The Polish–American Congress, Poland, and the Warsaw Uprising

  • Author: Donald Pienkos
  • Year of publication: 2005
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 153-160
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: ppsy/34/ppsy2005013.pdf

The Warsaw Uprising of August to October 1944 is a most appropriate subject given the impending 60th anniversary observance of this heroic and tragic occurrence. Our panel affords us with the opportunity to discuss and to reflect on this event, which in many ways embodies so much of the larger story of modern Poland. Our discussion occurs also at a time when we recall many other events of 1944, a climactic year in World War II. June 6 marks the 60th anniversary of the successful and massive Allied military invasion of France in Normandy. This victory was the decisive military achievement of the United States of America and its allies against Nazi Germany on the western front.


Polish–American Congress Congress international relations

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