural figures continued to create and preserve cultural heritage. Many of them actively engaged in collecting and preserving Ukrainian cultural heritage, which suffered significant losses during the revolution. A common tendency in the memoirs of contemporaries of the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921 is the personal perspective on events and their impacts on the culture and religion of Ukraine during the periods of the Central Rada, the Hetmanate of P. Skoropadsky, and the Directorate. They provide a historical context and offer readers a unique insight into that period, helping to better understand its significance and consequences for the cultural and religious development of Ukraine.

Ukrainian Revolution memoirs Church culture Education

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Morality as a form of human socio-cultural being in oral folk poetry

  • Author: Liubov Kopanytsia
  • Institution: National University of Kyiv
  • ORCID:
  • Author: Alla Pavlova
  • Institution: National University of Kyiv
  • ORCID:
  • Year of publication: 2023
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 47-51
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: pomi/9/pomi905.pdf

The article examines moral responsibility as a specific subjective-objective phenomenon of oral folk art using the example of folklore non-ritual lyric-epic texts. It is analyzed the conceptual dilemma of responsibility – irresponsibility and its role in implementing the functions of oral traditional culture. The authors focus on the correlation between the concepts of individual and social responsibility. In addition, the problem of social responsibility as an evident form of the relations between the individual and society driven by the need to comply with coexistence rules is actualized. Folk consciousness accumulates knowledge about responsibility as one of the forms of social relations, which objectively exists, is reflected in the psychological and spiritual aspects, and hence is an internal (towards oneself) and external (towards the community and humanity as a whole) manifestation of responsibility. Essential characteristics and forms of textualization of moral responsibility in folk songs are outlined: every time a practical act is compared with a proper one in real life, i.e., a moral ideal, through the reflection of the characters of a folklore work and the manifestation of behavior in a particular life situation. It is established that morality in oral literature appears simultaneously as a regulatory structure and a system of meanings of the subject and society as a whole. The imperativeness inherent in the belief system of a traditional work becomes not only a statement of a particular position but also a request for understanding the idea of life purpose at the author-audience level. The tragic event reinterpreted by folk consciousness transfers the axiological content of the depicted act to the collective memory. The essence of the responsibility–irresponsibility dilemma unfolds through a specific human reality. The analysis of non-ritual lyric-epic songs highlights a crucial axiom: moral responsibility is, first of all, the affirmation of the view of life, beliefs, and principles of a person who perceives these moments as own, imagined, and suffered. Having separated temptations of the empirical world, the essential from the insignificant, a person isolates the dominant landmarks of their existence, often leveling out the possibility of personal happiness, acting for the benefit of others. A folklore work conceives the relevance of individual and social consciousness since the depicted folk event raises the current problem to the level of collective comprehension, highlighting the imperative of human life value.

plot lyrical song emigrant song moral responsibility anthropological model ballad motive

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