The position of international migrations in political science. Methodological and theoretical conceptions of research development

  • Author: Jacek Knopek
  • Institution: Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (Poland)
  • Year of publication: 2005
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 93-102
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: ppsy/34/ppsy2005009.pdf

One of the characteristic features of modern world are migrations of people. They are caused either by social or economic and political reasons of respective states and regions of the world. Population processes constitute, at present, a global problem. In the consequence of population’s number fast increase and the irregular economic development of the world, they still remain as an actual research question. An universal regularity of present migratory processes is a decrease of birth rate along with improving the life conditions. The highest birth rate can be observed in the poorest countries. Depopulation tendencies occur, in turn, in economically developed countries. Apart from economic factors, the differences in population increase, are also influenced by social and cultural conditions of a certain region, and the evolution of political system and programs of ruling elite. Greatly diverse is also, so called, the “quality” of contemporary migration. It is presented alike by poor, uneducated people and highly educated specialists from diff erent fi elds of social and economic life.


political science international migrations research development

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