Chinese Soft Power
- Institution: University of Łódź, (Poland)
- Published online: 31 January 2023
- Final submission: 14 December 2022
- Printed issue: 2023
- Source: Show
- Page no: 15
- Pages: 135-149
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ppsy/52/ppsy202305.pdf
China’s modern power is based on traditional sources: territory size, demographics, economy, and army. An important factor of power is soft power, which is based on culture, foreign policy (including economics), and values. Chinese soft power resources have an old tradition and the possibility of using them is large, and most importantly, in the current international environment, they can use them to gain and maintain an advantage over competitors. The article presents the elements of China’s soft power that determine its advantage over other countries and the weaknesses that may limit its influence. It largely determines the research methods used: statistics and system analysis. The latter method makes it possible to determine the scale of China’s influence and the chances of using them in the 21st century.
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