Unemployment among the Youth – the Most Crucial Challenge in the Social Policy of the European Union
- Institution: University of Szczecin
- Year of publication: 2013
- Source: Show
- Pages: 258-274
- DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/rop201316
- PDF: rop/2013/rop201316.pdf
Now, unemployment among young generation of the Europeans is one of the most crucial problems in the policy of European Union and of the Member States. The economic crisis caused social exclusion of the significant part of the youth who after graduation augments number of the unemployed. Young generation shows less interest in running own business. Fear of bankruptcy forcibly decreases economic activity. European Union for few years has been undertaking measures aiming at coordination of the systems combating unemployment in the Member States. In the same time, it has been developing programs supporting actions undertaken in various states in the field of creating jobs, vocational trainings and probations addressed to the youth. Lowering unemployment rate among the youth is one of the priorities of the strategy Europe 2020. European politicians think that unemployment may be decreased based on the active “knowledge triangles” in which education of various levels, employers and business institutions participate and act together. Economic analysts however underline that unemployment among the youth may be decreased only when global economic growth occurs.
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youth unemployment labour market European Union social policy