University Participatory Budgets. From Municipalities to Higher Education?
- Institution: Nicolaus Copernicus University (Poland)
- Published online: 20 June 2022
- Final submission: 2 November 2021
- Printed issue: June 2022
- Source: Show
- Page no: 11
- Pages: 48-58
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ppsy/51/ppsy202222_4.pdf
The participatory budget is an important element of the catalogue of tools for involving residents in the local decision-making. The positive effects of involving many citizens in the decision-making process slowly bear fruit in attempts to transfer p.b. into other spheres. This article analyses how these well-known patterns are adapted to new conditions – at universities. Several of them decided to introduce their own participatory budget. A comparative analysis of the local government model and solutions adopted by three universities provides the answer to this question. The hypothesis assumes that the civic budget at universities and polytechnics is, for the most part, a modification of the model used in cities with district status. As shown, the municipal participatory budget is a proven basis for creating its own regulations. However, the available schemes should be modified.
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research institution university municipality participatory budget participation civil society