Psychological features of innovative management styles of managers of educational organizations, selected by the criterion “Teamwork in the organization”
- Institution: Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University
- Year of publication: 2022
- Source: Show
- Pages: 49-54
- DOI Address:
- PDF: pomi/05/pomi505.pdf
The analysis of scientific approaches to understanding the psychological characteris-tics of the role of the management team is important in the context of ensuring the organizational development of educational institutions. The transformational changes taking place in education today require the introduction of new approaches to the process of managing educational organizations. The practical solution to the problem of forming management teams in educational organizations involves determining and understanding the importance of systematic psychological training of education managers to form professional management teams. The article reveals the psychological features of innovative management styles in managers of educational organizations, selected by the criterion of «Teamwork in the organization». Іt is especially important in educational organizations to form not only a teaching staff, but a team where teachers set an example not by words but by their own actions: teach them to be leaders, develop their various social competencies, and most importantly – teach by personal example. Аllowed us to identify innovative management styles in managers of educational organizations, which are selected by the criteria of «Teamwork in the organization» and provide the following skills: orientation of managers of educational organizations on teamwork based on clearly defined roles, willingness to internally accept organizational goals and objectives; to organize joint activities to address management issues, willingness and skills of constructive communication, dialogue and interaction with different categories of people. Іdentified traditional («fear of poverty», «authority – conquest», «rest home») and innovative («organization», «team») management styles in managers of educational organizations on the indicator «of orientation of managers to teamwork». Highlights the main reasons for managers to avoid team building. Increasing the attention of psychologists to the problem of psychological preparation of managers of educational organizations.
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innovative management style team formation Еducational institutions managers leadership