Współczesne przejawy neonazizmu i neofaszyzmu w Polsce
- Institution: studentka politologii Uniwersytetu Kazimierza Wielkiego
- Year of publication: 2010
- Source: Show
- Pages: 172-190
- DOI Address:
- PDF: siip/10/siip1009.pdf
Contemporary manifestations of neo-Nazism and neo-fascism in Poland
This article attempts to answer the question whether neonasizm and neofascism are a serious threat to the modern world, especially for Poland. The author shows some reasons of extremism – right occurring in our country mainly the restrictiveness of constitutional regulations in this matter. We can find in this article the way of groups functioning, technical recruiting new members and methods slogans popularization of these organizations on the basis of Polish National Revival, Lech Bubel’s activity and subculture of skinheads. The most significant neo-Nazis’ and neofascist slogans were quoted in this article so that the author is going to prove that they are widely available and that their authors are unpunished. It also shows some differences between modern extreme movements and our indigenous ones, and emphasized increasing similarity of Polish movements to the foreign ones. Furthermore, the author proves that in the European countries not only the society but also the government become more and more radical. However the article also presents social initiatives of the fight against extreme, such the organization called “Never Again” which promoted three major campaigns : “Music Against Racism”, “ Let’s kick racism out from the stadiums” and “Racism Delete”. The author wants to show the scale of the problem that is the expansion of neo-Nazis’ and neofascist groups. She stresses the need to break with the passivity against extreme – right in Poland and the need to take action against its activity, both government and citizens.