Gender differentiation and its connection to linguistics
- Institution: Baku Slavic University, Azerbaijan
- Year of publication: 2024
- Source: Show
- Pages: 20-31
- DOI Address:
- PDF: rop/28/rop2802.pdf
According to Wilhelm von Humboldt, the founder of the philosophy of language, the formation of objects and concepts in our minds, as well as everything we receive from the outside, is achieved through language. Our understanding of the world is possible through the use of culture and language. That is, if there were no language, there would be no intelligence. Because of the culture and intelligence, we acquire through language, each person exists as a reflection of the prevailing worldview. Each stage of cultural development is connected and comprehended through language. Language is not a tool for describing the known, but a tool for discovering the unknown. The true power of language lies in its constructiveness.
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