A Vision of the State’s Political System in the Political Thought of the National Party between 1928 and 1939
- Institution: Maria Curie-Skłodowska University
- Year of publication: 2019
- Source: Show
- Pages: 330-344
- DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/ppsy2019209
- PDF: ppsy/48-2/ppsy2019209.pdf
Views of the National Party (1928-1939) merit special attention, given both the Party’s prominent role in the political life of interwar Poland and the interesting combination of various elements derived from diverse ideological trends within the Party’s programme. The ideological legacy of the National Party reflected, to a large extent, the key constituents of the National Democracy’s political thought, such as nationalism, representation of all social classes, national integrity and the concept of the nation-state. The National Party underwent major evolution and was subject to internal divisions which makes the image of its political thought much more complex. Based on an analysis of the National Party’s political thought, several conclusions can be formulated. The National Party developed its own views regarding political systems. These were, to a large extent, determined by their own system of values based on the national idea. The National Party’s political system projections were mainly inspired by (1) the successes of the “new type” states; (2) pressure from totalitarian systems; and (3) the influence of the economic and spiritual crisis. The National Party leaders wanted to make the political system more efficient. Nonetheless, views in favor of directly imitating any foreign political systems could hardly be found in the Party’s political thought. The National Party’s ideologists and journalists invariably stated that there was no pre-defined political system, but its form had to be adjusted to the specificity and unique character of a given national body. Although inspiration was drawn from external political systems, the Party’s political thought did not lose its independence.
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Aneta Dawidowicz
dawidowicz.aneta@gmail.com-professor at the Department of Political Science, Maria CurieSkłodowska University; contact details: Plac Litewski 3, Lublin.
National Party nationalism political thought political system