Spis treści
- Year of publication: 2023
- Source: Show
- Pages: 5-7
- DOI Address: -
- PDF: pomi/11/pomi11toc.pdf
Nonverbal first impressions and president Volodymyr Zelensky’s war-time communication
Nonverbal communication influences credibility, character and personality, and motivation assessments, and it inspires trust and attitudes toward the speaker. Considering automatic processing and its dominance over the contents, nonverbal communication becomes more relevant in the initial communication phase, informing judgments based on first impressions. The paper presents a study on nonverbal signaling in two addresses delivered by President Volodymyr Zelensky on February 24, 2022. It applies FaceReader 9, the automated coding system based on the Facial Action Coding System, and discusses results for emotional variables in the complete speeches and their initial 15 seconds (relevant to the first impressions effect). Moreover, the paper analyzes other nonverbal signals, including appearance, surroundings, gestures, and body movements, which might influence the reception of Zelensky’s emotional performance. The comparison of morning and evening addresses identified critical differences between speeches, and it delivers insights into the effectiveness of Zelensky’s branding as the empathetic citizen-soldier and the spokesperson for the nation’s interest.
sadness emotional expressions dyskomfort smutek gniew ekspresje emocjonalne komunikacja niewerbalna nonverbal communication pain anger
The Carpathian Euroregion as an example of crossborder cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe
Cross-border cooperation in Europe began in the 1950s. In Poland, the first Euroregions began to emerge in the early 1990s after the socio-political changes in Central and Eastern Europe. The Carpathian Euroregion, which was established in 1993, was the second Euroregion in Poland and the first in Slovakia and Ukraine. Its creation caused concerns among politicians, mainly at the central level. The reasons for these fears were ignorance of the rules of cross-border cooperation and the political situation - countries in this region were reforming and consolidating and some politicians were afraid of blurring of borders and sovereignty. The Carpathian Euroregion is a diverse region in terms of politics, ethnicity, culture and religion. It consists of the border areas of five countries. Despite political, economic and legal obstacles, local authorities have agreed on forms of cooperation and are implementing projects for the benefit of the region’s cross-border community.
Carpathian Euroregion Euroregion Karpacki współpraca transgraniczna euroregiony Euroregions cross-border cooperation
The diversity of economic-financial instruments for environmental protection requires that they be systematized according to certain common criteria, whether they belong to the fiscal, commercial or customs field, or whether they are applied by various categories of subjects or are provided for in the content of one and the same legislative act . The present article comes with a distinct systematization, gives a consecutiveness that also ensures an efficiency in interpretation, understanding and application by the responsible environmental authorities, but also by those that carry out the control of economic activity.
klasyfikacja instrumenty ekonomiczno-finansowe zanieczyszczenie economic-financial instruments liability classification sankcja sanction środowisko pollution odpowiedzialność environment
We live in a world full of events, changes that occur at an unimaginable speed, often catching us off guard. Life is full of circumstances over which we cannot directly act. There’s nothing to be done; they exist. What we can do, however, is to be cautious and preventive. Insurance arose from the need to protect individuals and their accumulated property against the destructive forces of nature, accidents, and illnesses, as well as the need to establish means of livelihood in the event of loss or reduction of working capacity due to accidents, illnesses, or reaching a certain age. Humans must adapt to the constantly changing and evolving conditions, better protect their assets, and adjust their aspirations to new possibilities.
polisa ubezpieczeniowa składka ubezpieczeniowa ryzyko ubezpieczeniowe ubezpieczyciel osoba ubezpieczona ubezpieczenie insurance policy insurance premium insured event insured risk insurer insured person insurance
Ukrainians at the Central Cemetery in Szczecin
The aim of the text is to reflect on the importance of burials and remembrance of the dead in preserving the national identity of Szczecin’s Ukrainians. The author believes that the cemetery is a place where social and political dependencies related to the ethnic sphere can be observed. The writer’s interests focus on the role of social memory and ethnic moblization.
mniejszość ukraińska Ukrainian minority cmentarz tożsamość narodowa cemetery national identity
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