Poland’s Energy Security Strategy
- Institution: Leiden University
- Year of publication: 2019
- Source: Show
- Pages: 489-499
- DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/ppsy2019307
- PDF: ppsy/48-3/ppsy2019307.pdf
Poland, as one of the European countries experiencing the most significant economic growth in recent years, permanently relies on coal power. There are plenty of reasons behind this condition, however, wanting to become one of the European leaders Poland ought to diversify its energy sources and lower the share of those harmful to the natural environment. Some changes have already been implemented, nevertheless the Polish government is mostly reluctant to diminish the role of coal mines. Moreover, the current actions taken to diversify sources of natural gas imports are dependent on Polish foreign policy and international alliances. The author analyzes changes in the Polish energy security strategy in recent years and compares them with provisions established during COP24. The article analyzes the Polish energy market with the share of individual sources and examines the possibility to increase the share of those alternative to coal in the near future.
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renewable energy sources LNG natural gas COP24 coal national energy security Poland