Spis treści
- Year of publication: 2023
- Source: Show
- Pages: 5-7
- DOI Address: -
- PDF: pomi/10/pomi10toc.pdf
Pomiędzy. Polsko-Ukraińskie Studia Interdyscyplinarne Pomiędzy. Polonistyczno-Ukrainoznawcze Studia Naukowe pomiędzy
Pomiędzy. Polsko-Ukraińskie Studia Interdyscyplinarne Pomiędzy. Polonistyczno-Ukrainoznawcze Studia Naukowe pomiędzy
European standards towards LGBT social movement in some countries inside and outside European Union. Comparative analysis
In this article author compares LGBT’s human rights standards in Poland, Germany, Ukraine, Russia and some Middle Eastern states. Members of the LGBT community have not equal rights in Europe, even in a European Union member states, which have to respect rights of any minority. In a case of Germany society sooner tend to accept LGBT people than this was reflected in a law system. It is interesting, that Poland has been decriminalizing homosexual activity in 1932, but this does not changed social atitudes, even now in this country LGBT sa socially excluded in many ways. Situation in post-Soviet states in even worse – in both Ukraine and Russia societies permits LGBT’s persons exclusion from the social and political sphere.
prawa człowieka LGBT Unia Europejska European Union human rights
The terms political correctness or PC were not used until the late 1970s. According to James Wilson (1995), a judge in Georgia, in 1973 the US Supreme Court first mentioned the term “politically correct”. Thus, the doctrine of political correctness was based on the concept of “neutral language”. It is this language, free from expressions that offend the feelings and dignity of the person, violate his human rights, must oppose hate speech (Phumsiri N., 2018). The relevance of the work is due to the interest of studying the political correctness in the modern dimension, which is explained by the growing interest in society and spread in the media. Political correctness (PC) – a term that describes the style of behavior, speech, lifestyle, preferences, but at the same time does not violate the personal boundaries of people in religious, racial, political, cultural fields (Stephen Richer, Lorna Weir, 1995). Political correctness is a kind of voluntary social code of conduct, which provides for the inadmissibility of humiliating mentions of physical or mental disabilities of third parties, about their racial, religious or national affiliation, observance of gender equality in public and private life. The term “political correctness” began to be widely used only in the 80s of the 20th centuries. It was then that conservatives from American universities began to use it to denote social movements that advocated the establishment of codes of conduct that would exclude manifestations of racism, sexism, homophobia or other unacceptable forms of behavior. Politically correct terms are a special group of neologisms that are deliberately created by native speakers to replace lexical units that, for one or another political or social reason, begin to be perceived as derogatory. A number of researchers consider political correctness as one of the manifestations of euphemism, as an integral component of its linguistic aspect (Anna Monashnenko, Svitlana Amelina, Vasyl Shynkaruk, 2021). They consider euphemisms and politically correct units as identical concepts: euphemism is one of the most effective means of expressing politically correct vocabulary.
offensive social reason euphemism cross-cultural Behavior language barriers freedom of speech culture community
Today, problems related to intercultural communication are actively studied by representatives of various sciences. As a result of this study, many concepts related to intercultural communication have been introduced, which have become the subject of research in both scientific and practical fields. Often, in defining intercultural communication, representatives of cultural studies, sociology, psychology and linguistics emphasize their professional approach to this phenomenon and reflect their unique view of it. This article focuses on the theoretical and practical aspects of intercultural communication and cultural exchange within the framework of Polish-Ukrainian relations in the context of current events, in particular Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Polish support for Ukraine has become important and has many aspects, including humanitarian aid, political support, and economic cooperation. This support contributes to strengthening mutual understanding and solidarity between the Polish and Ukrainian peoples, as well as promotes the exchange of culture and traditions. The article presents a study of cultural exchange and interaction between the Ukrainian and Polish communities during the military actions in Ukraine. Focusing on the period after the invasion, the study examines the intense cultural exchange that took place between the two national groups. This exchange included the exchange of art, literary works, musical performances, and other cultural expressions. It reflects the efforts of both nations to maintain friendly relations and promote mutual understanding in a complex geopolitical context. Cultural exchange contributes to the expansion of knowledge, deepening of understanding and perception of another culture. Art, literature, and other cultural expressions allow people to get acquainted with the world and traditions of other nations, which makes it possible to form common values and opens a dialogue between Ukrainians and Poles. This dialogue helps to increase mutual understanding and improve relations between these communities in the face of historical challenges. It also examines various practical aspects of organizing cultural initiatives and further developing interaction between Ukrainian and Polish cultural heritage after the Russian invasion. These aspects include the organization of joint cultural events, cultural exchange, joint projects in the field of education, and so on. The study opens up new promising horizons for understanding cultural interactions in the context of global change and contributes to deepening interaction between national communities.
Mutual understanding Russia’s invasion Cultural exchange intercultural communication polish-ukrainian relations
he purpose of the article is to analyze the content of professional and practical training of future specialists on the example of teacher training in specialty 014 “Secondary education. English language and foreign literature” of Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University. A review of the scientific literature was carried out, which shows that many scientists were engaged in the study of the problem of training a philology teacher in Ukraine. The interpretation of the concepts “training”, “teacher training”, “professional training of a philology teacher”, “professional training of a foreign language teacher” by various scientists was analyzed. The concept of “teacher of philological specialties” is analyzed. The definition of the concept of “professional training of a philology teacher” is given. The concept of training a philology teacher in dual majors, training future teachers of humanities majors is analyzed. The article states that the training of future English language teachers consists of three cycles: general education, professional training and three types of pedagogical practice. In turn, the first two cycles are divided into two parts: educational disciplines of the normative and variable part. The article analyzes in detail the curriculum of specialty 014 “Secondary education. English language and foreign literature” for 2023/2024 academic year. In particular, the disciplines of general and professional training are indicated, the percentage of study time allocated to the study of educational disciplines of the normative and variable part of the cycle of professional training is calculated. A large list of elective subjects that students have the right to choose for their major is presented. A conclusion was made about the balanced professional and practical language training of philology teachers in Ukraine due to the successful distribution of study time for the study of the main philological and methodical disciplines. Optional educational disciplines in the variable part significantly enrich the curriculum and, accordingly, contribute to positive dynamics in the knowledge of students of higher education in specialty 014 “Secondary education. English language and foreign literature”. The analysis of the curriculum for the training of teachers of English language and foreign literature confirmed thorough training in general and special philological disciplines.
normative and variable training academic disciplines pedagogical practice philology teacher general education professional training foreign language
In the article, a comprehensive comparative analysis of the satirical prose of W. Thackeray and I. Franko, focusing on socio-political themes, is carried out for the first time in Ukrainian literary studies, significantly expanding our understanding of the interaction between the works of these artists. The authors systematize theoretical concepts about satire as a literary genre and concentrate on the phenomenon of sociopolitical satire. The research identifies and explores objects of satirical representation in the works of the Ukrainian and British writers. In his works, William Makepeace Thackeray subjected contemporary society to scathing criticism, following the path of truth and nature, employing irony and grotesque to expose various moral and ethical flaws of its representatives, such as feudal privileges of the nobility, subservience to titles, hypocrisy, vanity, and decadence. According to A.M. Khalimonchuk’s calculations, Ivan Franko’s satirical legacy comprises over 30 satirical short stories and sketches, six satirical poems, three comedies, and several dozens of satirical poems. In addition to translating the works of prominent satirists from around the world into Ukrainian, Ivan Franko’s archive contains numerous unfinished satirical works from various periods of his literary career. Ivan Franko’s literary contributions played an equally significant role in the development of Ukrainian national satire as William Thackeray’s works did for British and European satire as a whole. In the article the poetic modes used to create satirical phenomena in Thackeray’s and Franko’s prose are analysed. The hypothesis regarding the possibility of indirect contact-genetic relationships between the works of these authors is put forward.
object of satirical representation satirical typification means satirical image comparative-typological analysis socio-political satire comparative research
The Ukrainian creative galaxy of outstanding Ukrainian composers and performers has forever entered its history into the world treasure of musical creativity. Respect for the history and revival of Ukrainian musical art revives a new generation in the spirit of dignity and pride for the country. On the example of the work of Ukrainian professional masters, a new page of deep understanding of the identity of the nation and the purpose of society is revealed, there is a definition of the importance of preserving the Ukrainian musical treasure, both composer and performing. The main principle of the creative combination “composer-performer-listener” is to highlight the beauty of the country where you live. Historical memory, folk wisdom, Ukrainian identity, the beauty of the nature of the Ukrainian corner, melodious songs and national traditions, all the colors of the nationality are at the heart of Ukrainian composers. Executive professionalism and sensual perception of the violinist’s music provides an even more colorful trend for the listener. The article analyzes the combination of the disclosure of the composer’s idea and performance. The play “Music” by Ivan Fedorovich Karabits for solo violin fully corresponds to the semantic meaning of the concept of “music”, corresponding to all folklore folk traditions, revealing the violinist and his violin. The images are multifaceted, boundless; Pictures of everyday life, love songs, folk tales and legends, Ukrainian songs, the beauty of the native land, the history of the Motherland, the courage of brothers, etc. All stages of the program are a common understanding of the deep, essential and significant contribution to the creation of the form, principles and content of the work. And the main purpose of a piece of music is to understand the composer’s intention and musical idea of both the performer and the one for whom he reveals the beauty of the play “Music”, which is simply an example of the possibility of improvisation. Listening to music performed by an outstanding Ukrainian violinist, you really feel the master, Ukrainian “music”, a real Ukrainian. Understanding the work has recently become a hot topic for research. It is the psychological and emotional possibilities of human qualities that are studied by a fairly new concept of scientific musicology, musical hermeneutics. The combination of the outstanding violinist Anatoly Ivanovich Bazhenov and the talent of expressing his thoughts on the musical palette of the Ukrainian composer of our time Ivan Fedorovych Karabits carries the beauty and pride of Ukraine, especially in a difficult time for our country, when there is a war. Such music and performances raise the national spirit and the desire to win.
musical hermeneutics virtuosity understanding of musical concept Karabits I.F. Bazhenov A.I. folk music Ukrainian identity
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