The Influence of External Factors on the Process of Transformation in Poland. The Case of the Polish Presidential Elections of 1989

  • Author: Ewa Suwara
  • Year of publication: 2006
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 131-139
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: ppsy/35/ppsy2006010.pdf

In the first half of 2001 the US Department of State, following a request from the National Security Archive (a US non-governmental organisation), declassified documents relating to the Round Table negotiations, the presidential elections, the crisis over choice of a prime minister and the creation of government (coalition) in Poland in 1989. Those documents, highly confidential until their release, allow us to look at the most important events in the transformation in Poland from a different perspective, which has not yet been extensively analysed. In essence, they indicate the role of external factors which have influenced the political situation of Poland – the transformation and actual decomposition of communism. They include cables detailing the US embassy’s participation in, and its analysis of the events during Poland’s ‘revolution’.


Presidential Elections polish elections Transformation in Poland

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