Conceptualizing the Theoretical Category of Neo-militant Democracy: The Case of Hungary

  • Author: Joanna Rak
  • Institution: Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań (Poland)
  • ORCID:
  • Year of publication: 2020
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 61-70
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: ppsy/49-2/ppsy2020204.pdf

The article aims to formulate a theoretical category of neo-militant democracy that applies to study the nature and dynamics of democratic regimes after the 2008 economic crisis. It conducts an empirical test to verify the analytical effectiveness of the redeveloped category. The test takes a form of the case study of the Hungarian political system. Apart from a verification-objective, the research aims to identify and account for the dynamics of the Hungarian regime in terms of the neo-militant democracy principle. The qualitative method of source analysis serves to collect data on the processes of becoming neo-militant democracy. The selection of sources is deliberate and oriented on finding information about the implementation of neo-militant democracy measures in Hungary (2008-2019). The technique of qualitative content analysis applies to identify the nature of these processes. The theoretical tool is the category of neo-militant democracy, which simultaneously undergoes the empirical test. The main argument is that the process of becoming neo-militant democracy took a traditional form since the Hungarian neo-militant democracy principle drew on the traditional means introduced by Loewenstein rather than innovations advanced by the current research


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hybrid regime Karl Loewenstein militant democracy political regime authoritarianism Hungary

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