Finding Poland’s International Position

  • Author: Aleksander M. Lubojemski
  • Institution: Leiden University (Netherlands)
  • Year of publication: 2019
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 90-102
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: ppsy/48-1/ppsy2019105.pdf

The changing political system of the XXI century has brought many shifts not only in the global balance of power but also in various regional balances scattered across the globe. The rise of national power in countries beforehand classified as small powers or other equivalents has forced to once again place these states in the newly created balances of power. Amongst these states is Poland, whose national power has grown substantially in the last decade. Hence, it is necessary to analyze how Poland compares to other states in the international system, on a global and regional level, and through this evaluate what Poland’s international position is. The article aims at assessing Polish national power and roles in regional initiatives to examine how Poland is placed in the global and regional balance of power.


economic strength militaristic capabilities regional power middle power national power Eastern Europe Poland

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