The Unhealed Wound of Radical Ukrainian Nationalism: The Russia-Ukraine War from Poland’s Perspective
- Institution: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel)
- Year of publication: 2024
- Source: Show
- Pages: 113-129
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ppsy/53-3/ppsy2024308.pdf
The geopolitical location between Russia and Germany has historically determined Poland’s foreign policy, in which Ukraine has been given a privileged place. Polish policy-makers have perceived Ukrainian independence as the main barrier preventing the restoration of Russian imperial ambitions. Consequently, Poland has been unwavering in its commitment to supporting the Ukrainians in their resistance to the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. This attitude was visible in Poland’s Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki’s 2023 lecture at the University of Heidelberg. Nevertheless, relations between Ukraine and Poland and the current Russia-Ukraine conflict are far more complex than is mainly acknowledged. Behind Poland’s support, there is an unhealed wound of Ukrainian nationalism, which the current government in Ukraine does not want to unknowledge. The Ukrainian nationalist ideas, based on the slogan “Nation above all,” are very different from those of the Poles. Upon proper recognition of the multifaceted causes of war and the situation’s complexity, a cease-fire and a peaceful settlement of the Russia-Ukraine conflict could be achieved.
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Russia-Ukraine conflict political violence Ukrainian Nationalism Euromaidan peace Russia Poland Ukraine