Women’s Image in a Polish Magazine: Midrash

  • Author: Bartosz Pietrzyk
  • Institution: Maria Skłodowska–Curie University in Lublin (Poland)
  • Year of publication: 2017
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 256-268
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ppsy2017116
  • PDF: ppsy/46-1/ppsy2017116

Midrash, a Polish social and cultural profile magazine (published since April 1997), is a monthly journal that is a representative of the so-called ‘minor press’. The magazine is connected with the Midrash Library publishing house. Its founder was Konstanty Gebert and the current editor is Piotr Paziński. The articles of Midrash magazine give answers to such questions as: How are women described and treated in modern patriarchal Judaism culture? In what context is it possible to talk about issues connected with women and Zionism. Midrash magazine also deals with a positive interpretation and presentation of women via the multitude of interviews and articles concerning strong, talented, and determined women. Despite their hard lives these women were and are able to create successful careers and wonderful families. Their voices are an important element in discussions that refer to culture, faith, and historical heritage. The image of the woman as presented by Midrash will be confronted with the cultural recognition of the woman in the Jewish community. This article will use quantitative analysis (the linguistic method and literature studies) with help from the qualitative case study research method. 


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Jewish culture woman's media doscourse women's image woman's magazine Jewish women

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