Ethnic diversity or ethnic disintegration for the existence of a contemporary conflict

  • Author: Jarosław J. Piątek
  • Year of publication: 2010
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 292-303
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: ppsy/39/ppsy2010016.pdf

In many analysis of contemporary military conflicts, their ethnicity is emphasized. Ethnic dissimilarities are indicated as the main element which causes diversity leading to even very dramatic events. For some people dissimilarity is a possibility of marginalization, for others a possibility of arousing some values which nowadays are very often treated as secondary. Ethnicity has a changeable character resulting from the process of its settling. It cannot be seen according to the rights characteristic for former processes. To what extend does the category change in the contemporary world? Isn’t it used only in order to hide a lack of communication and reluctance to compromises? Isn’t ethnicity manipulated by polititians, very o! en temporarily understanding interest of people communities, who because of very low reasons oppose symbolism of ethnicity to arising processes of modernization? Or maybe ethnicity is another “magic charm” which we use so easily sitting in a “quiet” of a political stability. The process which can be easily placed in universalism and hardly in rationalism.


contemporary politics Ethnic culture military conflicts

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