Methodology as an important value of political science research

  • Author: Andrzej Chodubski
  • Institution: University of Gdańsk (Poland)
  • Year of publication: 2010
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 30-44
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: ppsy/39/ppsy2010002.pdf

In reality of getting stronger infl uence of shaping the cultural and civilization mass-media image, human studies are facing new challenges. It is observed that the mass-media are trying to replace some of the sciences, namely the political science. In the practice of cultural life, we can notice the blurring of the borders between mass-media knowledge and actual science. The media commentary of political life is trying to become a research work. The marginalization of the methodology research in the political science leads to deformation of its own science creation. In the scientific recognition of socio-political reality, the methodology is responsible for creating theories, based on defi ning terms, methodological knowledge ordering, explaining and interpreting the knowledge according to particular rules, models, paradigms, etc.


civilization dialogues political science

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