Book review: “What kind of information?”, Leon Dyczewski (ed.), Wydawnictwo KUL, Centrum Europejskie Natolin, Lublin–Warszawa 2009

  • Author: Katarzyna Plewka
  • Year of publication: 2010
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 316-319
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: ppsy/39/ppsy2010021.pdf

The publication “What kind of information?” was written a€ er conference at the same title took place in Lublin at 26 of May 2008. It was organized by Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski (Catholic Uniwersity of Lublin). Leon Dyczewski is the editor of this collection of lecture which were delivered during this conferences. This publication tries to answer the question how do we use diff erent kinds of information in media, PR, advertisements and other areas of human activity. Everyday everyone gets a lot of different information, so it is really important to make sure that this information came from safe sources. So we should demand from people who are taking, collecting, transforming and publicizing, a good quality of this product, which the information certainly is.


book review Leon Dyczewski Katarzyna Plewka

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