Texts for publication in PPK should be submitted via the Editorial system, available on the website: or on the journal’s website:
Formal requirements:
Texts should be prepared in electronic form - preferably MS Word *, AmiPro *, WordPerfect.
It is necessary to provide:
- address for correspondence in order to send the author's copy
- information about the author:
- academic degree / title,
- affiliation,
- e-mail address.
Furthermore the article should consist of:
- an abstract (up to 500 characters) (both in Polish and English) – indicating the objectives, methods of analysis and the main findings in a concise and clear way, exposing the added value for the undertaken issues,
- title in Polish,,
- keywords (both in Polish and English),
- list of literature used in text.
- Article, research report or communicate should have up to 20 000 characters, including main text, tables, diagrams and footnotes.
- Review, glossaries, opinion should have up to 10 000 characters;
- report and note up to 8 000 characters.
The editors of “Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego” (Review of Constitutional Law) do not return unsolicited texts and reserves the right to edit and shorten them.
The editors of PPK do not publish texts in parts.
The editors of PPK do not accept the next text of the same author until the publication procedure of the previously submitted text of the same author is completed. The publication of the text in the journal is considered the end of the publication procedure.
When selecting texts for publication, the editors of PPK follow the order in which the texts are submitted, while maintaining the priority of publishing texts on particularly important issues in the field of constitutional law and political systems.
Format of bibliography (op.cit.; ibidem):
- book: W. Brzozowski, A. Krzywoń, M. Wiącek, Prawa człowieka, Warszawa 2021, s. 234.
- an article in a collective work: P. Lewicki, Konstytucja rozproszona, [w:] Filozofia prawa. Normy i fakty, red. J. Hołówka, B. Dziobkowski, Warszawa 2020, s. 43.
- an article in a journal: R. Małajny, Legitymacja sądownictwa konstytucyjnego, „Państwo i Prawo” 2015, nr 10, s. 5-21.
- the internet: R. Zammit, Charles Mangion appointed Opposition Leader (29.09.2022).
- repetition:
- J. Kowalski, op.cit., s. 12 (when only one work of this author is cited in the paper),
- J. Kowalski, Zależności pomiędzy..., s. 23-34 (when more than one work of this author is cited in the paper);
- Legal act: The Act of January 26, 1984 Press Law (Dz.U. No. 5, item 24 with chang.).
The editors of PPK informs that in order to prevent ghostwriting and guest authorship, the proper procedures connected with a ghostwriting firewall system have been implemented. Ghostwriting and guest authorship are a sign of scientific misconduct, and any detected cases will be unmasked, including notifying the appropriate entities (authors’ employers, scientific societies, associations of scientific editors etc.).
Ghostwriting refers to cases when a person significantly contributed to the publication but was not mentioned as a co-author or in the acknowledgements.
Guest authorship is given when an author/co-author contributed little or nothing to the paper.
Moreover, the editors of “Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego” will document all forms of scientific mi-sconduct, especially violations and breaches of scientific ethics.
Therefore, the editors of “Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego” demand that authors should disclose contributions from individual authors in the creation of the publication (including affiliation and con-tribution, i.e. the information about who is the author of the concepts, premises, methods, protocol, etc. used when preparing the publication). Authors also bear responsibility for the submitted publica-tions.