Alternative diplomacy and the political role of clerical elites: The Roman Catholic Church as an ideological counterforce in interwar Banat

  • Author: Mihai A. Panu
  • Institution: West University
  • Year of publication: 2019
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 347-358
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: ppsy/48-2/ppsy2019210.pdf

In interwar Romania, non-political institutions played a decisive role in the process of containing the expansion of totalitarian ideologies. The two major colliding ideological forces, National Socialism and Communism, rapidly reshaped the European sociopolitical profile after World War I and caused an unprecedented long-term deterioration of various intergovernmental relations. The Banat region was systematically exposed to external ideological factors due to the fact that its heterogeneous ethno-cultural profile allowed a rapid proliferation of political ideas and programs.


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  1. Archivum Dioecesanum Timisoarense, ADT, (Der Ruf: Anonim, Kameraden, Timişoara, Ianuarie 1937).
  2. Das Bundesarchiv: BArch, NS 19/1077 (Andreas Schmidt, Volksgruppenführer der Deutschen Volksgruppe in Rumänien-Differenzen mit dem SD in Rumänien, Verwendung bei Kriegsende in einem Einsatzkommando).
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Mihai A. Panu University, Department of Political Science (Timisoara)

Augustin Pacha Banat NS-ideology diplomacy propaganda catholic church

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