New Perspectives on the Use of Satellite Information in Contemporary Armed Conflicts and Crisis Management
- Institution: Polish Air Force University (Poland)
- Published online: 31 January 2023
- Final submission: 2 January 2023
- Printed issue: 2023
- Source: Show
- Page no: 10
- Pages: 27-36
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ppsy/52/ppsy202307.pdf
Among current global threats, the risk of developing an emergency requires a comprehensive approach from all entities involved in crisis management. Despite the advanced technologies available to predict each threat, taking appropriate countermeasures is often impossible. Often the best solution is to prepare in advance and act efficiently after the occurrence of a given threat event. It is also crucial to implement the latest methods and solutions that allow for better preparation and response in case of an emergency. This article presents the results of the analysis of the use of modern satellite systems aimed at, among others, improving security in the event of armed conflicts and crises. This perspective is written for two reasons. Foremost is to present the potential of the existing Polish security system, which aims to reduce the risks and minimise the problems of crisis management associated with natural disasters. Secondly, to foster a discussion and create a basis for exchanging information and advances within the countries implementing similar solutions. It is especially crucial in joint actions with neighbouring countries in case of emergencies and disasters in border areas.
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disasters remote sensing disaster preparedness satellite data conflicts crisis management