Nr 2(10)

Spis treści

  • Author: The Editors
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 3-11
  • DOI Address: -
  • PDF: so/10/so10toc.pdf

Spis treści



Особенности движения интеллектуального капитала в рыночных условиях

  • Author: Айнура А. Кочербаева (Ainura A. Kocherbaeva)
  • Institution: Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University
  • Author: Ныргыля К. Исакова (Nyrgylya K. Isakova)
  • Institution: Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 15-21
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: so/10/so1001.pdf

Features of the movement of the intellectual capital in market conditions

The article examines the nature, types and features of the motion of intellectual capital.

labor kapitał intelektualny intellectual capital rynek pracy praca labor market

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Przyczynek do analizy sprzeczności współczesnych Chin

  • Author: Zbigniew Wiktor
  • Institution: Uczelnia Jana Wyżykowskiego
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 22-58
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: so/10/so1002.pdf

The contribution to the analyse of the contradictions of contemporary China

The main thesis of article is the analyse of the Chinese contradictions on the characteristic and changes of contemporary epoch. PR China started at 2016 to 13. 5-year socio-economic plan in new “normal economy”. The Chinese GDP at 2020 should reach 80 bin yuan, it’s about 18,75 bin US dol. counted in purchase power of yuan. The slower economic growth and world financial crisis influenced on the social and political tensions in China and on the international area. Xi Jinping – leader of CPC declared at July 2016 in Beijing: “Marxism should be fundamental principle and guiding sign. Otherwise the Party can lose it soul and direction in the confrontation to the Chinese socio-economic development at 2016–2020.” Its demonstrated his deep anxiety with reference its future. Other questions of article are the influence of the socialist market economy on the socio-class structure of CPC, the changes of the class character of CPC, the main threats for China and perspective its development.

современная эпоха perspective Chinas development international and internal threats classes in China 13.5-year plan capitalism versus socialism contemporary epoch class contradictions socialist market economy

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Український алфавіт латинськими буквами простий для спілкування сучасними електронними засобами Переведення українського кириличного алфавіту в український латинськими буквами

  • Author: Ігор Марушечко (Ihor Maruszeczko)
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 59-78
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: so/10/so1003.pdf

Ukrainian alphabet with Latin letters is convenient and easy communication tool using modern technologies. Transliteration of Ukrainian Cyrillic alphabet into Ukrainian alphabet with Latin letters

For the last 150 years there were several attempts to write down Ukrainian language with Latin alphabet, including the attempts of adopting several laws that took place after declaration of independence of Ukraine in 1991. But there were not practical and popularize. The main reason is that they haven’t kept the spirit of the Ukrainian language, some Cyrillic letter handed combination of several Latin letters and the same distorted sound (phonetics) of Ukrainian language. But the social processes that take place in Ukraine since the declaration of its independence, i.e. significant emigration of workers that counted in the millions, and also problems with communication with the families that stayed in Ukraine using modern computers and technologies which are equipped only with Latin keyboard without access to Cyrillic alphabet, call for a great need for a creation of the opportunity to use Latin alphabet to record the Ukrainian language, which would retain its nature and was easy to use. This article presents a new version of Latin alphabet for the Ukrainian language. It does not replace the Cyrillic alphabet – but a parallel alternative for it and for all other versions of the alphabet that are used to record the Ukrainian language. This alphabet I called “Ukrainka” in honor of Ukrainian ladies who represent the majority of our emigrants. “Ukrainka” is completely unified alphabet, without any disadvantages from their predecessors. The main idea is in replacing one letter of Cyrillic alphabet to exactly one Latin letter – a transliteration of 1:1, does not break and does not introduce any new rules in Ukrainian spelling and phonetics, thus saving the Ukrainian language. There are other advantages: – no change in letters, regardless of their position in the word; – the word written in the Cyrillic “Ukrainka” always looks the same (the same set of letters) and there are no several options to write the same word; – saved Ukrainian language peculiarity to soften the consonants – saved not only a soft sign but also an apostrophe as a dividing option for separating from certain sounds in the middle of a word; – for the letters Ж, Ч, Ш, it’s used letters that mean the same in other languages with the Latin alphabet, namely Ž, Č, Š, and for Є, Ю, Я, Щ picked up letters graphically similar as the above – Ě, Ŭ, Ă, Ş. The main element of this article is a table of characters, the description justifying their introduction and showing how to use in computers, as well as examples of different tests transliteration.

украинский язык transliteracja problemy z komunikacją emigracja zarobkowa alfabet łaciński cyrylica język ukraiński transliteration “Ukrainka” problems with communication emigration of workers Latin alphabet Cyrillic alphabet Ukrainian language

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Восстание 1916 года: к проблеме историографии и источниковедения

  • Author: Аскар Ч. Какеев (Askar Chokutaevich Kakeyev)
  • Institution: Kyrgyz Academy of Sciences Philosophy Department Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 79-94
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: so/10/so1004.pdf

Uprising of 1916: In the problems of historiography and source studies

The article is about first attempt of a full historiographical representation of the problem of the 1916 uprising.

Seven Rivers the revolt a decree Ju. Abdurachmanowa T. Ryskulov G. Bride А. Kerensky Tokmak siedem rzek urkun powstanie dekret Chiny China

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Внешние и внутренние геополитические предпосылки восстания (бунта) 1916 года

  • Author: Мурат Н. Суюнбаев (Murat Nasirdinovich Suyunbaev)
  • Institution: Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
  • Author: Ильяс М. Суюнбаев (Ilyas Muratovich Suyunbaev)
  • Institution: Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
  • Author: Зайнидин К. Курманов (Zaynidin Karpekovich Kurmanov)
  • Institution: Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University
  • Author: Досмир С. Узбеков (Dosmir Satarovich Uzbekov)
  • Institution: Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 95-102
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: so/10/so1005.pdf

The external and internal geopolitical prerequisites of revolt of 1916

In is article the authors consider geopolitical situation which developed at the time of revolt of 1916 in Central Asia, raising questions of collision of political interests of the Russian and British empires.

revolt of 1916 Turkiestan powstanie z 1916 roku Russian Empire Kirgistan British Empire Imperium Brytyjskie geopolityka Imperium Rosyjskie Kyrgyzstan Turkestan geopolitics

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Роль иностранного фактора в трагических событиях 1916 г.

  • Author: Джамиля С. Маджун (Dzhamilya Suleymanovna Madzhun)
  • Institution: Historical Sciences dunganovedeniye and sinology Center NAN KR Bishkek
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 103-112
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: so/10/so1006.pdf

The role of foreign factor in the tragic events of 1916

In the early periods of the twentieth century a number of nations have strengthened the struggle for the redistribution of their states and to push out Russia from Central Asia, all this was used as a means by the organization of the uprising of the Muslim population.

Turkish protectorate Chinese anarchists German agents uprising in 1916 turecki protektorat chińscy anarchiści niemieccy agenci opium Dungan powstanie z 1916 roku Rosja Russia

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Промежуточная перепись населения 1916 года (между двух переписей: первой всероссийской 1897 г. и первой всесоюзной 1926 г.)

  • Author: Виктория В. Плоских (Viktoria Vasilevna Ploskikh)
  • Institution: Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 113-122
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: so/10/so1007.pdf

Intermediate population census of 1916 (Between two censuses: The first all-Russian 1897 and the first all-union 1926)

The Author presents a review and correlations of data on the population of the Kyrgyz ethnos based on the population censuses in 1897, 1916, 1926.

kyrgyz ethnos population size demographic censuses etnos kirgiski wielkość populacji spisy demograficzne

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В эпицентре восстания

  • Author: Джениш Д. Джунушалиев (Dzhenish Dzhunushalievich Dzhunushaliev)
  • Institution: Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 123-132
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: so/10/so1008.pdf

In the revolts epicentre

The Author presents the main reasons for the revolt of 1916 and the different points of view on these events.

epicenter przyczyny epicentrum powstanie victims ofiary reasons Policy polityka revolt

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Восстание 1916 г. в оценке первых национальных лидеров Казахстана и Кыргызстана 1920–1930-х гг.

  • Author: Булат С. Сарсенбаев (Bulat Sergazievich Sarsenbaev)
  • Institution: Kazakhstan Republic Embassy in the Republic of India and in the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri-Lanka
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 133-145
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: so/10/so1009.pdf

The revolt of 1916 in the assessment of the first national leaders of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan of the 1920–1930s

In the article the assessment of the reasons and nature of revolt of 1916 by the first national leaders of Turkistan T. Ryskulov, Yu. Abdrakhmanov and B. Isakeev are given in the aspect of historiography.

Kyrgyz Kazakhs colonial policy B. Isakeev Yu. Abdrakhmanov Kirgizi Kazachowie polityka kolonialna T. Ryskulov powstanie emigranci immigrants revolt

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Национальный вопрос и уроки восстания 1916 г. в Кыргызстане

  • Author: Аскар Умаркулович Джакишев (Askar Umarkulovich Dzhakishev)
  • Institution: Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 146-159
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: so/10/so1010.pdf

The national question and the lessons of the 1916 uprising in Kyrgyzstan

Actions of the Soviet authorities to assist participants in the 1916 revolt in Kyrgyzstan in the framework of the implementation of the Leninist national policy are considered in the article.

V. Lenin Kyrgyz refugees the revolt in 1916 the national question the colonial policy of tsarism W. Lenin władza radziecka kirgiscy uchodźcy bunt w 1916 roku kwestia narodowa polityka kolonialna caratu Turkiestan Soviet power Turkestan

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Восстание 1916 года в Кыргызстане сквозь призму периодической печати 1991 г.

  • Author: Бедельбаев Аскарбек Бедельбаевич (Askarbek Bedelbaevich Bedelbaev)
  • Institution: Zh. Balasagyn Kyrgyz National University
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 160-169
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: so/10/so1011.pdf

Revolt of 1916 in Kyrgyzstan through a prism of periodicals of 1991

A brief review of publications devoted to the 75 anniversary of revolt of 1916 in Kyrgyzstan is provided.

powstanie 1916 rok Kirgistan publikacje revolt of 1916 Kyrgyzstan publications

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Report from International Conference “Region – Community – Citizen. The Functioning of Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe”, International Centre of East European Research, Łódź, October 27–28, 2016

  • Author: Agata Włodarska-Frykowska
  • Institution: University of Łódź
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 170-172
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: so/10/so1012.pdf

Report from International Conference “Region – Community – Citizen. The Functioning of Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe”, International Centre of East European Research, Łódź, October 27–28, 2016

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Indygenizacja chińskiej socjologii w XX wieku [Indigenization of Chinese sociology in the 20th century], ed. Zheng Hangsheng, Wang Wanjun, Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, Toruń 2011, pp. 259

  • Author: Hu Hongbao
  • Institution: Renmin University of China
  • Author: Yang Chunyu
  • Institution: Renmin University of China
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 178-185
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: so/10/so1014.pdf

Indigenization of Chinese sociology in the 20th century, ed. Zheng Hangsheng, Wang Wanjun

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Armenia i Górski Karabach w procesach transformacji społecznej i politycznej, red. Rafał Czachor, Fundacja Instytut Polsko-Rosyjski, Wrocław 2014, ss. 182

  • Author: Paweł Nieczuja-Ostrowski
  • Institution: Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 187-192
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: so/10/so1016.pdf

Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh in the processes of social and political transformation, ed. Rafał Czachor

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Informacje dla autorów

  • Author: The Editors
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 200-203
  • DOI Address: -
  • PDF: so/10/so10auth.pdf

Informations for authors

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