Cities in the face of climate change. European good practices and opinions of Polish city dwellers

  • Author: Artur Życki
  • Institution: Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach
  • ORCID:
  • Year of publication: 2023
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 185-206
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: rop/26/rop2612.pdf

Research aim: This paper aims to show the actions that European metropolises are taking to minimise anthropic pressure and to present the attitudes of Polish city dwellers towards climate change. Research problem and methods: The main research problem is to determine to what extent cities, within the possibilities of self-government, can limit, their negative impact on the environment, taking into account the attitudes and opinions of their inhabitants. As research methods, a system analysis, a decision-making analysis, and a behavioural method were used, within which a survey technique was applied. Process of argument: the article presents the process of climate change and its consequences for the state of the environment and the well-being of societies. Actions taken by European metropolises that are forerunners in the implementation of pro-environmental solutions that fit into the vision of the economy and society of the future are presented. This futuristic perspective was juxtaposed with an analysis of the attitudes of the inhabitants of Polish cities. Results of the scientific analysis: The scientific analysis has shown that metropolitan European communities value intangibles, recognising the state of the environment as an integral part of them. Similar attitudes have been noticed among the inhabitants of Polish cities, although they vary depending on the size of the centre. At the same time, environmental awareness is not the same as the willingness to incur costs to protect nature. Conclusions, innovations, and recommendations: Stopping climate change is only possible with the active participation of cities that are forerunners in the implementation of innovative environmental technologies. Polish cities should benefit from the good practices of European environmental leaders, with the participation of citizens in the decisions taken.


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social attitudes climate change good practices cities innovation

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