American exceptionalism and historical themes in Joe Biden’s selected 2022 speeches on war in Ukraine
- Institution: Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
- Year of publication: 2022
- Source: Show
- Pages: 76-92
- DOI Address:
- PDF: rop/21/rop2105.pdf
“American exceptionalism and historical themes in Joe Biden’s selected 2022 speeches on war in Ukraine” is a study of three 2022 speeches given by the United States of America in context of Russian aggression on Ukraine. An author’s goal is to establish does Joe Biden’s speeches contain any remarks on nationalistic idea of American expectionalism in context of war in Ukraine and what is the correlation between contents of addresses and its audiences. The paper was written to prove that motives and themes such as American expectionalism, Manifest destiny and Pax Americana are present in remarks even if their topic is European Affairs. In terms of relation contents-audience, research was conducted to determine what relations there are and what influence them.
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the United States Ukraine Russia Joe Biden speech American expectionalism nationalism Manifest desitny