Governance as a Framework for Global Deliberative Institutions. A Case Study of the BRICS and Emerging Global South
- Institution: University of Gdańsk (Poland)
- Year of publication: 2024
- Source: Show
- Pages: 179-189
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ppsy/53-4/ppsy2024411.pdf
This article aims to analyse governance as a framework for decision-making, a limes of rationality in terms of broadband deliberation and a bedrock for the rise and transformation of the Global South. Governance will be approached broadly – more as the conceptualisation and framing of political solutions – than narrowly conceived political steering focused on state power and reminiscent of control. The article will provide an opportunity to discuss the characteristics of governance in the public sphere and gain insight into deliberation as a central institution within the governance framework. It will also introduce a discussion about continuity and change in global governance from the standpoint of the emerging Global South capable of building countervailing, deliberative institutions of global governance (the BRICS) that explicitly distanced non-Western states from incumbent powers as well as accentuated change and continuity in global governance from the solidarity-based initiative around the ‘Bandung spirit’.
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Informal Intergovernmental Institution G7 Global South BRICS deliberation