On revocation of the lawyer’s monopoly through introducing the professional institution of legal advisers

  • Author: Dmytro Riabov
  • Institution: Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3864-4859
  • Year of publication: 2021
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 155-166
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/rop2021309
  • PDF: rop/17/rop1709.pdf

The article studies the legal nature of the introduction of the lawyer’s monopoly in Ukraine. The author notes the introduction of the lawyer’s monopoly in Ukraine had to take four steps. However, at the last stage of the introduction of the lawyer’s monopoly, the legislator amended the procedural codes regulating the course of civil, commercial, and administrative proceedings. With these changes, the legislator expanded the concept “self-representation” by substituting the concept of “representation”. In addition, the legislator brought in a draftto revoke the lawyer’s monopoly which was approved by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine. The scientist states that the relevant strategy of abolishing the lawyer’s monopoly is not a positive phenomenon. The introduction of court representation of citizens, business entities, state bodies, central and local authorities by a professional institute of advocacy is an upside in reforming the Ukrainian legal system. However, according to the author, the profession of a lawyer is primarily aimed at providing defense in criminal proceedings or when bringing to administrative responsibility or considering a case of an administrative offense. At the same time, the scientist marks that the reversion to the previous wording of Article 131-2 of the Constitution of Ukraine is inadmissible since the provision of legal services in Ukraine should be carried out professionally. After analyzing the legislation of the Republic of Poland, the author has concluded that lawyers and legal advisers, who carry out practical legal activities on a professional basis and permits, provide the public with legal aid. However, the only difference between a lawyer and a legal adviser in the Republic of Poland is that the latter cannot provide legal assistance in criminal proceedings, unlike a lawyer. Therefore, to create a professional and competitive market of legal services in Ukraine, the researcher proposes to borrow the experience of the Republic of Poland and introduce a professional institute of legal advisers in Ukraine, as this profession is legally identified in Ukraine.


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representation legal counselor Republic of Poland legal adviser lawyer lawyer’s monopoly

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