European Dialogue: Problems, Barriers, Perspectives

  • Author: Katarzyna Dośpiał–Borysiak
  • Institution: University of Łódź (Poland)
  • Author: Alicja Stępień–Kuczyńska
  • Institution: University of Łódź (Poland)
  • Year of publication: 2007
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 7-11
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: ppsy/36/ppsy2007001.pdf

The meaning of dialogue can differ. In a very narrow sense it is defined as a reciprocal conversation between two or more persons. However from scientific point of view it should be first of all understood as an universal value, one of the most important premises for social actions. Dialogue should be than seen either as a form of bilateral or multilateral relations on global or regional scale or as a method of reaching political decisions inside the political system, functioning as a stabilizing factor. A constructive dialogue is constituted by three basic rules: rule of mutual understanding; rule of mutual respect; rule of integrity of each side’s convictions and behavior. Coexistence of these aspects creates practical mechanisms for solving problems of human condition, civilization threats and social and cultural conflicts in a globalized world.


cultural conflicts European Dialogue political system

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