The Europeanisation of the Local Self-Government in the South Caucasus
- Institution: Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University (Poland)
- Published online: 20 June 2022
- Final submission: 4 December 2021
- Printed issue: June 2022
- Source: Show
- Page no: 18
- Pages: 30-47
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ppsy/51/ppsy202218_3.pdf
The following paper employs a normative approach and focuses on the problem of the current state of the local self-government in the South Caucasus countries: Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan. Since all these countries are members of the Council of Europe, a reference point for decentralisation is the European Charter of Local Self-Government. The paper's main thesis is that despite showing some similarities, the countries have introduced different models of decentralisation that do not fully meet the Council of Europe’s criteria. Such variation is in line with the different political systems of these states and their level of democratisation. The more democratic the state is, the stronger the decentralisation it has adopted. Thus, decentralisation in Georgia follows the European model of public policy, while Azerbaijan is preserving the former Soviet model of weak self-government, with central authorities playing the leading role in public services. The current changes in Armenia’s model resemble the Georgian track of reforms. The findings of this paper may be applicable both in further theoretical research and in implementing reforms of local self-government in various post-Soviet states.
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