The Essence and Function of Benefits Satisfying Basic Social Needs of Citizens – Selected Issues in the Context of the Implementation of the National Social Policy

  • Author: Daniel Wacinkiewicz
  • Institution: University of Szczecin
  • Year of publication: 2013
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 299-315
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: rop/2013/rop201318.pdf

State social policy should take into account the subsidiary nature of assistance from public authorities in relation to the activity of the interested parties in their efforts to find and pursue work. Social assistance supports individuals and families in their efforts to meet the necessary needs and enables them to live in conditions which conform to human dignity. This aim is achieved by preventing insurmountable, difficult life situations when an individual in a crisis situation ceases to be self-sufficient. A classified form of this difficult situation is the case of individuals (families) who are on the verge of social exclusion. For it is the category of “social safety” that accommodates those allowances that are directed at individuals (families) being in a particularly difficult situation, and their function is to prevent the deprivation of needs. The group of social safety benefits singled out in this study constitutes a sub-category of social assistance benefits. Providing social safety is implemented with the use of a directory of services of different specifics, roles and functions.


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Human Capital Development Strategy benefits social assistance social safety social policy

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