Perspectives for the Treaty Closing the Korean War
- Institution: Independent Researcher (Poland)
- Institution: Independent Researcher (Poland)
- Year of publication: 2012
- Source: Show
- Pages: 272-286
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ppsy/41/ppsy2012012.pdf
The Korean Peninsula has a strategic place in East Asia. According to Korean historic sources the early beginnings of Korean statehood can be traced back many centuries before Christ. Korean history, when considering some events, has some similarities to the history of Poland. Very often Koreans, during the official meetings compare their historic struggles with ours, for example times of partitions and fi ghting against numerous occupying powers. In the past due to its geographic location, Korea had to continuously withstand the expansion of its neighbours, especially China and Japan. Particularly painful was the period of fighting against the Japanese invader at the beginning of 20th century, when after the annexation of Korea, the Japanese were imposing the policy of assimilation and were trying to completely colonize this country. It has unleashed very strong nationalist sentiments within the Korean nation.
Korean armistice East Asia politics korean war region of East Asia