Systemic model of the formation of the image of a teacher of higher education
- Institution: Dniprovsky Humanitarian University
- Year of publication: 2022
- Source: Show
- Pages: 41-47
- DOI Address:
- PDF: pomi/05/pomi504.pdf
Modeling the image of a teacher of higher education is an integral part of the development of modern pedagogical imageology, which is being formed as an interdisciplinary direction. In our study, we analyzed the modern scientific experience devoted to the study of the image of a teacher of higher education. This made it possible to determine the current state of the views of researchers who worked in this direction. The purpose of the article is to highlight the results of research on the content and structure of the image of a teacher of higher education. Summarizing the views of different authors, we formed a general idea of the content of the category of the image of a teacher of higher education, identified the components of the image of a teacher of higher education, identified general characteristics of the image of a teacher of higher education from different positions, components of the image of a teacher of higher education. This allowed us to define the category of the image of a teacher of higher education and to propose an author’s model of systematic description of the image of a teacher of higher education, which is an attempt to find a connection between the components of the image of a teacher of higher education and the environment in which this image is formed. The general components of this model include: determination of the image of a teacher of higher education (sociopsychological aspect, acmeological aspect, activity aspect); bearer of the image of a teacher of higher education; the context of interaction between the bearer of the image and the recipient of the image of a teacher of higher education; symbolic space formed by the bearer of the image of a teacher of higher education; nature of interaction (subject-subject interaction / subject-object interaction); process, forms, types, means of communication; recipient of the image of a teacher of higher education determination of obtaining and accepting the image of a teacher of higher education (activity aspect, acmeological aspect, socio-psychological aspect). Author’s definitions of these categories are given.
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image structure of the image of a teacher of higher education systemic model image modeling of a teacher of higher education the image of a teacher of higher education image modeling image