Comparative Study of Maritime Governance in the Global South – in Search for the Broader Cooperation
- Institution: University of Warsaw (Poland)
- Year of publication: 2024
- Source: Show
- Pages: 141-164
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ppsy/53-4/ppsy2024409.pdf
The article’s primary purpose is to analyse maritime governance in the Global South. The Global South is responsible for the most significant share of living and non-living resources and the vastest part of the world’s seas and oceans. State and non-state actors located in the Southern Hemisphere face similar challenges of unsustainable exploitation of fishery and fossils, growing expansion of the Global North, illicit actions of non-state actors threatening the security of Sea Lines of Communication, and climate change posing existential jeopardy through the rise of sea level. The article attempts to answer the research questions of how the Global South countries differ in their maritime governance approaches, the reasons behind those differences, and what common points can be identified in their actions. The comparative study is applied to find differences and similarities in their search for the most effective model of maritime governance. The basis of the comparative study is not three oceans – Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic, but two continents – Africa and Asia, and their institutional frameworks in significant areas of maritime governance – legal, security, and blue economy. The article claims that existing channels of coordination and several ideas proposed by leaders of the Global South within the United Nations and regional trade and political platforms of cooperation in the 21st century could serve as instruments enabling the implementation of ideas of trans-continental cooperation and oceanic corridors.
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