Book Review: Poland's Security: Contemporary Domestic and International Issues, eds. Sebastian Wojciechowski, Anna Potyrała, Logos Verlag, Berlin 2013, pp. 225

  • Author: Vera–Karin Brazova
  • Institution: Charles University in Prague (the Czech Republic)
  • Year of publication: 2013
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 340-344
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: ppsy/42/ppsy2013023.pdf

Bringing together distinguished Polish scholars and researchers, the book Poland’s Security: Contemporary Domestic and International Issues presents different aspects of security of present-day Poland. The volume’s primary intent is to “emphasize the complex, multi-faceted, dynamic, and evolutionary nature of the subject, the multiplicity of problems in the area of security, and the diversity of its determinants”. Attention is paid not only to the military (or “hard”) security, but also to other sectors, such as economic, societal or energy security. A specific gap, which the editors set out to cover, is the scarcity of a practical application of theoretical considerations in the respective field.


Anna Potyrała Sebastian Wojciechowski Poland's Security book review

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