The State of Democracy in Poland and Europe

  • Author: Lech Wałęsa
  • Institution: President of Poland, 1990–1995 & the Noble Peace Prize Laureate in 1983
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 157-165
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: ppsy/45/ppsy2016012.pdf

The exclusive interview with Mr Lech Wałęsa, the legendary leader of “Solidarity” Trade Union, the Noble Peace Prize Laureate in 1983 and the President of Poland from 1990 to 1995, on the state of democracy in Poland and Europe, presents Mr Wałęsa’s perspective on challenges that contemporary political leaders have to face. It discusses four major areas: a historical consideration of Poland’s post-communist transformation, a today’s perspective on democracy in Poland, an evaluation of country’s role in united Europe and a discussion of processes that threaten democracy in Poland and Europe. In the interview, Mr Wałęsa shares his hopes and fears, and he presents main ideas for the new political times. His assessments do not focus only on the today’s state of democracy, but he also tries to consider how the democracy may look like in the future. As a result, the Polish Political Science Yearbook publishes a unique conversation with the legend of the struggle against Communist dictatorships in Europe that shows Mr Wałęsa’s personal remarks on the democracy, the globalised World and modern technologies. 


Authorised Interview by: Dr Patryk Wawrzyński & Dr Adam Marszałek. 
Cooperation: Ms Daria Ostrowska & Professor Joanna Muszkowska–Penson MD.



new technologies global economy Solidarity post–communism transformations democratisation globalisation the European Union

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