Intrastate, Regional, and Colonial Contributions to Post-2008 Cultures of Political Violence
- Institution: Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland)
- Year of publication: 2017
- Source: Show
- Pages: 281-293
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ppsy/46-1/ppsy2017118.pdf
After 2008, European governments undertook austerity measures to come out of the global financial crisis. The policies were imposed to reduce the states’ debts and deficits, increase their economic competitiveness, and restore business confidence. Inevitably, the results of their implementation were socially noticeable and triggered the occurrence of new social movements which became a powerful player on a political scene. In some states, the stakeholders of anti-austerity movements used physical political violence while in the other they settled for mental. The article introduces findings of the comparative study on the relationships between patterns of culture of political violence and intrastate, regional, and colonial explaining factors. By applying statistical analysis, it tests empirically Negussay Ayele’s explanatory model of militant culture of political violence for a theory-verification purpose. As a result, it makes a contribution to the structure of explanation encompassing the particular configurations of indicators.
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Eurozone culture of political violence explanatory framework times of austerity anti-austerity movement