
      The Constitutional Law Review (Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego - PPK, ISSN 2082-1212) is a leading peer-reviewed scientific Polish journal on constitutional law and political systems, published since 2010. It serves as a forum for academic scholars and professionals. The PPK aims to present the latest texts on constitutional law, constitutional issues and political systems, as well as to promote current work of Polish constitutional law and political systems.
      The PPK is open for Polish and international authors – we welcome all contributions relevant to constitutional law and political systems. It also encourages authors to submit papers based on innovative approaches, and interdisciplinary research constitutional and political processes.
      The publication is free of charge. The journal does not have editorial charges or printing fees. The journal does not provide for salaries for authors and reviewers.

Copyright & Permission Guidelines
      The Constitutional Law Review (Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego) agrees to post the accepted and the published paper on author's websites, websites of author's department or faculty, repositories of author's institutions and subject repositories (such as without any restrictions. The PPK agrees to use the published paper for author's teaching needs, to non-commercial supply to academic colleagues and to use it in author's books after publication in the journal. Other forms of the use of the accepted and the published paper require permission from the publisher.
      When posting or using the article, please give the full citation, provide a link to the PPK website and add the appropriate DOI number.

The journal is fully published in Open Access under license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.

The editors of the scientific journal The Constitutional Law Review (Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego) adopted the principles of publishing ethics in accordance with the guidelines of COPE - the Committee for Publishing Ethics and applies them fully from 2017. The ethical standards of the journal and anti-plagiarism policy of the Editors are explained on the website of the title, while the authors are obliged in a statement to confirm that their work meets the accepted standards of publication ethics.

Competition " Constitutional Law Review"
      The editorial team of the Constitutional Law Review has been organizing the "Best Master's thesis in the field of constitutional law and political systems" since 2011.
      We hope that both the contest and the prize, which is the publication of the most interesting fragments of the awarded work, preceded by editorial and substantive cooperation with members of our Editorial Board and editing help from the Adam Marszałek Publishing House, will interest the leading MA seminars and help motivate seminarians for their own research and creative work , which may result in the publication of selected fragments of work jointly with the Editors, and constitute the beginning of further scientific work and publication.
      We hope that thanks to our competition, the winners will have the opportunity to learn about the great satisfaction of publishing the results of their work.

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