Cultural Security in Shaping the Generation of Civilizational Advancement Within the Universalization of Cultural Transformations. Based on Research Conducted in Samoa

  • Author: Mirosława Jaworowska
  • Institution: Main School of Fire Service
  • ORCID:
  • Published online: 17 December 2021
  • Final submission: 28 November 2021
  • Printed issue: 2021
  • Source: Show
  • Page no: 13
  • Pages: 161-173
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: ppsy/50/ppsy202156.pdf

The Author has demonstrated that Samoan youth is not indifferent to cultural universals, despite attempting to co-create them in the course of a multi-cultural dialogue and globalization processes. The study was founded on research results conducted through local observations and a questionnaire distributed among students of the Faculty of Education at the National University of Samoa in Apia. The research aimed to learn about the opinions, aspirations, attitudes, and value systems of Samoan students as they represent the educated elite of the 21st-century generation. The interviewed approve of contemporary civilizational novelties, as long as those do not harm the traditional culture. The socialization process in the Samoan youth has been occurring on a borderland between upbringing, traditional family-tribal, and the modern state-citizen education in schools and social life. Family and traditional customs are still vivid despite being more open to contemporary civilization and state developments. Although cautious towards novelties that might threaten the Samoan culture, these attitudes may be assessed as a reformatory. Based on the results obtained in Samoa, it is justifiable to state that the process of cultural transformation universalization has been occurring there in many areas of reality.


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universalization system transformation generation of civilizational advancement emancipation generation culture of security culture clash value system cultural transformation

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