Media Visibility Index as a Tool for Measuring the Presence of Political Parties in the Media: Case of Polish Parliamentary Election Campaign in 2019
- Institution: Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie (Poland)
- Published online: 30 October 2022
- Final submission: 16 October 2022
- Printed issue: 2023
- Source: Show
- Page no: 12
- Pages: 5-16
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ppsy/51/ppsy202252.pdf
The problem of media visibility of politicians and political parties is at the heart of the interest of political communication researchers. Theoretical reflections and empirical studies focus on numerous media presence determinants. At the same time, attempts to identify the media visibility of political actors in specific periods, such as the particularly important for democracy period of the election campaign preceding the parliamentary election, are relatively rare. This study is intended to fill that gap. It proposes a simple research tool in the form of a media visibility index, which makes it possible to calculate and compare the visibility of electoral committees in selected media during the election campaign. The tool was used to determine the visibility of electoral committees taking part in the 2019 parliamentary elections in Poland in two TV news services “Wiadomości” and “Fakty”, and three weekly opinion magazines “Newsweek”, “Polityka” and “Sieci”. The data to calculate the index was gathered through manual content analysis of the studied media conducted six weeks before the day of the parliamentary elections.
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TV news programmes opinion weeklies parliamentary election campaign media visibility parliamentary elections