The Kyoto Protocol as a Determinant of International Cooperation

  • Author: Herbert Gnaś
  • Institution: Independent Researcher (Poland)
  • Year of publication: 2014
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 251–274
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: ppsy/43/ppsy2014015.pdf

The Kyoto Protocol as the Framework Convention on Climate Change is a milestone in the formation and development of the climate change regime that is aimed at controlling global warming by the international community. But besides that this international agreement also became a factor that created new circumstances and opportunities for international cooperation. These circumstances were created for all the participants of the regime: the states, the non-governmental organizations on behalf of the societies and the business organizations as well as the corporations. The Kyoto Protocol became a catalyst for international cooperation between these international relations’ actors at all stages of its existence: the negotiation process, the ratifi cation of it and its implementation, leading to the establishment of new political, social and especially economic ties.


Clean Development Mechanism Joint Implementation non-governmental organizations international cooperation climate change regime The Kyoto Protocol

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