Myślenie w żywiole wolności . Józefa Tischnera wizja wolności jako determinanty liberalnej demokracji
- Institution: Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego
- Year of publication: 2009
- Source: Show
- Pages: 11-30
- DOI Address:
- PDF: siip/9/siip901.pdf
Thinking in element of liberty. Józef Tischner’s vision of liberty as determinants of liberal democracy
Retrospective consideration of the Józef Tischner’s political writing permits us to think about him as a philosopher of liberty. He considered this idea as connected with man’s ability and activity in work altering world. The idea of liberty always was a subject of livery discussions. Tischner understood that liberal formulation of liberty is the most important and basic social value. However, philosopher from Cracov perceived that a freedom defined as an opportunity of unembarrassed man acting, it can also be a cause of his dilemmas, problems or fear, particularly during the political system transformation. The Tischner’s Homo sovieticus caused the man nostalgia for power of communism and simultaneous the lack of responsibility for his own life. Liberty turned out with unfortunate gift. Also the representants of Catholic Church hierarchy distrustfully treated the liberal conception of liberty. Józef Tischner criticized these fears, defining his vision of liberty as way of the existence of good. The Tischner’s conception of positive liberty was an answer for a negative liberty presented by classic liberals. Cracovian thinker’s view enrolls in Christian thought, connected with objective norms as well as idea of common good. The good state idea should base on freedom instead of anarchy nor the negation of constitutional values, political orders introduced in man’s life. It is necessary to build the social structures leaning on membership in social community and political structures based on law and idea of liberty.